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Program Overview
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NASA solicits proposals for its New Millennium Program from prospective Principal Investigators (PI)* for advanced technology system or subsystem concepts that can be developed for space-flight validation through a NASA Research Announcement (NRA). These solicitations occur approximately every one and a half years.

NMP flight validation opportunities are open to U.S. organizations including industry, universities, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC), NASA Centers and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and other U.S. government agencies. The NMP is a U.S. technology flight validation program and is subject to the restrictions imposed by Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). For further information regarding NASA policy on non-U.S. participation, see Section (1) of Part 1835 of the NASA FAR Supplement (NFS).

To participate in a NMP flight validation opportunity, prospective technology providers should regularly visit the Science Mission Directorate website. NMP NRAs are posted at NASA's "Research Opportunities Online". Also consult the "What's New" of this site (see lower menu) and "Current Opportunities" for additional information about NMP workshops and guidelines pertinent to each NMP NRA.

* Note: The NMP defines a PI as a technology provider who is the individual responsible for proposing a flight validation concept, defining the specific validation requirements for the technology that guide the technology development, conducting the technology validation, and publishing the results. The PI works through his/her parent organization, partners, the NMP Office, and NASA Headquarters to achieve the flight validation experiment objectives.

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   Webmaster:  Diane K. Fisher
   JPL Official: Nancy J. Leon

   Last Updated:  08 / 07