Authentication for Individuals from VeriSign, Inc.

Authentication for Individuals

Take control of your online identity and secure business transactions with help from VeriSign, the Web’s most trusted security provider.

Protect Yourself Online
Learn more about how to protect yourself against identity theft and stay safe online.

Featured Products & Services
VIP Credential
Purchase a credential to use on any VeriSign® Identity Protection (VIP) Network Web site.
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ECA Certificate
External Certificate Authority (ECA) certificates for individuals to communicate securely with U.S. Government agencies.
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Digital IDs for Secure Email
Digitally sign and encrypt your digital communications.
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My Credential® for Adobe
Certify and digitally sign Adobe® Acrobat forms and documents.
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Mortgage Industry Digital Certificate
Securely exchange confidential information between individuals and organizations.
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Why VeriSign?
  • The VeriSign Secured® Seal is the most recognized trust mark on the Internet.
  • Fortune 500 companies such as eBay, Charles Schwab, and PayPal trust VeriSign.
  • The VeriSign Internet Infrastructure supports the world’s .com and .net traffic.
Need More Info?
Call 650-426-5310 Request information online.
Protect your online accounts. Visit our Identity Protection Center.

Incredibly easy."

"I love it-I'm going to make my password less complex because I’ll always carry my security key."

"It is going to go with me everywhere."

"I think with the added security I’ll take advantage of the 5.03% interest rate on cash deposited."

"A nice product I wish my own financial institution would institute."

VIP Credential Users