Why VeriSign? - SSL Certificates from VeriSign, Inc.

Why VeriSign?

Billions of times each day VeriSign helps companies and consumers all over the world to engage in trusted communications and commerce.

VeriSign is the most trusted mark on the Internet

  • VeriSign secures more than one million Web servers worldwide, more than any other Certificate Authority.
  • The world’s 40 largest banks and over 95% of Fortune 500 companies choose VeriSign* SSL Certificates.
  • Over 75% of Web sites using Extended Validation SSL choose VeriSign, including biggest names in e-commerce and banking.
  • Over 90,000 domains in 145 countries display the VeriSign Secured® Seal, the most recognized trust mark on the Internet.

VeriSign offers the strongest SSL encryption

  • High-level encryption, at 128 bits, can calculate 288 times as many combinations as 40-bit encryption. That’s over a trillion times a trillion times stronger.
  • Only True 128-bit SSL Certificates with Server Gated Cryptography (SGC) enable every site visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them.
  • VeriSign is the leading SSL provider of SGC-enabled SSL Certificates, enabling 128- or 256-bit encryption for over 99.9% of Internet users.

VeriSign is the leading SSL Certificate Authority

  • VeriSign makes it easy to keep track of all your SSL Certificates and maintain the security of your online services with VeriSign® Certificate Center, a single-point control online management portal.
  • VeriSign helped lead the development of Extended Validation to give Web site visitors a visible sign of trust and security in the browser bar on high security browsers.
  • VeriSign extends e-commerce trust to merchant listings on shopping comparison sites with the VeriSign Verified™ Seal.
  • Our free technical support, in multiple languages, includes an online knowledge base, 24/7 chat, email and phone support for coast-to-coast business hours.

Make the right business decision. Choose VeriSign

VeriSign has many customers just like you. We understand your needs and know your risks.

*Includes VeriSign subsidiaries, affiliates, and resellers.

Need More Info?
Call 866-893-6565 or 650-426-5112 Request information online.
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