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Marc Rayman relaxes in his space memorabilia room.Listen to Space Place Musings

Dr. Marc Rayman, astrophysicist, mission engineer, and past project manager of Deep Space 1, answers questions about space science and technology.

Fire leaping out of a hole in the ground.

Why is Earth's core so hot?
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Little Lucy gazes at the night sky How did the Milky Way get its name?
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Cartoon clock with running legs and suitcase Is time travel possible?
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Cartoon of a star with a headache Where is the center of the universe?
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Cartoon of a star with a headache Why are stars different sizes?
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Black hole artist's idea What if the Sun became a black hole?
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Cartoon Earth beting hit by a big space rock. Why does Earth rotate?
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Cartoon comet What powers a comet?
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Solar system orbits icon Could you fly through a gas giant planet?
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Solar system orbits icon Why do the planets orbit the Sun?
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Aurora borealis

What causes the beautiful Northern Lights?
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   Last Updated:  07 / 04