

Last updated 2009/03/27

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Beta-USGG2009 is a refined model of the geoid in the Conterminous United States (CONUS) and its territories. This Beta model is only for testing and evaluation, not for production or release. When evaluation is completed, a final USGG2009 model will be developed that will supersede USGG2003 and G99SSS. Beta-USGG2009 refers to an ellipsoidal datum using a GRS-80 shell centered in the ITRF 00 reference frame for all regions (i.e., not NAD 83). In CONUS, heights range -50.01 meters (magenta) in the Atlantic Ocean to 3.43 meters (red) in the Labrador Strait. It is built on the EGM08 global reference model created by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. See the Technical Details file for more specifics. Beta- USGG2009 along with numerous GPSBM’s was used to make the Beta-GEOID09 model.

·        Data

o       Interactive USGG2009 computations

o       Download USGG2009 Files


·        Information

o       The Official NGS GEOID Page

o       Readme file for USGG2009

o       Technical details

o        FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

o       Acknowledgements


·        Related Pages

o       Beta-GEOID09

o       Beta-GPSBM2009

§        GPS/bench mark data used to make Beta-GEOID09

o       GEOID03

o       USGG2003

o       GEOID99

o       G99SSS


·       Have a geoid question?

o      Dr. Daniel Roman 301-713-3202 x161 or

o      Dr. Yan Ming Wang 301-713-3202 x127


·       Have a question about absolute gravimetry and gravity base stations?

o      Mr. Daniel Winester 303-497-7405