April 9, 2001
Contact:  Michael K. Guilfoyle
(401) 732-9400 


(WARWICK, R.I.)-Congressman Jim Langevin hosted a town meeting tonight on the state of health care in Rhode Island entitled: “Quality Health Care: Right or Privilege” at the Cranston Senior Center.  Langevin also held true to his commitment to  providing affordable prescription drugs and announced his support for a bill that would drive down costs for Medicare recipients.

 “I heard more from Rhode Islanders about health care than any other single issue,” said Congressman Jim Langevin.  “Health care is the single most important issue affecting Rhode Island ' s working families, and I will be advocating for increased  improvements to health care in Washington, D.C.  My co-sponsorship of a bill that would drive down consumer costs for prescription drugs is one of many steps I will be taking to improve health care here in Rhode Island.”

 Approximately 200,000 seniors lack prescription drug coverage in Rhode Island.  In 1999, prescription drugs accounted for almost 10 percent of individual health care spending.  It is estimated that by 2010, prescription drugs’ share of individual health spending will be 16 cents for every dollar spent.

 To help curb this trend, Congressman Langevin has joined with over 100 of his colleagues and co-sponsored the Prescription Drug Fairness for Seniors Act of 2001.  This bill would require drug companies to sell prescription drugs to U.S. pharmacies that serve Medicare beneficiaries for the same price these drugs are sold in other developed countries.

 “Affordable prescription drugs should be a basic right for all Americans suffering from ailments,” added Langevin.  “The bottom line should be quality of life, not profit margins.  Too often older Americans are forced to choose between taking life - saving medications and paying the rent or buying food.”

 Langevin made his support for the prescription drug bill public at a town meeting he hosted on health care this evening.  During the town meeting, topics such as HMO reform, access to quality, affordable health care and nursing shortages were of  significant concern among  the attendees.  Langevin hosted the meeting to hear directly from his constituents on an issue that he will be pursuing in the coming months.

 While Rhode Island has made great strides in providing health care coverage to needy families, there are many who still lack affordable coverage.  Langevin will be working with his colleagues in Washington on a number of proposals to bolster the quality of health care available to all Rhode Islanders. 

 The following panelists joined Langevin as they provided additional insight to the problems and potential solutions to the health care problems in Rhode Island:   

 Eric Cahow, Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island; Ed Quinlan, Rhode Island Hospital Association; William Beaulie, College of Pharmacy at the University of Rhode Island; Dr. Scott Hanson, South County Walk-In and primary Care; Dr. Anthony Cirillo, Memorial Hospital; Sidney Goldman, Greylawn Foods; Rich LeClerc, Gateway Health; Donna Goldman, Rhode Island Department of Health; Jeff Newell, CVS; and Ray Brown, Blue Cross.


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