Code Signing Accounts - Code Signing from VeriSign, Inc.

Code Signing Accounts

Seamless, Secure Downloads on Mobile Networks

Mobile phones

Mobile network providers increasingly require developers to sign their code before it is made available to subscribers. To reach more subscribers on more networks secure your applications with a digital signature from VeriSign, the most trusted security brand on the Internet (Tec-Ed Whitepaper, PDF, Oct. 2007).

VeriSign® Flexible Signing Account

Sign In
Requires a valid Administrator ID.
Microsoft® Mobile2Market
Microsoft® Mobile2Market
  • Privileged Access
  • Normal Access
  • Digitally sign .cab files with a unique 10-year code signing certificate
  • Publisher-based API streamlines code signing process
  • Multiple developer access to online signing account and intuitive web-based user interface
VeriSign® Authenticated Content Signing for Symbian™

Sign In
Requires a valid Administrator ID.
Symbian Signed™
Symbian Signed™
  • Symbian Certified
  • Digitally sign .sis files with a unique 10-year code signing certificate
  • Multiple developer access to online signing account and intuitive web-based user interface
Need More Info?
Call 866-893-6565 or 650-426-5112 Request information online.
Free E-Book - The Essential Series: Code Signing
Watch the Code Signing demo