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Volume 26(1);  January 1971
Late results of oesophageal and oesophagogastric resection in the treatment of oesophageal cancer
A. S. Ward and J. Leigh Collis
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 1–5.
PMCID: PMC472228
Diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma and asbestos exposure
F. Whitwell and Rachel M. Rawcliffe
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 6–22.
PMCID: PMC472229
Lung scanning in carcinoma of the bronchus
R. H. Secker Walker, J. L. Provan, J. A. Jackson, and J. Goodwin
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 23–32.
PMCID: PMC472230
Cardiac output and arterial CO2 response during intermittent positive pressure breathing with oxygen: A comparison of patients with chronic airflow obstruction and controls
Pierre P. Tulou
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 33–38.
PMCID: PMC472231
Right heart pressures in bronchial asthma
R. F. Gunstone
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 39–45.
PMCID: PMC472232
Comparative study of duration of action and cardiovascular effects of bronchodilator aerosols
B. J. Freedman and G. B. Hill
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 46–50.
PMCID: PMC472233
Transfer factor for CO during exercise in children
Sandra D. Anderson and S. Godfrey
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 51–54.
PMCID: PMC472234
Opacities of the middle and upper lobes in combination
B. T. Le Roux
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 55–61.
PMCID: PMC472235
A search for mycoplasma infections in patients with chronic bronchitis
J. D. Cherry, D. Taylor-Robinson, H. Willers, and A. C. Stenhouse
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 62–67.
PMCID: PMC472236
Bronchial atresia with corresponding segmental pulmonary emphysema
L. K. Lacquet, M. Fornhoff, R. Dierickx, and N. Buyssens
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 68–73.
PMCID: PMC472237
Long-term result after operative correction of funnel chest
Sven Borgeskov and Dennis Raahave
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 74–76.
PMCID: PMC472238
Treatment of reflux strictures of the oesophagus by the Nissen-Rossetti operation
G. Kent Harrison and B. M. Gompels
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 77–80.
PMCID: PMC472239
An improved method for determining the flow characteristics of prosthetic mitral heart valves
J. T. M. Wright and L. J. Temple
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 81–88.
PMCID: PMC472240
Myocardial damage and valve replacements
H. M. Singh and E. H. Horton
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 89–93.
PMCID: PMC472241
A new method of autologous fascia lata replacement for aortic valvular disease
Eric Hauf and Charles-Henri Chalant
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 94–98.
PMCID: PMC472242
Acute orthotopic transplantation of hearts stored for 72 hours
E. Proctor, G. Matthews, and J. Archibald
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 99–102.
PMCID: PMC472243
A simple technique of anaesthesia for experimental open-heart surgery in the calf
M. P. Singh, R. L. Elliott, and D. G. Melrose
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 103–107.
PMCID: PMC472244
Long-term biological fate of polyurethane aortic prostheses
Voinea Marinescu, Exacustodian Păuşescu, and Stela Cărnaru
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 108–111.
PMCID: PMC472245
Modifications of Sanders' technique of ventilation during bronchoscopy
Jane L. Bradley, E. N. Moyes, and F. W. Parke
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 112–114.
PMCID: PMC472246
Correction of persistent truncus arteriosus
M. A. Rogers, W. S. Winship, and A. J. Coleman
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 115–118.
PMCID: PMC472247
Recurrent pleural effusion, protein-losing enteropathy, malabsorption, and mosaic warts associated with generalized lymphatic hypoplasia
J. D. Ross, K. D. G. Reid, V. P. Ambujakshan, J. D. Kinloch, and W. Sircus
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 119–124.
PMCID: PMC472248
Extralobar lung sequestration associated with fatal neonatal respiratory distress
A. J. Bliek and D. J. Mulholland
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 125–130.
PMCID: PMC472249
Cardiopulmonary bypass in hereditary spherocytosis: a case report
D. G. Moyes, M. A. Rogers, and A. J. Coleman
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 131–132.
PMCID: PMC472250
Decortication of the heart for staphylococcal pericarditis
N. V. Perera
Thorax. 1971 January; 26(1): 133–136.
PMCID: PMC472251
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