Consumer Authentication from VeriSign, Inc.

Consumer Authentication

Strong Authentication and Identity Protection

VeriSign® Identity Protection logo

Your customers trust you, and you can trust VeriSign for secure, easy-to-use identity authentication and fraud detection when ever and where ever customers log-in.

Featured Products & Services
VeriSign® Identity Protection Services End-to-end identity protection with credential choices and risk-based authentication.

Second-factor authentication for a range of OATH-compliant credential form factors.

Real-time risk-based authentication and software-based fraud detection with optional intervention.

Customize fraud detection by transaction type with Stock Trading, Money Transfer, and ATM Modules.

Choose the credential that fits your consumer profile, risk level, and budget.
Secure Site Pro with EV SSL Certificates Install the most trusted and recognized SSL Certificate to increase consumer confidence.

A Better User Experience

How to engage consumers and business partners with more convenient access to online services and information. Learn more.

Consumer Confidence

Give consumers more confidence to transact online and reduce concerns about identity theft with a layered security approach to online security. Learn more.

Open Standards-Based Secure Authentication

An open standards approach to two-factor authentication reduces cost and risk while providing more choice in credentials. Learn more.

Secure Online Banking Solution

Layered security offers the best protection for confidential transactions. Learn more.

Need More Info?
Call 650-426-5310 Request information online.

We’ve heard from our customers that they like the extra layer of protection that the PayPal Security Key provides. We look forward to working with VeriSign to provide the PayPal Security Key to even more customers in additional markets -- enhancing security on the Internet and confidence in shopping online.

Mike Vergara,
Director of Account Protections,