Cooperative Forestry

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Economic Action
Forest Products
Landowner Assistance
Urban Forestry

All applicants for Federal Grants and Agreements are required to have a DUNS number...

Dun and Bradstreet


State and Federal On-line Resources 
for Grants

General Contact Information:
Postal address
P. O. Box 3623, Portland, OR 97208


Forest Resource Management
Non-industrial private landowners are encouraged to find better ways to manage and use natural resources on their forest lands and apply sound forestry practices. Assistance addresses the protection of soil and water resources, improving wildlife habitat, increasing outdoor recreation opportunities, as well as providing wood products, pre-harvest planning, and adequate regeneration of timber. Technical and financial assistance is provided to State Foresters for program delivery.

Forest Taxation—Advice and information is provided to landowners to increase their knowledge of tax incentives intended to encourage forestry investments and management of forest resources. Technical and financial assistance is provided to State Foresters and the Cooperative Extension Service for program delivery.

Forest Stewardship Program
Non industrial private landowners are encouraged to manage their forest lands for soil and water, wildlife, fisheries, recreation, aesthetics, and timber production. This is done through the development of multi-resource management plans, demonstration sites, and information and education. Technical and financial assistance is provided to State Foresters for program delivery.

Forest Legacy Program
This program is designed to help identify and protect environmentally important private forest lands that are threatened by conversion to non-forest uses. Protection is accomplished through conservation easements and purchase. The Forest Legacy Program’s technical and financial assistance is delivered in partnership with State Foresters.

Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources
Technical and financial assistance is provided to State Foresters to help the State produce high-quality, genetically improved tree seed and planting stock to improve the productivity of non-industrial private forest lands and assure our long term forest products supply. Second, the program allows the Forest Service to play an active role in meeting the education and informational needs of persons involved in seedling production and tree improvement. It supports the publication of Tree Planter’s Notes, and the annual report on Tree Planting in the United States.

Additional Links:

2006 Tax News

National Landowner Assistance Website (Forest Service)

National Timber Tax Website

Webster Nursery

Seedling Nursery and Tree Improvement

Woodland Fish and Wildlife

Oregon Department of Forestry

Washington Department of Natural Resources

National Woodland Owners Association

Private Forest Landowners

Conserve Online

Washington Forest Protection Assocation Forests and Fish

Washington State Small Forest Landowner Office

The full range of services are described at the Seedling Nursery and Tree Improvement website at

For additional information on any of these programs, contact Ray Abriel, Natural Resources Program Manager at 503/808-2355.

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Last modified: October 9, 2008