
  • Aug
  • 26
  • 2009

DPAP is having a Special Cycle call for AEPs

Application submissions will be open for one week from 8/26/09- 9/2/09. This special cycle will focus on supporting the Director, DPAP/CPIC with planning, scheduling, and
implementing Peer Reviews DoD wide. Please find additional information at the below link.

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  • Aug
  • 26
  • 2009

DPAP Civilian Deploys to Iraq under DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce Program

Ms. Angie Sawyer, of the Defense Acquisition and Procurement Policy (DPAP) Defense Acquisition Regulations System (DARS) office, recently deployed to Camp Victory, Iraq, for six months. A participant in the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce (CEW) program, Ms. Sawyer supports U.S. Central Command as a procurement analyst for the Joint Contingency Contracting – Iraq (JCC-I) Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting (PARC) office.

Her duties include support, interface, and monitoring of Joint Contingency Contracting – Iraq/Afghanistan customers and contracting activities. She serves as the focal point for C2X, Field Ordering Officer issues, Synchronized Pre-Deployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT) database, training initiatives, and inventory of white equipment. In addition, Ms. Sawyer provides information and updates to other staffs/commands as required; and she prepares reports, executive summaries and, and briefings for senior officers as required on events and matters of command interest.

Linda and Angie

Deployed civilian Angie Sawyer (at left) with supervisor Linda Neilson, Deputy Director, DPAP/DARS, at Ms. Sawyer’s farewell party.

On January 23, 2009, DoD reissued Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 1404.10 under a new title, “Civilian Expeditionary Workforce,” to establish the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce. The CEW allows the Department to rely on a mix of capable military members and DoD civilian employees to meet global national security mission requirements. Through the CEW, a portion of the DoD civilian workforce is trained, cleared, and equipped to rapidly mobilize, assimilate, and respond to expeditionary requirements. Such requirements, typically located away from the normal work locations of DoD civilians, include operational requirements in support of combat operations by the military, contingencies, emergency operations, humanitarian missions, disaster relief, restoration of order, drug interdiction, and stability operations.

Opportunities to participate in the CEW program, as well as answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) are listed on the CEW website ( CEW opportunities also are listed on USAJOBS, the official job site of the US Federal Government ( To locate CEW opportunities on USAJOBS, click on Search Jobs, click on Search, click Status, and enter key word CEW. If you are a civilian interested in a CEW opening but do not have the necessary secret clearance, apply for the position and the Department will work with your organization’s security manager to secure interim secret for application/acceptance process.

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  • Aug
  • 18
  • 2009

December 2009 Contracting Senior Leader Offsite

DPAP will host a Contracting Senior Leader Offsite December 1-3, 2009 in Orlando, FL
Senior Leaders will be responsible for their travel to and from the offsite - rooms, meals and breaks will be provided for by DPAP.
This event is by invitation only.

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  • Aug
  • 18
  • 2009

May 2010 DoD Procurement Conference

DPAP will partner with DAU to host a training conference for the Contracting Community during the week of May 10-14, 2010, in Orlando, FL.
The targeted population for the May 2010 event will be larger than in years past, and will include entry and journey level members of the contracting workforce as well as the traditional senior level attendees.
The 2010 Conference Planning Committee, consisting of representatives from the Components, will begin meeting in September 2009 to develop a draft agenda, to include a Contracting Senior Leader Offsite, and to distribute attendance quotas.
Watch for more information regarding the details of this event.

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  • July
  • 7
  • 2009

OSD Ensures Contingency Contracting Policy Support Aligns with Needs by Engaging with Partners in the Field

The Program Acquisition/Contingency Contracting (PACC) Contingency Contracting Team, within the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy Directorate (DPAP), is dedicated to improving contracting in expeditionary operations. The Team comprises personnel with expeditionary deployment experience who serve as the authorities and advocates for contingency contracting matters within DoD. Together these personnel are focused on ensuring that future military operations achieve greater effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency. The Team is engaged in several projects to enable effective and efficient contracting in support of deployed forces and humanitarian operations through innovative policy, guidance, and oversight. To ensure policy support aligns with needs, the Contingency Contracting Team partners with the field; for example, by participating in the upcoming U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) contracting conference and the Joint Contingency Contracting (JCC) Handbook conference.

AFRICOM Contracting Conference

On 28 July 2009, Scott Calisti, Colonel, USAF, and Deputy Director, PACC, will present “OSD View of Contingency Contracting” during U.S. Africa Command’s 2009 Contracting Conference. DoD’s newest geographic unified command, AFRICOM has administrative responsibility for U.S. military support to U.S. government policy in Africa, including military-to-military relationships with 53 African nations. For more information on AFRICOM, see (

Col. Calisti’s presentation will include discussions of the Contingency Contracting Team’s efforts that help AFRICOM:

  • Joint Contingency Contracting Handbook,
  • Contingency Federal Acquisition Regulation,
  • Theater Business Clearance,
  • Contractor personnel in the area of responsibility, and
  • Additional tools and resources, such as after-action reports and the JCC Website.

Joint Contingency Contracting Handbook Conference

On the heels of the April 2009 release of the second edition of Contingency Contracting: A Joint Handbook for the 21st Century (available at, the Contingency Contracting Team has already begun preparations for the next edition. Team members participated in a JCC Handbook conference in Colorado during the week of June 22-26. The conference leveraged the expertise and experiences of contracting officers spanning the Services to streamline information in, increase navigability of, and highlight the relationship between the handbook and the supplemental DVD/website. Together, the pocket-sized handbook and its accompanying DVD provide the essential information, tools, and training for CCOs to meet the challenges they will face, regardless of the mission or environment.

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  • June
  • 26
  • 2009

DPAP will partner with DAU to host a training conference for the Contracting Community during the second or third week of May 2010, in Orlando, FL. The 2010 Conference Planning Committee will begin meeting in July 2009 to define the target population for attendance (approximately 1000-1500) and to develop a draft agenda to include general sessions, training sessions, and a Contracting Senior Leader Offsite.

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  • June
  • 26
  • 2009

DPAP will host a Contracting Senior Leader Offsite December 1-3, 2009 in Orlando, FL. Invitations will be sent in September.

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  • May
  • 4-6
  • 2009

DPAP Sponsors Interagency Contingency Contracting Conference

On May 4-6, 2009, DPAP sponsored an Interagency Contingency Contracting Conference in Orlando, Florida, in conjunction with the DoD Senior Leader Offsite and Pricing Conference. The purpose of this conference was twofold: (1) to allow members of the contingency contracting community of practice (CoP) to familiarize one another in greater detail on individual agency processes, procedures, capabilities, and constraints in response to catastrophic disaster contracting support; and (2) to solidify key points of contact in hopes of building more efficient and effective response frameworks, plans, and actions.

Conference attendees represented the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense), Center for Strategic and International Studies, Commission on Wartime Contracting, Defense Acquisition University, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Defense Contract Management Agency, Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Commerce, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency, DoD Inspector General, Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, General Services Administration, National Guard/Reserves, Office of the Secretary of Defense/Joint Staff, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Northern Command, and U.S. Transportation Command.

Over the three-day period, approximately 20 presentations were made. Topics included “Contingency Contracting Policy,” “Government Relations in Domestic Crisis Management,” and “Response to Pandemics and Other Disasters.” The conference also included demonstrations of innovative contingency contracting methods, tools, and processes.

Several themes emerged from the conference presentations. The primary theme emphasizes the importance of early planning, information sharing and collaboration, adaptability and flexibility within an overarching framework, and educating and exercising on authorities and procedures. Elements of this theme echo findings by the Government Accountability Office. Discussions also highlighted a need to define roles and responsibilities, such as state versus Federal, as well as the roles and responsibilities involved in Agency interactions. Presentations indicated that good practices exist individually across the presenting agencies, many of which are undertaking similar initiatives. This theme points to a need for the contingency contracting CoP to collectively examine the benefits of synthesizing and capitalizing on these good practices.

Testimonials throughout the conference evidenced the continuing need for contingency contracting support. Based on its feedback, the audience appeared interested in continuing such engagements.

The point of contact for more information about this conference is LTC Jeff Grover, or 703-697-9352.

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  • April
  • 15
  • 2009

Program Acquisition and Contingency Contracting (PACC) Releases 2nd Edition of Contingency Contracting: A Joint Handbook for the 21st Century

To enhance the contingency contracting officer’s (CCO’s) ability to successfully operate in a variety of mission environments, the office of Program Acquisition and Contingency Contracting (PACC) has released a second edition of Contingency Contracting: A Joint Handbook for the 21st Century. This pocket-sized handbook and its accompanying DVD provide the essential information, tools, and training for CCOs to meet the challenges they will face, regardless of the mission or environment.

The updated handbook covers the following topics:

  • Chapter 1: Ethics, Fraud Indicators, Standards of Conduct, and Procurement Integrity
  • Chapter 2: Authorities and Structure
  • Chapter 3: Contingency Funding and Requirements Process
  • Chapter 4: Planning and Guidance
  • Chapter 5: Contracting Processes
  • Chapter 6: Contract Administration
  • Chapter 7: Protests, Claims, Disputes, and Appeals
  • Chapter 8: Situational and Cultural Awareness
  • Chapter 9: Local and Overseas Disaster Response
  • Appendices and Hot Topics

The accompanying DVD (as well as the electronic version available online at the URL provided below) offers links to related publications and regulations, forms, training, review questions, games, scenarios, checklists, guides, sample determination and findings (D&F), sample statements of work (SOW), policy, other resources, frequently asked questions, and a topical index.

Contingency Contracting: A Joint Handbook for the 21st Century 2nd edition updated features are as follows:

  • Revised and updated all nine chapters to align with Joint Publication 4-10, Operational Contract Support
  • Available electronically at the following DPAP website
  • Included 12 new critical item checklists to be located on the back of hardcopy of the handbook
  • Added newly developed graphics for key contracting processes
  • Incorporated 73 DVD/website checklists
  • Provided 143 CCO support web links
  • Added 291 FAR/DFARS reference links
  • Added 230 test questions
  • Developed 36 new training scenarios
  • Included 47 Contracting forms
  • Consolidated and updated 150 training modules
  • Uploaded 95 pubs/regulations
  • Added 180 questions/9 new categories to the two interactive training games

Approximately 8,000 hard copies of the handbook will be published and distributed to each of the Services and various DoD and Federal Agencies in the May/June 2009 timeframe.

For more information on the handbook, contact Lt Col Samuel Harbin at 703 695-3725 or by email at

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  • April
  • 6
  • 2009

Interagency Contracting Conference

Contingency contracting encompasses all contracting performed in a contingency environment (declared and non-declared), including wartime, stability operations, natural disasters, and other calamitous events. To help the Department of Defense be best prepared for future disaster relief efforts, the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy (DPAP) office of Program Acquisition and Contingency Contracting (PACC) is hosting a 2009 Interagency Conference, focused on interagency contracting efforts in response to catastrophic domestic disasters, on 5–6 May 2009, in Orlando, Florida.

The objective of this conference is to identify key areas for communication improvements and to synchronize interagency support. The conference will include briefings geared toward senior leaders; and an opportunity for organizations to share their contingency contracting tools, policies, and procedures. Participants will gain a better understanding of each organization’s missions and roles in supporting catastrophic domestic disasters and, based on that mutual understanding, focus on synchronizing interagency responses.

The target audience comprises Executive Directors and Senior Action Officers/Program Managers in the contracting, planning, and logistics career fields, as well as others who are active in disaster support operations. Participants include a wide range of federal agencies engaged in disaster relief response, including the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, Department of Homeland Security, National Guard Bureau, Department of Commerce, Department of Health and Human Services, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, DoD Inspectors General, and Government Accountability Office.

For more information on the 2009 Interagency Contracting Conference, contact LTC Jeff Grover.

Cost and Pricing Conference

In parallel with the 2009 Interagency Conference, the DPAP office of Cost, Pricing, and Finance (CPF) will be hosting a DoD Cost and Pricing Conference, on 5–7 May 2009, in Orlando, Florida. This conference will bring together members of DoD’s cost and pricing community to discuss how to:

• Reinvigorate cost and pricing skills within DoD
• Ensure efficiency in the structuring of payment provisions
• Ensure the appropriate use of award/incentive fees
• Ensure the appropriate use of economic price adjustment indices and clauses in fixed-price contracts.

For more information on the Cost and Pricing Conference, contact Mr. Randall Gibson.

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  • Mar
  • 31
  • 2009

On March 31 DoD, GSA and NASA published FAC 2005-32 to implement the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The FAC contains five interim rules that implement the Recovery Act, and one additional case. Public comments are due June 1.

Item I-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Buy American Requirements for Contstruction Material (FAR Case 2009-008).

Item II-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Whistleblower Protections (FAR Case 2009-012).
Item III-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Publicizing Contract Actions (FAR Case 2009-010).
Item IV-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Reporting Requirements (FAR Case 2009-009).
Item V-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - GAO/IG Access (FAR Case 2009-011).
Item VI-GAO Access to Contractor Employees (FAR Case 2008-026).

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  • Mar
  • 26
  • 2009

Contingency Contracting: A Joint Handbook for the 21st Century is electronically available at the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy website: The pocket sized handbook and its accompanying DVD provide essential information, tools, templates, and training for DoD Contingency Contracting Officers (CCOs) to meet the challenges they may face in any contracting environment.

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  • Oct
  • 16
  • 2008

The Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy announces the next round of the career-broadening Acquisition Exchange Program (AEP) for government employees. The opening date for this round of current opportunities is October 1, 2008 with a closing date of December 1 2008.

Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their completed application form (with supervisor approval) along with their current resume to Commencement and length of assignment are negotiable.

To view the project description and details, along with the application form please visit the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy webpage:

You may also contact the AEP Program Manager, Mrs. Jocelyn Conway
(, for further information.

  • Oct
  • 8
  • 2008

Quarterly Operational Contract Support Meeting Held


Defense Procurement, Acquisition Policy, and Strategic Sourcing (DPAP)/Program Acquisition and Contingency Contracting (PACC) hosted a quarterly contingency contracting status update of the Operational Contract Support (OCS) Community of Interest (COI) on 15–16 October 2008 at the Defense Acquisition University (DAU), Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

The purpose of these meetings is to bring together select members of the government COI who are involved in OCS-related policy, doctrine, and systems development in the DoD components. The meetings serve as an open forum for working-level government leaders to discuss current and future actions to improve operational contract support of the warfighter.

The audience of approximately 50 government personnel included representatives from the Air Force, Army, DAU, Defense Contract Management Agency, Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), Defense Logistics Agency, Joint Chiefs of Staff Logistics Directorate (JCS J4), Marine Corps, Navy, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and others.


Both DPAP/PACC and ADUSD(PS) reside within the office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition , Technology, and Logistics). They support OCS-related policy development across the combatant commands (as well as intergovernmental agency), during combat operations, post-conflict operations, and contingency operations. ADUSD(PS) is responsible for program management and DPAP/PACC has cognizance over contingency contracting policy. Together, they represent key components of the acquisition community and partner to bring business support to military operations. Hosting these quarterly meetings are one way in which DPAP/PACC and ADUSD(PS) seek to achieve their mandates.


The 15–16 October meeting objectives were to enhance contract support to the warfighter by:

  • Discussing and socializing changes to existing policy and doctrine
  • Coordinating and synchronizing ongoing and future actions
  • Proposing way-ahead strategies
  • Developing new ideas and approaches.


Participants discussed the development of an effective joint contracting policy that will serve as one rule set for all Services, to be utilized during contingency operations.

Also discussed were proficiency levels to help ensure that Contingency Contracting Officers (CCOs) bring the needed skill sets to the battlefield. This discussion included the possibility of a CCO exchange/on-the-job training as part of the implementation of standardized proficiency levels and training for CCOs.

Participants also conferred about resources such as the development and implementation of a standardized, automated joint after-action report, as well as documentation of lessons learned. Standardization of the Combatant Command (COCOM) Contracting Website was discussed as another tool to aid contract support to the warfighter. A draft template for the website has been developed, along with a draft DFARS PGI update. A staffing package is currently in coordination.

Another topic involved the Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker (SPOT). SPOT has been designated as the DoD central repository of information on contractors accompanying the force. Another such initiative, Theater Business Clearance (TBC), was discussed as a recent accomplishment. Through TBC, the Joint Contracting Command in Iraq and Afghanistan gains visibility and accountability for deployed contract support into the Joint OperationalArea.

Additional initiatives briefed and discussed included the following:

  • Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 3020 Series development
  • Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office (JCASO)
  • Joint Contingency Contracting Handbook
  • Contingency Contracting Business Tools under Development
  • Commission on Army Acquisition and Program Management in Expeditionary Operations
  • Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq/Afghanistan
  • DAU contingency contracting courses
  • DFAS Expeditionary Support Organization
  • Non-acquisition workforce training initiatives
  • Theater-wide contract administration
  • DFARS rule-making process and status of open cases.

Idea Exchange

In addition to the COI quarterly meetings, the COI is engaged regularly through multiple forums. These other meetings focus on specific topics. For example:

  • Emergency Procurement Committee
  • Defense Acquisition Regulations System (DARS) Council Working Groups
  • JCASO Working Group
  • Operational Contract Support (OCS) Gap Analysis Working Group
  • OCS Planners Conference
  • Policy Development Working Groups (e.g., DoD Instruction 1100.22, DoD Instruction 3020.31, DoD Instruction 3020.pp)
  • Quadrennial Logistics Forum Working Group on Coalition Contracting
  • Foreign Military Sales Working Group
  • OCS Integration Working Group
  • SPOT Configuration Control Board

For more information on initiatives, visit the Contingency Contracting pages of this website.

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This page last updated: August 26, 2009
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