Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. January 26-27 2009 Executive Council Agenda

    Last Updated: January 23, 2009

    Click on titles to view podcasts of the team overview presentations


    07:30-08:00 Continental Breakfast

    08:00-08:45 Opening remarks / Introductions

    08:45-09:45 Team presentations: 10 minutes each w/5 minute Q/A and transition time (geographically, from east to west)

    09:45-10:15 BREAK

    10:15-11:30 Team presentations: 10 minutes each w/5 minute Q/A and transition time

    11:30-01:00pm LUNCH w/PI in camera session
    01:00-01:15 PI report from in camera session

    01:15-01:45 Mary Voytek, NASA Astrobiology Sr. Scientist (Acting)

    01:45-03:00 Team presentations: 10 minutes each w/5 minute Q/A and transition time

    03:00-03:30 BREAK

    03:30-04:00 NAI International Program, Ed Goolish

    04:00-04:30 Walk to Hyperwall building
    04:30-05:30 Hyperwall demo

    06:30 Group Dinner at local restaurant


    07:30-08:30 Continental Breakfast

    08:30-10:00 Strategic initiatives and plans for May workshop at ASU

    10:00-10:15 BREAK

    10:15-10:45 Icy Worlds Focus Group discussion

    10:45-11:15 NAI Education and Public Outreach, Daniella Scalice

    11:15-12:00 NAI website, Shige Abe

    12:00-12:30 NAI Funding Opportunities, Melissa Kirven-Brooks

    12:45 Adjourn

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