April 16, 2001
Contact:  Michael K. Guilfoyle
(401) 732-9400 

Elected Officials and Advocates to Discuss Potential Short and Long-Term 
Solutions to Growing Concerns 

(WARWICK, R.I.)-Congressman Jim Langevin and Lt. Gov. Charles Fogarty today announced that they will convene a special forum to discuss the recent financial struggles of Rhode Island nursing homes this Thursday, April 19, at 10:00 a.m. in Langevin’s District Office.  

 Representatives from the federal Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and the Rhode Island Department of Health, as well as long-term care advocates and nursing home executives have been invited to discuss the present problems in detail and to propose potential short- and long-term solutions.

 “Nursing homes provide a safe and healthy place for older Rhode Islanders to reside,” said Congressman Langevin, a member of the Older Americans Caucus.  “I have great concerns regarding the news that local nursing homes are facing financial hardship, and we must explore solutions to this growing problem now.”

 “Rhode Island nursing homes are in dire need of additional funding to operate effectively and safely,” said Lt. Gov. Fogarty.  “By examining the problem with industry and government officials, it is my hope that we can find a solution to this problem before additional facilities are forced into bankruptcy.”

Langevin and Fogarty have confirmed the following advocates and government representatives participation in the forum:  Roberta Hawkins, Alliance for Better Long-Term Care; Angelo Rotella, nursing home owner; Sheila Cabral Souza, Executive Director, Rhode Island Association of Facilities & Services for the Aging; Al Santos, Executive Vice President, Rhode Island Health Care Association; and Ron Preston, HCFA Associate Regional Administrator.
 Additional attendees will be announced as their participation is confirmed.


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