August 3, 2005
Contact:  Joy Fox
(401) 732-9400 

Trip comes just days before disengagement begins


(Warwick, R.I.)–Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) is scheduled to travel to Israel next week as part of a 13-member congressional delegation led by Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the House Minority Whip. The trip, Langevin’s second to the region, will help him learn more about Israel’s experience in fighting terrorism and the status of important Israeli economic and political trends.

“Since my last fact-finding trip to Israel, so much has changed on the geopolitical landscape,” said Langevin. “Prime Minister Sharon is poised to implement an historic withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the West Bank. And Arafat has passed has away, leaving Mahmoud Abbas to lead the Palestinians to peace.”

As a member of the Homeland Security Committee, Langevin is also expecting to learn more about Israel’s terrorism fighting techniques. Jerusalem has suffered 34 deadly suicide attacks, killing 180 people, since September 2000.

“We can learn from Israel’s experience and expertise in dealing with terrorists,” continued Langevin. “I am looking for opportunities that would be of value to our local law enforcement agencies and bringing back the best lessons to make America safer.”

Langevin will also participate in several high-level meetings with a wide variety of leaders – Israeli, Palestinian, secular, religious, government and opposition as well as experts in the peace process, US-Israeli defense cooperation and Israel’s economy.

The American Israel Education Foundation is sponsoring the trip. AIEF sponsors, among other things, education programs such as trips to Israel for community leaders and elected officials, seminars on Middle East issues at universities across the country, and other projects that help to educate the general public about US-Israeli relations.


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