MyArmyBenefits is the Official Army Benefits Website

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Special information is provided for severely injured Soldiers and their families in the Wounded Warrior section of the site and for surviving family members of fallen Soldiers in the Survivor section.  If you have questions or comments please contact us.

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April 1, 2009

The Combat Related Special Compensation benefit fact sheet has been updated.  The eligibility list has been expanded.

Feb 27, 2009

MyArmyBenefits is listed by Kiplinger's Personal Finance as one of the top 28 financial websites for military families!  Read the list here and visit our Retirement and Survivorship Planning Toolkits to help with your financial planning!

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Veteran News & Issues

Vet Groups Seek Update in Combat Definition

by Kimberly Hefling, The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Veterans advocates told Congress on Tuesday that a World War II-era law requiring proof of participation in combat in order to receive certain benefits creates an unnecessary hurdle for veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, but not on the front lines.

There is particular concern, they said, that the rule interferes with disability benefits for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder whose trauma may not be documented by the military. PTSD can affect people who experience a traumatic event. Symptoms can include flashbacks and anxiety.

The mental disorder has affected service members in noninfantry roles such as truck drivers or cooks, who on today's battlefields are vulnerable to roadside bombs or mortar attacks. They often lack a combat infantry badge or other documentation to prove their battlefield experience.    more

VA Hires Vets to go Find Comrades Who Need Help

by Lisa Orkin Emmanuel, The Associated Press

MIAMI — Derek Graner can scan a crowd of veterans and pick out those needing help.

The former Army sergeant developed post traumatic stress disorder in Iraq and knows the signs — the withdrawal, the restlessness, the distrust.

"Sometimes there is a certain look in their eye," he said.

Graner is one of 100 former service members hired nationally by the Department of Veterans Affairs as outreach specialists to help get Iraq and Afghanistan veterans into programs aimed at easing their transition back to civilian life.

They frequent job fairs, welcome-home events and other places where troops back from the wars might congregate and look for those struggling to adjust. The goal is to persuade them to visit one of 230-plus vet centers nationwide, which are operated by the VA to offer free services from job hunting assistance to marriage and mental health counseling.    more

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Paternity Leave Authorized

The Department of Defense has authorized paternity leave for married Soldiers on active duty to include Title 10 and Title 32 active guard and reserve guard duty.


Official Explains Proposed Post 9/11 Transferability Rules

WASHINGTON, April 29, 2009 – With the Department of Veterans Affairs ready to begin accepting sign-ups for the Post-9/11 GI Bill May 1, the Defense Department is working to get word out on its proposed policy regarding the bill's transferability provisions to help servicemembers decide if the new benefit is right for them.


Spouses' Career Program Expanded

A new career program that provides up to $6,000 for a military spouse's education and training has been expanded Army wide.


Army Launches Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention Campaign

Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli recently signed the Army Campaign Plan for Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention . This comprehensive plan mandates unprecedented changes in Army doctrine, policy, and resource allocation, and provides immediate guidance to commanders to address the problem of suicides.


Tiger Woods Plans Fourth of July Weekend Treat for Troops

BETHESDA, Md., April 23, 2009 – Golfer Tiger Woods vowed April 20 to dedicate his AT&T National PGA Tour event to the men and women of the U.S. armed forces for the third consecutive year.