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You are here: Methods > Field methods
Field inventory and monitoring
Repeated observation or sampling at a site, on a scheduled or event basis, for study and analysis. In general, this category excludes sampling programs in which materials are obtained in the field and brought back to a laboratory for study and analysis.
Acoustic methods (29 items)
Borehole logging (4 items)
CTD measurement (1 items)
Ecosystem monitoring (72 items)
Electromagnetic surveying (8 items)
Handheld field spectroscopy (1 items)
Seismic methods (37 items)
Stream-gage measurement (109 items)
Telemetry (10 items)
Tiltmeter measurement (4 items)
Video monitoring (6 items)
Vocalization methods (1 items)
Animal and plant census (3 items)
Optical methods (3 items)
Gravimeter measurement (3 items)
Magnetometer measurement (1 items)
Tomography (1 items)

Ocean current measurement (1 items)
Ocean monitoring (29 items)
Volcano monitoring (10 items)
Weather monitoring (40 items)
Precipitation measurement (10 items)
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GLORIA Mapping Program [New Window]
GLORIA is a digital sidescan sonar capable of producing digital image maps of the sea floor from reflected sound waves. Site includes description of digital processing, mosaicking, and links to samples of image maps.
Geophysical products [New Window]
Links to products of magnetic, gravity, magnetotelluric, and multi-discipline reports and surveys of regions in the U.S. and Antarctica plus geophysical software tools. Some products are in PDF format.
Geothermal industry temperature profiles from the Great Basin [New Window]
Subsurface temperature, well temperature, and well data of geothermal resources in the Great Basin.
Global Seismographic Network [New Window]
Worldwide network of seismic monitoring stations coordinated by a variety of national and international organizations.
Global change research: a focus on mountain ecosystems [New Window]
Overview of interdisciplinary research studies in Glacier National Park to understand how this mountain wilderness responds to present climatic variability and other external stressors, such as air pollution, and links to detailed reports.
Grizzly bear and black bear ecology [New Window]
Summaries of research projects on black bear and grizzly ecology and ecosystems supporting the populations and bibliography of related publications.
Ground-water data for the Nation [New Window]
National Water Information System (NWIS) real-time data on selected ground water sites, ground water level data, site inventory of wells, test holes, drains, springs and excavations and ground water-quality data for the United States.
Ground-water flow and other computer simulations for Utah [New Window]
Identifies computer models in USGS publications developed to study ground water for many areas of Utah.
Gulf of Maine internet map [New Window]
Gulf of Maine regional overview interactive map depicting research activities of the U.S. Geological Survey showing surficial sample sites, bathymetry, continental margin and coastal areas.
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