U.S. CONGRESSMAN PAUL C. BROUN, M.D. 10th Congressional District of Georgia

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News // Broun's Briefings
  • The 100th Day Report: What has the Administration been up to?
    Apr 29, 2009  - ALERT:    This year’s Debt Day was April 26th. So, from April 27th until September 30th YOUR government will be putting all purchases on the public credit card. Oh, by the way, last year’s Debt Day was August 5th. President Obama has ordered his cabinet to trim $100 million.  While I applaud the sy... More
  • Do YOU want tax reform?
    Apr 20, 2009  - Today, each and every American is as familiar with the current tax system as they are with the last time they stumped their toe or smashed their finger with a hammer. Just as each physical injury has left a memory of pain and discomfort, so has each tax filing burned a memory of stress and frustrati... More
  • A Stimulus Georgians Can Believe In
    Mar 6, 2009  - Results from the previous Broun's Briefing poll: Would you have voted for this $825 billion "stimulus" plan? No - 90.55% Yes - 9.45%  As I’m writing you today, Americans face a fork in the road. I believe one path leads towards more government control, and more runaway spending. The other pat... More
  • Condemning the So-Called "Stimulus"
    Feb 13, 2009  - Friday, February 13th is a dark day in America’s economic history.  Today, the House voted on a 1,000 page, trillion dollar bill, that was made public late last night.  Whether or not you agree with this so-called stimulus bill – and ninety percent of my constituents do not - the lack of transparenc... More
  • $9,000 for YOU
    Jan 30, 2009  - Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Barack Obama sold their $825 billion bill as an economic stimulus package. Instead, this bill was clogged with billions in wasteful spending for new government cars, sod for the National Mall, and more than thirty new government programs. In my opinion, these thing... More
  • Issues that Impact YOU
    Jan 16, 2009  - Broun's Briefings It’s 2009 – a new year, a new Congress, and fierce commitment from me to provide Georgians with a principled and commonsense voice in Congress. Last year, Americans faced historic challenges that included a housing market crisis, an economic downturn, and soaring energy prices.  O... More