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Volume 39(9);  September 1984
Giving up smoking.
T Higenbottam and A Chamberlain
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 641–646.
PMCID: PMC459891
Pulmonary infiltrates in adult acute leukaemia: empirical treatment or lung biopsy?
A G Wardman and N J Cooke
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 647–650.
PMCID: PMC459892
Smoking withdrawal in hospital patients: factors associated with outcome. Subcommittee of the Research Committee of the British Thoracic Society.
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 651–656.
PMCID: PMC459893
Switching to low tar cigarettes: are the tar league tables relevant?
R G Rawbone
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 657–662.
PMCID: PMC459894
Reduction of ciliary beat frequency in vitro by sputum from patients with bronchiectasis: a serine proteinase effect.
L A Smallman, S L Hill, and R A Stockley
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 663–667.
PMCID: PMC459895
Comparative trial of two non-sedative H1 antihistamines, terfenadine and astemizole, for hay fever.
P H Howarth and S T Holgate
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 668–672.
PMCID: PMC459896
Changes in oxygen saturation and heart frequency during sleep in young normal subjects.
F Gimeno and R Peset
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 673–675.
PMCID: PMC459897
Early results of cardiac transplantation at the Texas Heart Institute.
I J Reece, O H Frazier, A Painvin, O J Okereke, L B Chandler, T W Krudewig, and D A Cooley
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 676–680.
PMCID: PMC459898
Lung developmental abnormalities in severe scoliosis.
P Boffa, P Stovin, and J Shneerson
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 681–682.
PMCID: PMC459899
Vocal cord paralysis associated with coalworkers' pneumoconiosis and progressive massive fibrosis.
T M Sherani, G D Angelini, S P Passani, and E G Butchart
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 683–684.
PMCID: PMC459900
Pulmonary vascular lesions in the toxic oil syndrome in Spain.
H Kawane
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 685.
PMCID: PMC459901
Diagnosis of lung cancer by fibreoptic bronchoscopy: problems in the histological classification of non-small cell carcinomas.
A Gellert and R Rudd
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 685–686.
PMCID: PMC459902
Ming T Chuang, Alberto Marchevsky, Alvin S Teirstein, Paul A Kirschner, and Jerome Kleinerman
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 685–686.
PMCID: PMC459903
Dysphonia caused by inhaled steroids: recognition of a characteristic laryngeal abnormality.
I A Campbell
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 686.
PMCID: PMC459904
Craig Skinner and Alan J Williams
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 686.
PMCID: PMC459905
Proceedings of the British Thoracic Society
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 687–720.
PMCID: PMC459907
The secretory IgA system of lung secretions in chronic obstructive bronchitis
Thorax. 1984 September; 39(9): 686.
PMCID: PMC459906
Corrects: J Wiggins, et al. The secretory IgA system of lung secretions in chronic obstructive bronchitis: comparison of sputum with secretions obtained during fibreoptic bronchoscopy. Thorax. 1984 July; 39(7): 517–523.
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