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Volume 46(7);  July 1991
Initial staging of non-small cell lung cancer: value of routine radioisotope bone scanning.
F Michel, M Solèr, E Imhof, and A P Perruchoud
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 469–473.
PMCID: PMC463229
Lung function in adult idiopathic scoliosis: a 20 year follow up.
K Pehrsson, B Bake, S Larsson, and A Nachemson
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 474–478.
PMCID: PMC463231
Chronic persistent cough and gastro-oesophageal reflux.
A J Ing, M C Ngu, and A B Breslin
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 479–483.
PMCID: PMC463233
Partial atrial resection in advanced lung carcinoma with and without cardiopulmonary bypass.
T Shirakusa and M Kimura
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 484–487.
PMCID: PMC463235
Exercise but not methacholine differentiates asthma from chronic lung disease in children.
S Godfrey, C Springer, N Noviski, C Maayan, and A Avital
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 488–492.
PMCID: PMC463237
Oral almitrine in treatment of acute respiratory failure and cor pulmonale in patients with an exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease.
P A Bardsley, J Tweney, N Morgan, and P Howard
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 493–498.
PMCID: PMC463240
Budesonide and terbutaline or terbutaline alone in children with mild asthma: effects on bronchial hyperresponsiveness and diurnal variation in peak flow.
H J Waalkens, J Gerritsen, G H Koëter, F H Krouwels, W M van Aalderen, and K Knol
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 499–503.
PMCID: PMC463243
Increased platelet aggregate formation in patients with chronic airflow obstruction and hypoxaemia.
J A Wedzicha, D Syndercombe-Court, and K C Tan
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 504–507.
PMCID: PMC463246
Aetiology of community acquired pneumonia in Valencia, Spain: a multicentre prospective study.
J Blanquer, R Blanquer, R Borrás, D Nauffal, P Morales, R Menéndez, I Subías, L Herrero, J Redón, and J Pascual
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 508–511.
PMCID: PMC463249
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: new opportunities for the treatment of asthma.
T J Torphy and B J Undem
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 512–523.
PMCID: PMC463251
Intramural oesophageal dissection.
J M Hanson, D Neilson, and S H Pettit
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 524–527.
PMCID: PMC463252
Surgical treatment of carcinoma of the oesophagus.
R Hurt
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 528–535.
PMCID: PMC463253
Statistics in respiratory medicine. 3. Scale, parametric methods, and transformations.
S Chinn
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 536–538.
PMCID: PMC463254
Pulmonary haemosiderosis associated with left atrial myxoma.
A A Chaudhry, C M Dobson, and F G Simpson
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 539–540.
PMCID: PMC463255
Successful pulmonary resection after spontaneous haemopneumothorax in the Eisenmenger syndrome
J Au, S P Cusack, and W S Walker
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 540–541.
PMCID: PMC463256
Squamous cell carcinoma occurring in the wall of a chronic aspergilloma.
S M Andrew, M Bhattacharjee, D J Keenan, and H Reid
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 542–543.
PMCID: PMC463257
Risk of tuberculosis in immigrant Asians: culturally acquired immunodeficiency.
P D Davies
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 544.
PMCID: PMC463260
PJ Finch, FJC Millard, and JD Maxwell
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 544.
PMCID: PMC463261
Measures of reversibility in response to bronchodilators in chronic airflow obstruction.
G E Packe
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 544.
PMCID: PMC463262
David C Weir
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 544.
PMCID: PMC463263
Book Notice
The Social Impact of Asthma
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 543.
PMCID: PMC463258
Hut lung: a domestically acquired pneumoconiosis of mixed aetiology
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 544.
PMCID: PMC463264
Corrects: J P Grobbelaar, et al. Hut lung: a domestically acquired pneumoconiosis of mixed aetiology in rural women. Thorax. 1991 May; 46(5): 334–340.
Silicosis in a Himalayan village population: role of environmental dust
Thorax. 1991 July; 46(7): 544.
PMCID: PMC463265
Corrects: T Norboo, et al. Silicosis in a Himalayan village population: role of environmental dust. Thorax. 1991 May; 46(5): 341–343.
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