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Volume 38(12);  December 1983
Therapeutic aerosols 1--physical and practical considerations.
S P Newman and S W Clarke
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 881–886.
PMCID: PMC459691
The evolution of cardiac surgery in the United Kingdom.
W P Cleland
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 887–896.
PMCID: PMC459692
Effective treatment for malignant mediastinal teratoma.
D Parker, C P Holford, R H Begent, E S Newlands, G J Rustin, A R Makey, and K D Bagshawe
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 897–902.
PMCID: PMC459693
Subacute massive pulmonary embolism treated with plasminogen and streptokinase.
D A Ellis, E Neville, and R J Hall
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 903–907.
PMCID: PMC459694
Comparison of three techniques of inhalation on the airway response to terbutaline.
M J Cushley, R A Lewis, and A E Tattersfield
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 908–913.
PMCID: PMC459695
Effect of naloxone on circadian rhythms in lung function.
S Al-Damluji, P J Thompson, K M Citron, and M Turner-Warwick
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 914–918.
PMCID: PMC459696
Ionisers in the management of bronchial asthma.
S G Nogrady and S B Furnass
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 919–922.
PMCID: PMC459697
Injuries to the tracheobronchial tree in closed trauma.
W Amauchi, D Birolini, P D Branco, and M R de Oliveira
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 923–928.
PMCID: PMC459698
Respiratory tract disease and obstructive azoospermia.
E Neville, R Brewis, W K Yeates, and A Burridge
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 929–933.
PMCID: PMC459699
Treatment of pneumothorax by simple aspiration.
A A Hamilton and G J Archer
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 934–936.
PMCID: PMC459700
Biological markers in human lung carcinoma: an immunopathological study of six antigens.
H R Harach, M Skinner, and A R Gibbs
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 937–941.
PMCID: PMC459701
Primary pulmonary tumours of neurogenic origin.
G Roviaro, M Montorsi, F Varoli, R Binda, and A Cecchetto
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 942–945.
PMCID: PMC459702
Value of serum magnesium estimation in diagnosing myocardial infarction and predicting dysrhythmias after coronary artery bypass grafting.
R W Bunton
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 946–950.
PMCID: PMC459703
Interstitial pneumonitis secondary to azathioprine in a renal transplant patient.
D J Carmichael, D V Hamilton, D B Evans, P G Stovin, and R Y Calne
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 951–952.
PMCID: PMC459704
Solitary pulmonary metastases in carcinoma of the cervix.
S Braude and P J Thompson
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 953–954.
PMCID: PMC459705
Pulmonary hyalinising granuloma in association with retroperitoneal fibrosis.
R G Dent, D J Godden, P G Stovin, and J E Stark
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 955–956.
PMCID: PMC459706
Pneumonia associated with rising cytomegalovirus antibody titres in a healthy adult.
S Idell, M Johnson, L Beauregard, and N Learner
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 957–958.
PMCID: PMC459707
Perforation of intrathoracic colon causing acute pneumothorax.
B A Price, M J Elliott, G Featherstone, and A Blesovsky
Thorax. 1983 December; 38(12): 959–960.
PMCID: PMC459708
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