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District Programs and Initiatives

Project Safe Neighborhoods is a firearms initiative that aggressively targets violent and dangerous firearms offenders in the local court systems (Philadelphia County and the surrounding suburban counties) for prosecution in the federal system. By prosecuting these cases in the federal system, the local and federal authorities hope to take advantage of a more certain and severe sentencing scheme, the pre-trial detention of federal defendants pending trial, and the swifter disposition of these cases in federal court.

The Weed & Seed program strategy employs a two-pronged approach: law enforcement agencies and criminal justice officials cooperate with each other to "weed out" criminals who are violent and abuse drugs to prevent them from victimizing residents; and social services and economic revitalization are brought in to "seed" the area to ensure long term change and a higher quality of life for residents.

The Regional Identity Theft Working Group is an alliance of local, state, and federal identity theft investigative agencies, working together to share information about identity theft crimes. This group is working with the Postal Inspection Service to create a model identity theft database.

Predatory lending practices, broadly defined, are the fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair tactics some people use to dupe us into mortgage loans that we can't afford. Burdened with high mortgage debts, the victims of predatory lending can't spare the money to keep their houses in good repair. They strain just to keep up their mortgage payments. Often, the strain is too much. They succumb to foreclosure. Their houses have been taken – stolen – from them.

The United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania has civilly prosecuted failure of care cases against various nursing homes, children's facilities and personal care homes, in the district for allegedly providing inadequate care to its residents.


Benjamin Franklin Photo by B. Krist for the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation