Secure Site Pro: True 128-bit SSL Certificates - Product Description - Secure Site Pro from VeriSign, Inc.

Secure Site Pro

True 128-bit SSL Certificates

Secure Site Pro

Show your customers that you’re taking every step to protect their private information with strong encryption: VeriSign® Secure Site Pro SSL Certificates. True 128-bit SSL Certificates enable every site visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them.

  • 128-bit minimum to 256-bit encryption
  • Full business authentication
  • $250,000 warranty
  • VeriSign Secured® Seal
  • Express delivery
  • Installation Checker
  • RatePoint: Free one year service (special offer)

Buy As You Go
Validity Period Price
1-year $995
2-year $1,790
Save $200
3-year $2,480
Save over $500

Buy More Than Four
Base price per unit USD $995
Units Discount
4 - 6 units 5%
7 - 9 units 10%
10 - 14 units 14%
15 - 24 units 17%

A unit equals 1 certificate license per year. Units are valid for 12 months.

Learn more about Volume Discounts.

Buy VeriSign SSL Certificates

The Strongest Encryption Available—Always

Certain older browsers and operating systems will not connect at the strongest encryption level available to them unless there is a Server Gated Cryptography (SGC)-enabled certificate on the server. VeriSign is the leading SSL provider of SGC-enabled SSL Certificates, enabling 128- or 256-bit encryption for over 99.9% of Internet users. (SGC: Strongest SSL Encryption.)

The Web’s Most Trusted Security Provider

VeriSign is the SSL Certificate provider of choice for over 93% of the Fortune 500 and the world’s 40 largest banks. They trust VeriSign because of our encryption technology and rigorous business authentication practices. When you protect your site with Secure Site Pro SSL Certificates and display the VeriSign Secured Seal, you help your customers know that their transactions are secure.

Easy Online Management

Better visibility and control help reduce the risk of downtime and make the most of your IT security dollars. With a single sign-in to the VeriSign Certificate Center, you can issue, renew, revoke, and manage any number of VeriSign SSL Certificates, update your payment and account information, or access a backup SSL Certificate. Bundle your annual purchases into one transaction and save with Volume Discounts for SSL and a VeriSign Certificate Center Enterprise Account.

Guaranteed Express Delivery

VeriSign guarantees delivery of Secure Site Pro SSL Certificates within 2 business days or we will refund 50% of your order. The guarantee applies to organizations located in the United States that pay by valid credit card and have a Dun and Bradstreet DUNS number and valid domain name as stated in the VeriSign Certification Practice Statement.

Customers Gain Confidence with the Green Address Bar

Extended Validation SSL gives Web site visitors an easy and reliable way to establish trust online. Only SSL Certificates with Extended Validation (EV) will trigger high security Web browsers to display a green address bar with the name of the organization that owns the SSL Certificate and the name of the Certificate Authority that issued it. The green bar shows site visitors that the transaction is encrypted and the organization has been authenticated according to the most rigorous industry standard. For better online performance and added customer confidence, choose Secure Site Pro with EV SSL Certificates.

Need More Info?
Call 866-893-6565 or 650-426-5112 Request information online.
  • Certificate Center
  • Sign in to VeriSign Certificate Center


We posted the VeriSign Secured Seal on the payment pages and found that completed sales rose by approximately 10% in comparison to the previous week's results. Case study.

Warren Jonas,
Head of Service Management,