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Corporate Operating Experience
Review Program

DOE Lessons Learned Listserver

The DOE Society for Effective Lessons Learned Sharing (SELLS), with technical support from DOE EH-33, administers two listservers for distributing lessons learned and related information. This page describes those lists and provides instructions for subscribing to them.

DOE Lessons Learned "push" system:

This new system was originally developed for the NNSA Lessons Learned process. It has been adopted by SELLS and incorporated into the current DOE Lessons Learned process. That technology streamlined the process for inputting lessons learned into the database and publishing them to the subscriber list. It also allows subscribers to establish profiles to specify the types of lessons learned to receive and how often to receive them (daily, weekly, or monthly).

The "push" system distributes lessons learned documents to subscribers across the DOE Complex. When a site lessons learned coordinator enters a lessons learned document into the system, that document is reviewed for content and format by the database/listserver administrator. When approved, it is then transmitted to the list subscribers for further distribution at the subscribers' sites at the same time it is entered into the database. The format and content must follow the guidance for Lessons Learned Documents in Appendix A of the DOE Lessons Learned Standard. The on-line submission form follows that format and its help screens explain the elements to go into each field on the form.

Access to the database is password protected because it contains documents from the Government Data Information Exchange Program (GIDEP), which may have limits on distribution. Also some documents may contain preliminary lessons learned information. The service is therefore intended to be used only by DOE employees, contractors, and subcontractors. Non-DOE subscribers may be approved on a case basis. Subscribers may apply for an account at: https://www.hss.doe.gov/accountrequest/llrequestprocessor.html

Report problems to, or request assistance with this system from, Mark Petts at (301) 903-9878.

SELLS listserver:

This listserver distributes e-mail related to Society administration, primarily conference call reminders and agenda, call minutes, and meeting announcements. Its subscribers are generally lessons learned coordinators. This list may be used to communicate information that is not in the format of a lessons learned.

To Subscribe to the SELLS Listserver:

  1. Go to the listserver Web page (http://hqlnc.doe.gov/list/SellsListServer.nsf/).
  2. Click on the "Subscribe/Unsubscribe" link .
  3. Click the "Subscribe" radio button  in the 'Action' list, even though it is already selected.  This loads the appropriate form.
  4. Select "SELLS" from the 'Select a list' drop-down box.
    (1) If you do not select an action and a list before entering your name and e-mail address, you will receive an error message.  If that happens, simply click "OK" and continue subscribing.
    (2) The list named "DOE-LL" is no longer used.  It has been replaced by the push system described above.  The list named "SELLS-EC" is a private list for executive committee member use.  You will not be allowed to subscribe to that list unless you are a member of the Executive Committee.
  5. Enter your name and e-mail address.
  6. Click the button in the upper left corner of the screen. (You may need to scroll up to see it, depending on your display settings.)  Another Send button will appear below it.  If none appears or nothing happens after the next step, you probably have a security setting on your browser or network firewall that prevents Java Script applications from functioning. Please contact your local computer support personnel for assistance.
  7. Click the second "Send" button to submit your registration.
  8. You should receive a "Thank you" message describing the list to which you just subscribed. If not, your subscription request was not successful.

Problems?  If you have questions or problems subscribing to the SELLS list, please send an email message to John Bickford or Jenny Roddy including your name, e-mail address, and the nature of your problem.

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This page was last updated on April 08, 2009

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