May 31, 2001
Contact:  Michael K. Guilfoyle
(401) 732-9400 

Amtrak Program Targeted to Warn Young Rhode Islanders About the
 Dangers of Playing On or Near Railroad Tracks

(PROVIDENCE, R.I.)-Congressmen Jim Langevin and Patrick Kennedy and Amtrak today announced that they will kick off a rail safety program, Monday morning, June 4, at 9:15 a.m. at the Providence Train Station just in time for school vacation.

 Immediately following the kick-off announcement, and overview of the safety program, representatives from Amtrak will visit local schools to educate young Rhode Islanders about the dangers of playing near rail-road tracks.

 “As the summer months quickly approach, more and more young Rhode Islanders will be venturing out into their neighborhoods, some of which straddle rail tracks,” said Congressman Langevin.  “This program will teach kids about the dangers of playing on or near railroad tracks and keep our children free from harm this summer.  For their safety, young Rhode Islanders must understand that rail tracks are not playgrounds.”

 "It's the absolutely perfect time of year for Amtrak to launch such a great program,” said Congressman Kennedy.  “With the increased traffic on the rails, and so many kids who like to play around the tracks, Amtrak's doing a great service to families who could have a tragedy on their hands if an accident did occur.  Let's hope that this summer, Rhode Island is spared any accidents.  I congratulate Amtrak for their foresight and commitment to this effective program."

 "Railroad safety is a community issue and Amtrak is committed to its role as a significant partner," said Chief Ron Frazier, esquire, Chief of Amtrak Police.  "Throughout the Northeast Corridor, Amtrak has joined community organizations and schools to alter persistent public perceptions that it's o.k. to cross railroad tracks."


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