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 08.21.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #27
After 5.3 million miles and 13 days, Endeavour today landed safely in Florida.
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 08.21.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #26
Endeavour astronauts are beginning a day they hope will see a landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
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 08.20.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #25
Space shuttle Endeavour’s crew spent – weather permitting – their last full day on orbit today getting their ship ready to return home Tuesday with two landing opportunities available at Florida’s Kennedy Space Center at 11:32 a.m. and 1:06 p.m.
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 08.20.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #24
Endeavour astronauts are getting ready to come home.
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 08.19.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #23
After nearly nine days of operations docked to the International Space Station, space shuttle Endeavour undocked from the orbiting complex at 6:56 a.m.
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 08.19.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #22
Endeavour is scheduled to undock from the International Space Station today, winding up a successful stay of almost nine days at the orbiting laboratory.
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 08.18.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #21
Two astronauts conducted a five-hour spacewalk today, finishing up the last priorities of Endeavour’s mission, while their crewmates inside prepared for an early undocking, now scheduled for Sunday.
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 08.18.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #20
The fourth spacewalk of Endeavour’s mission to the International Space Station is scheduled to begin at 9:01 a.m. CDT today.
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 08.17.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #19
The Endeavour astronauts and their colleagues on the International Space Station today took time out from supply transfers and spacewalk preparations for a news conference with United States and Canadian reporters.
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 08.17.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #18
After mission managers decided on Thursday that no repair of Endeavour’s heat resistant tiles is necessary, astronauts today will work to prepare for a Saturday spacewalk much like the one initially planned.
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 08.16.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #17
Endeavour’s crew was informed just before bedtime today that mission managers had decided not to call upon them to repair the shuttle’s heat shield.
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 08.16.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #16
Preparations for a possible spacewalk to repair a small ding in Endeavour’s thermal protection system tiles will occupy a considerable part of today for Commander Scott Kelly and Mission Specialists Rick Mastracchio, Dave Williams and Tracy Caldwell.
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 08.15.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #15
Endeavour’s third spacewalk prepared the International Space Station for the next step in solar array deployment and voice communications system upgrades despite an early end called because of a damaged glove.
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 08.15.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #14
The third spacewalk of Endeavour’s visit to the International Space Station will help lay groundwork for relocation of the Port 6 truss, upgrade a station voice communications system and retrieve materials experiments.
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 08.14.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #13
In a first for the International Space Station, astronauts today installed a 7,000-pound storage platform using only the station and shuttle’s robotic arms.
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 08.14.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #12
A third external stowage platform will be installed on the International Space Station today.
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 08.13.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #11
The International Space Station has a new control moment gyroscope, which is in the process of being checked out by Mission Control.
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 08.13.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #10
The International Space Station will get a new control moment gyroscope today, courtesy of the space shuttle Endeavour and spacewalking astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Dave Williams.
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 08.12.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #09
With five days of pilfering power from the International Space Station under their belt, mission managers today decided to extend space shuttle Endeavour’s flight from 11 to 14 days.
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 08.12.07 - STS-118 MCC Status Report #08
Space shuttle Endeavour crew members will take a close look at areas of apparent damage to the orbiter’s thermal protection system in a focused inspection today.
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Editor: Jim Wilson
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar
Last Updated: October 22, 2007
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