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Volume 42(2);  February 1987
Human immunodeficiency virus infection: screen, be clean, or both?
P J Hanson, J V Collins, and D J Jeffries
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 81–85.
PMCID: PMC460622
Paradoxical response to nebulised salbutamol in wheezy infants, assessed by partial expiratory flow-volume curves.
A Prendiville, S Green, and M Silverman
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 86–91.
PMCID: PMC460627
Bronchial responsiveness to histamine in wheezy infants.
A Prendiville, S Green, and M Silverman
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 92–99.
PMCID: PMC460629
Airway responsiveness in wheezy infants: evidence for functional beta adrenergic receptors.
A Prendiville, S Green, and M Silverman
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 100–104.
PMCID: PMC460631
Twelve year clinical study of patients with hypoxic cor pulmonale given long term domiciliary oxygen therapy.
C B Cooper, J Waterhouse, and P Howard
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 105–110.
PMCID: PMC460633
Mortality in cases of asbestosis diagnosed by a pneumoconiosis medical panel.
I I Coutts, J C Gilson, I H Kerr, W R Parkes, and M Turner-Warwick
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 111–116.
PMCID: PMC460635
Significance of finger clubbing in asbestosis.
I I Coutts, J C Gilson, I H Kerr, W R Parkes, and M Turner-Warwick
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 117–119.
PMCID: PMC460637
Pulmonary abnormalities in obligate heterozygotes for cystic fibrosis.
P B Davis and K Vargo
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 120–125.
PMCID: PMC460638
Impaired tracheobronchial clearance in bronchiectasis.
D C Currie, D Pavia, J E Agnew, M T Lopez-Vidriero, P D Diamond, P J Cole, and S W Clarke
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 126–130.
PMCID: PMC460641
Pulmonary function in advanced pulmonary hypertension.
C M Burke, A R Glanville, A J Morris, D Rubin, J A Harvey, J Theodore, and E D Robin
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 131–135.
PMCID: PMC460643
A simple and portable paced step test for reproducible measurements of ventilation and oxygen consumption during exercise.
P W Jones, J M Wakefield, and E Kontaki
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 136–143.
PMCID: PMC460645
Teflon strip pneumostasis for excision of giant emphysematous bullae.
J M Parmar, W G Hubbard, and H R Matthews
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 144–148.
PMCID: PMC460648
Use of a totally implantable system for venous access in cystic fibrosis.
R J Stead, T I Davidson, F R Duncan, M E Hodson, and J C Batten
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 149–150.
PMCID: PMC460650
Haemophilus biotypes in respiratory disease.
G B Rhind, G A Gould, F Ahmad, M J Croughan, and M A Calder
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 151–152.
PMCID: PMC460652
Successful treatment of chylothorax and superior vena cava obstruction by radiotherapy.
R W Heaton, I R Arnold, N Howard, and A Guz
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 153–154.
PMCID: PMC460653
Bronchiectasis with ulcerative colitis and myelopathy.
W R Gibb, D P Dhillon, K J Zilkha, and P J Cole
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 155–156.
PMCID: PMC460655
Phaeochromocytoma associated with adult respiratory distress syndrome.
S O'Hickey, A M Hilton, and J S Whittaker
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 157–158.
PMCID: PMC460656
Effect of manual percussion on tracheobronchial clearance in patients with chronic airflow obstruction and excessive tracheobronchial secretion.
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 159–160.
PMCID: PMC460658
CP Van Der Schans, DA Piers, and DS Postma
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 159–160.
PMCID: PMC460661
Book Notices
Organization and Practice in Tuberculosis Bacteriology
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 85.
PMCID: PMC460624
Essentials of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 85.
PMCID: PMC460625
Surgical Diseases of the Pleura and Chest Wall
Thorax. 1987 February; 42(2): 85.
PMCID: PMC460626
Journal Matter
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