SSL Product Selection Wizard from VeriSign, Inc.

SSL Product Selection Wizard

Payment or credit card information
Financial information
Other personally identifiable or sensitive information
Username and password for log-in
None of the above

Yes, more completed online transactions are better for my business.
No, transaction completion rates are not important for my business.

Yes, the strongest encryption is important to my customers, business partners, and company security.



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Recommended Products

We Recommend:
Secure Site Pro with EV
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VeriSign Verified® Seal for Comparison Shopping     |    Learn more

Why We Recommend the Above Products:

Customers are likely to abandon their transactions if they don’t feel that a site is trustworthy or secure enough. 65% of online shoppers have abandoned a shopping cart or failed to complete an online purchase because they did not get a sense of security and trust. (TNS 2006). Extended Validation (EV) SSL gives Web site visitors an easy and reliable way to establish trust online by triggering the display of the green address bar in high-security browsers. A VeriSign study found that 98 percent of participants preferred to shop on sites that showed the green address bar. Visitors to who saw the EV green bar abandoned their shopping carts 8.6% less often than other visitors.*
This certificate features Server Gated Cryptography (SGC). Only True 128-bit SSL Certificates with SGC enable every site visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them. Businesses that collect sensitive personal and financial information should consider using True 128-bit SSL Certificates.
The VeriSign Secured® Seal, included with all VeriSign® SSL Certificates, is the most recognized trust mark on the Internet and has been proven effective in raising confidence among site visitors. When Virtual Sheet Music added the VeriSign Secured Seal to their site, online sales rose by 31%.*
You indicated that you are a Yahoo! Shopping merchant. Show comparison shopping customers that they can trust that you are a legitimate business that has been validated by VeriSign.
You indicated that you will need 4 or more certificates or licenses in the next 12 months. You can save time and money by bundling your annual SSL purchases into one transaction using a VeriSign® Certificate Center Enterprise Account.

* Individual results may vary.

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