June 23, 2004
Contact:  Michael K. Guilfoyle
(401) 732-9400 

RI Congressman Leading Renewed Effort on Capitol Hill to Allow Research,
Provide Hope for Millions Suffering From Chronic Diseases


(Washington, D.C.)–At a press conference in Washington, D.C., today, Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) joined with his colleagues in introducing legislation to provide federal funding for research that could lead to significant advances in the treatment of diseases and chronic conditions and offer hope for millions of ailing Americans.

 The bi-partisan Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, authored by Congressman Mike Castle (R-DE) and Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO), directs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to fund stem cell research on stem cell lines derived after August 9, 2001.  Under the bill, only those excess embryonic stem cells derived from in vitro fertilization and slated for destruction could be used for research, with government oversight to ensure ethical research procedures.

 “My support for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act is a call to remove barriers to the development of life-saving cures,” said Congressman Langevin.  “This legislation permits common sense research on embryonic stem cells that would otherwise be discarded.  This research holds tremendous potential to improve the lives of millions of Americans who suffer from Alzheimer’s, childhood diabetes, cancer, Parkinson’s and even spinal cord injuries.”

At the age of 16, Langevin was injured in an accidental shooting and has been paralyzed ever since.  His experiences have left him with a unique perspective on life, on research, and on public service.  Coming so close to losing his own life was a stark reminder of how precious a gift life is, and led to his support of the pro-life position.  

“As a pro-life Member, I am committed to fighting for a culture that values and protects life, from its beginning to its end.  To me, support for embryonic stem cell research is entirely consistent with that position,” added Langevin.    “The research called for in our legislation will utilize excess frozen embryos that otherwise would be discarded.  Nothing is more life-affirming than using what otherwise would be disposed of to save, extend and improve countless lives.”


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