January 26, 2006
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 
Langevin Announces State of the Union Guest

(Warwick, R.I.) Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) today announce that Laurie White, president of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, will accompany him to the State of Union next week in Washington, D.C.

“As head of the largest business advocacy organization in the state, Laurie is uniquely aware of the challenges facing Rhode Island businesses and residents,” said Langevin. “We share the belief that the best way to solve problems is by bringing people together to find common-sense solutions, and I look forward to hearing her perspective on the President’s proposed agenda.”

White became the Chamber president in October 2005 and has set goals for the chamber that include improving the entry-level skills of the workforce, retaining educated young professionals and lowering the cost of health care.

“What a tremendous honor it is for me to be Congressman Langevin’s State of the Union guest,” said White. “I'm gratified by the recognition that this invitation puts on the local businesses community, which is the backbone of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce and more importantly, the Rhode Island economy.”

During the announcement, Langevin also offered thoughts on what he hopes to hear from President George W. Bush during Tuesday’s address with regard to health care reform, the economy, education, homeland security and national security.

Health care reform:

“From my conversations with Rhode Island residents and business owners, I know that people are demanding action on health care. This problem can be solved, but only with the participation and dedication of elected officials at all levels of government, businesses, and individuals. I have developed a comprehensive plan to provide coverage all Americans, and I have been encouraged by the support of business owners, health care advocates, and my colleagues of both parties in Congress. It is my sincere hope that the President addresses the urgent issue of the uninsured in Tuesday's address.”


“If we wish to return to an economic boom like the one we experienced in the 1990s, the government must create an environment that stimulates new job growth and investment to prepare us for the future. For instance, I support making permanent the research and experimentation tax credit, which expired at the end of 2005. I hope the President makes it a top priority to reinstate and permanently extend the R&E credit, which provides an incentive for companies to innovate and invest in new technologies.

“In addition, the President must show his support for federal programs that provide small businesses with enhanced access to resources and funds. For instance, the President eliminated funding for the Small Business Administration’s 7(a) loan program, which has increased costs for small businesses looking to grow and create jobs. I hope the President reverses this trend and joins me in expressing support for the important programs that small businesses need to succeed.”

Education and training:

“With new technologies constantly emerging and the global marketplace rapidly expanding, it is vital that our businesses and workers remain competitive. In addition to building a strong public education system, we must ensure that all young adults, regardless of their background, have access to higher education. As college costs have increased dramatically over the past 30 years, federal aid programs have not kept up. In 1975, the maximum Pell grant covered 84 percent of the tuition at a four-year public institution. Today, it covers approximately 40 percent, which places a larger burden on Rhode Island’s working families. When the President puts forth his budget proposal for the coming year, I hope that it reflects a commitment to Pell Grants and other financial aid programs.”


“The key to combating high energy costs is for us to come together to find common-sense solutions. I have said for years that our nation needs a comprehensive energy strategy that includes the development of clean and renewable energy sources, as well as new initiatives to encourage conservation and energy efficiency. Unfortunately, the energy bill passed last year falsely believed that we could dig or drill our way to energy independence. Now, while energy companies pull in record profits, our consumers are paying the price. High energy costs endanger our economy and harm our businesses, and I hope the President recognizes the need for a new approach to bring real relief to Americans.”

Medicare prescription drug bill:

“The President must also propose a way to fix problems in the Medicare prescription drug bill. Instead of trying to establish a comprehensive and forward-thinking plan, a divided Congress passed a controversial proposal that has not met the needs of our nation’s seniors. In recent weeks, we have seen the problems with this approach. Seniors have struggled with the complicated enrollment process, and our poorest and most vulnerable citizens are unable to gain access to life-saving medication. We must put aside our differences and work together – Democrats and Republicans, government and private businesses – to find common ground and solutions so that we can give our seniors the affordable prescription drugs they have been promised.”

“Our nation faces many challenges, but the United States has always succeeded when we pull together and work toward the common good,” concluded Langevin. “I am confident that together, we can find solutions to our health care crisis and high energy costs. We can improve our education system and make our businesses more competitive to succeed at home and overseas. We can develop a comprehensive national security strategy to confront the dangers of terrorism, bring stability to Iraq and the Middle East, and enhance our homeland security to make Americans safer. These are the ideas Rhode Islanders want from their elected officials, and these are the proposals I hope to hear from the President next week.”


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