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Appendix I--Human Resources Dictionary

DOJ 1200.1

Appendix I--Human Resources Dictionary
Sept. 23, 2004

This Dictionary lists key terms and acronyms used in this order. Definitions are provided for the convenience of the reader and do not provide complete information about the listed topics. References to chapters in this order are prefaced with HRO.

AAG/A means Assistant Attorney General for Administration

Accreditation is a process by which an association of professionals certifies that an individual has achieved a certain level of professional competence to accomplish certain tasks and has met a set of standards in a particular specialization. Its purpose is to establish and maintain uniform standards for education and training in specialities. [HRO Part 5, Chapter 2, Payment of Expenses for Credentials, Accreditation, Licenses, Certification, and Examinations]

Accumulated and accrued annual leave, for the purpose of making a lump-sum payment for annual leave, means any of the following types of annual leave: unused annual leave earned during the current leave year; unused annual leave carried over into the current leave year; annual leave credited under a personal leave ceiling; and restored annual leave. "Accumulated and accrued annual leave" does not include leave received under the voluntary leave transfer or leave bank programs, or advanced annual leave. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 7, Lump-Sum Payments for Annual Leave]

 An adequate position description is an up-to-date position description, prepared in the proper format, that clearly states the major duties, responsibilities, and supervisory relationships of a position in sufficient detail to determine its proper classification. It must include enough information so that, with other information about an organization's structure, mission, and procedures, a person who is familiar with the occupation(s) involved and with the application of pertinent position classification standards can properly classify the position. [Introduction to the Position Classification Standards, Section III]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 4, Position Classification and Employee Placement Plan]

 Adverse action means removal, suspension for more than 14 days, reduction in grade or pay, and furlough for 30 days or less. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 1, Discipline and Adverse Actions]

 Annuitant, for purposes of the reemployment of retirees without penalty to meet exceptional employment needs, means a current or former civilian employee who is receiving, or meets the legal requirements and is applying or has announced intention to apply for, an annuity under subchapter III of chapter 83 or chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, based on his or her service. [5 CFR 553.102(b)]  [HRO Part I, Chapter 2, Reemployment of Retirees Without Penalty to Meet Exceptional Employment Needs]

 Applicable schedule for the target grade is the lower of the LEO special salary rate or the special salary rate under 5 U.S.C. 5305 for the grade to which an employee is promoted. The General Schedule rate is never the applicable schedule for the target grade because Chapter 2-11 only covers promotions to target grades that are covered by LEO special salary rates and/or special salary rates under 5 U.S.C. 5305. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 11, GS Promotions--Special Salary Rate Positions]

 Appointing officer means a person having power by law, or by lawfully delegated authority, to make appointments to positions in the service of the Department. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 2, Highest Previous Rate]

 Appraisal program means the specific procedures and requirements established for each Department component under the policies and parameters of the Department's appraisal system. [5 CFR 430.203] [HRO Part 2, Chapter 15, Performance Management]

 Appraisal system means the framework of policies and parameters established by the Department for the administration of performance appraisal programs. [5 CFR 430.203] [HRO Part 2, Chapter 15, Performance Management]

 An approving official, under the regulations on recruitment and relocation bonuses and retention allowances, is the supervisor or manager who has delegated authority to approve payment of the bonus or allowance. Under OPM regulations, the approving official must generally be at least two organizational levels above the employee receiving the bonus or allowance. [5 CFR 575.104(b) and 5 CFR 575.204(b)]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 5, Recruitment and Relocation Bonuses; Part 2, Chapter 6, Retention Allowances]

 An approving official, for the purpose of repaying student loans, is the supervisor or manager who has delegated authority to approve repayment of the loan. The approving official must generally be at a higher level than the recommending official. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 12, Student Loan Repayment]

 AUO pay is annual premium pay for administratively uncontrollable overtime work. AUO pay is paid in the biweekly pay check, and varies from 10 to 25 percent of basic pay, depending on the average number of unscheduled overtime hours worked. [5 CFR 550.151]

 Authorized official, for the purpose of approving an installment agreement for refunding a lump-sum payment for annual leave, means the Bureau head or designee, except that the Director, Finance Staff, Justice Management Division, approves installment agreements for employees of the offices, boards, and divisions. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 7, Lump-Sum Payments for Annual Leave]

 Availability pay is a premium payment, paid in the biweekly pay check, equal to 25 percent of basic pay, to compensate a criminal investigator for those hours during which the criminal investigator performs work, or is determined by the employing agency to be available for work, that are not (1) part of the 40-hour basic workweek of the investigator; or (2) overtime hours compensated under 5 U.S.C. 5542 and 5 CFR 550.111. (Note that availability pay is the sole compensation for any overtime work hours that are the first 2 hours of overtime work on any day containing part of the employee's basic 40-hour workweek, regardless of how these hours are scheduled; i.e., they may be scheduled in advance of the administrative workweek.) [5 CFR 550.181 and 550.182(a)]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 1, Availability Pay]

An award  is something bestowed or an action taken to recognize and reward individual or team achievement that contributes to meeting organizational goals or improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of the Government or is otherwise in the public interest. Such awards include, but are not limited to, employee incentives which are based on predetermined criteria such as productivity standards, performance goals, measurement systems, award formulas, or payout schedules. [5 CFR 451.102] [Part 2, Chapter 18, Awards]

Award program  means the specific procedures and requirements established by the Department, a bureau, or component of a bureau for granting awards under subchapter I of chapter 43 and subchapter I of chapter 45 of title 5, United States Code and 5 CFR Part 451. [5 CFR 451.102] [Part 2, Chapter 18, Awards]

Basic pay,  for the purposes of computing an advance payment to a new appointee, includes the rate of basic pay fixed by law or administrative action for the position plus: annual premium pay for administratively uncontrollable overtime (AUO) work, availability pay, locality-based comparability payments, special pay adjustments for LEOs, and (for prevailing rate employees only) night differential pay, and minus any allotments or deductions that would normally be deducted from the employee's first paycheck.  [5 CFR 550.202 and 550.203(b)] [HRO Part 2, Chapter 13, Advance Payments to New Appointees]

 BOP means the Bureau of Prisons.

 Break-in-service means the time when an employee is no longer on the payroll of an agency. (In computing creditable service for benefits, e.g., leave accrual and reduction-in-force retention, a separation of 1, 2, or 3 calendar days is not considered to be a break in service; a separation of 4 or more calendar days is considered to be a break in service and the days of separation are subtracted from the employee's total creditable service.) [HRO Part 1, Chapter 4, "Effective Date of New Appointments"]

Bureau  means Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; Bureau of Prisons; Drug Enforcement Administration; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Immigration and Naturalization Service; U.S. Marshals Service; Executive Office for Immigration Review; Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys; Executive Office for U.S. Trustees; Office of Justice Programs; Office of the Inspector General; or collectively, the offices, boards, and divisions within the Department.

 Bureau head means the head of a bureau, except that the Assistant Attorney General for Administration is the bureau head for the offices, boards, and divisions.

 Certification is the written statement, required annually by the availability pay regulations, that a criminal investigator is expected to meet the substantial hours requirement in 5 CFR 550.183. [5 CFR 550.183 and 550.184]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 1, Availability Pay]

Certification, for the purpose of payment of expenses for certification, is recognition given to individuals who have met predetermined qualifications set by an agency of government, industry, or profession. [HRO Part 5, Chapter 2, Payment of Expenses for Credentials, Accreditation, Licenses, Certification, and Examinations]

 CFR means Code of Federal Regulations. For example, 5 CFR part 591 means part 591 of title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

 Classification appeal means the written petition of an employee to appropriate bureau or Department officials or to OPM for a change in the classification of his/her position. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 15, Position Classification Appeals]

Classification certificate means a decision on a position classification appeal by the Department or by OPM which specifies the correct title (if one is prescribed), series, grade, and/or pay system for the position. A classification certificate is binding on all administrative, certifying, payroll, disbursing, and accounting officials of the Government. An OPM appellate classification decision is the final decision on a position's classification, unless OPM at its discretion agrees to reconsideration. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 15, Position Classification Appeals]

 Compensatory time off is time off granted instead of payment for an equal amount of irregular or occasional overtime work. [5 CFR 550.114--exempt employees; 5 CFR.551.531--nonexempt employees]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 3, Hourly Compensation for Overtime Work]

 Component means an Office, Board, Division, or Bureau, i.e., the first major subdivision of the Department that is separately organized and clearly distinguished from other components in work function and operation.

 Component head means the official who directs the administration and operations of each Office, Board, Division, and Bureau, i.e., the principal organizational units of the Department of Justice. The Component Head for United States Attorneys and employees of their offices and for United States Trustees and employees of their offices shall be the Director of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys and the Director of the Executive Office for United States Trustees, respectively. [HRO Part 11, Chapter 1, Procedures for Complying with Ethics Requirements]

 A consultant is a person who can provide valuable and pertinent advice generally drawn from a high degree of broad administrative, professional, or technical knowledge or experience. When an agency requires public advisory participation, a consultant also may be a person who is affected by a particular program and can provide useful views from personal experience. [5 CFR 304.102]  [HRO Part 1, Chapter 7, Employment of Experts and Consultants]

 Continuing pay, for the purpose of paying supervisory differentials, means--

For a GS supervisor, the sum of: basic pay (including a rate of basic pay received while subject to grade retention and a retained rate of pay), locality pay, special pay adjustments for law enforcement officers, retention allowances, AUO pay, availability pay, and certain other continuing payments as provided in 5 CFR 575.405(c).

For a non-GS subordinate, the sum of: basic pay (excluding certain night and environmental differential payments, and retained pay), locality pay, special pay adjustments for law enforcement officers, annual premium pay, and certain other continuing payments as provided in 5 CFR 575.405(d).

[HRO Part 2, Chapter 9, Supervisory Differentials]

 Credentials are documents that attest to an individual's level of knowledge, experience, and skill in a specialization and are generally obtained through a certification, professional accreditation, or state imposed professional licensing process. [HRO Part 5, Chapter 2, Payment of Expenses for Credentials, Accreditation, Licenses, Certification, and Examinations]

 CSRS means Civil Service Retirement System.

 CY means calendar year.

 DAG means Deputy Attorney General.

 Day means calendar day, unless otherwise specified. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 1, Discipline and Adverse Actions]

 DEA means the Drug Enforcement Administration.

 Department means the United States Department of Justice.

 Discipline means an action which is recorded in the employee’s Official Personnel File, i.e., written reprimand, suspension, reduction in grade or pay, or removal. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 1, Discipline and Adverse Actions]

 Disposable pay, for the purpose of calculating installment payments for the refund of a lump-sum payment for annual leave, means the employee's current gross basic pay for one pay period, minus the mandatory deductions listed in 28 CFR 11.6(h) and amounts deducted under a garnishment order. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 7, Lump-Sum Payments for Annual Leave]

 EEO means equal employment opportunity. [HRO Part 4, Chapter 1, Equal Employment Opportunity Program]

 EEOC means the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. [HRO Part 4, Chapter 1, Equal Employment Opportunity Program]

 EEOS means the Equal Employment Opportunity Staff of the Department. [HRO Part 4, Chapter 1, Equal Employment Opportunity Program]

 Effective date means the date on which a personnel action takes place and on which the employee's official assignment begins. [HRO Part 1, Chapter 4, Effective Date of New Appointments]

 Employee as used in the Agency Grievance Procedure, Part 3, Chapter 2, of this order means an individual currently employed by the Department or a former employee of the Department who was covered by the Agency Grievance Procedure when he or she was an employee. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 2, Agency Grievance Procedure]

 Employee placement means the effort made by an agency to place an employee in a properly classified position, including the planned efforts made by an agency to place an employee receiving grade retention or pay retention in a position which is equal to his or her retained grade or pay. [5 U.S.C. 5364; 5 CFR 536.301]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 4, Position Classification and Employee Placement Plan]

 Ethics definitions:
 Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) means the Department of Justice ethics official the Attorney General appoints to administer, coordinate and manage the Department's ethics program. The Assistant Attorney General for Administration has been designated to serve as the DAEO.

 Alternate Designated Agency Ethics Official (Alternate DAEO) means the person within the Department of Justice the DAEO appoints to carry out all of the functions of the DAEO, as necessary. The Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Law and Policy, Justice Management Division, shall be the Alternate DAEO.

 Deputy Designated Agency Ethics Official (Deputy DAEO) means the person within each component to whom the DAEO delegates the responsibility and authority for the management of the ethics program within such component. The Deputy DAEO for each component shall be appointed by the DAEO, upon nomination by the Component Head.

The Deputy DAEO for the Offices of the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, Associate Attorney General, Solicitor General, and the Office of Public Affairs (Senior Management Offices) shall be the Director of the Departmental Ethics Office, unless another Deputy DAEO is appointed by the Attorney General.

 Departmental Ethics Office (DEO) means the office established within the Justice Management Division to administer the ethics program for the Department of Justice.

 Notification and Retention Office means the Human Resources Staff, Justice Management Division, except that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; Bureau of Prisons; Drug Enforcement Administration; Executive Office for Immigration Review; Executive Office for United States Attorneys; Executive Office for United States Trustees; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Drug Intelligence Center; Office of the Inspector General; Office of Justice Programs; and United States Marshals Service shall perform these functions for filers within their respective components.

Also, see definition of component head.

[HRO Part 11, Chapter 1, Procedures for Complying with Ethics Requirements]

 Exempt means NOT covered by FLSA overtime pay provisions. (GS-1811 criminal investigators receiving availability pay are exempt.) [5 CFR part 551, subpart B]   [HRO Part 2, Chapter 3, Hourly Compensation for Overtime Work]

 An expert is a person who is specially qualified by education and experience to perform difficult and challenging tasks in a particular field beyond the ususal range of achievement of competent persons in that field. An expert is regarded by other persons in the field as an authority or practitioner of unusual competence and skill in a professional, scientific, technical or other activity. [5 CFR 304.102]  [HRO Part 1, Chapter 7, Employment of Experts and Consultants]

A family member, for purposes of the EAP, means an employee’s spouse or significant other; father; mother; father-in-law; mother-in-law; unmarried, dependent child under the age of 22 years, including an adopted child, recognized natural child, and a step-child or foster child who lives with the employee in a parent-child relationship; and an unmarried dependent child who, regardless of age, is incapable of self-support because of mental or physical incapacity. For purposes of Traumatic Incident Management, this definition may be extended to include other family members. [HRO Part 7, Chapter 1, Employee Assistance Program; HRO Part 7, Chapter 2, Traumatic Incident Management]

 FBI means the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

 FEPCA means the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990.

 FERS means the Federal Employees Retirement System.

  Flexible work options plan means component-level guidelines which outline flexible work options applicable to specific groups of employees, and the process whereby supervisors and employees develop employee work schedules, work hours, work locations, and other work matters which are consistent with the organization's mission and maximize both the employee's ability to perform work duties and manage personal responsibilities. [HRO Part 6, Chapter 2, Flexible Work Options Program]

  Flexible work options include, but are not limited to: flexible work schedules, compressed work schedules, part-time employment, job sharing, telecommuting, and credit hours. [HRO Part 6, Chapter 2, Flexible Work Options Program]

 FLSA means the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended (FLSA).

 FR means the Federal Register. For example, 56 FR 6208 means page 6208 of volume 56 of the Federal Register.

 A full-time work schedule requires most employees to work 40 hours during the workweek. [HRO Part 1, Chapter 8, "Part-Time Career Employment Program"]

 FY means Fiscal Year.

 Good cause as used in the Agency Grievance Procedure, Part 3, Chapter 2, paragraph B.10.a., of this order means a valid explanation such as work exigencies, official travel, or approved leave. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 2, Agency Grievance Procedure]

 Grade retention is an employee's entitlement under certain specific conditions to have the grade of the position held immediately before placement in a lower graded position treated as his grade for a 2-year period from the date of the reduction in grade. [5 CFR 536.103]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 4, Position Classification and Employee Placement Plan]

 Grievance means a written and signed request by an employee, or by a group of employees acting as individuals, for personal relief concerning a particular act or occurrence which arises during the employment of the employee(s) and is subject to the control of agency management. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 2, Agency Grievance Procedure]

 Grievance official means an official designated by management who reviews a grievance and issues a final decision. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 2, Agency Grievance Procedure]

  GS means the General Schedule authorized by 5 U.S.C. 5332.

 Half-time, for purposes of the volunteer service regulations, means enrollment in any combination of courses, research projects or special studies that meets one-half or fifty percent of the workload standards and practices of the institution in which the student is enrolled. [5 CFR 308.101]  [HRO Part 1, Chapter 3, Student Volunteer Service]

 Highest applicable scheduled rate of basic pay is an employee's highest rate of basic pay (excluding any additional types of pay, such as locality pay, special pay adjustments for LEOs, premium pay, allowances, and differentials) on any of the following schedules, as applicable: the regular GS, the LEO special salary rate, or a special salary rate approved by OPM under 5 U.S.C. 5305. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 11, GS Promotions--Special Salary Rate Positions]

 Highest previous rate means, for purposes of paying certain employees General Schedule rates, the highest actual rate of basic pay previously received or the actual rate of basic pay for the highest grade and step previously held by an individual, depending on the position in which the individual was employed. [5 CFR 531.202]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 2, Highest Previous Rate]

 HRO means Human Resources Order.

 Irregular or occasional overtime work is overtime work that cannot be scheduled in advance as part of the employee's administrative workweek. [5 CFR 550.103]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 3, Hourly Compensation for Overtime Work]

 JMD means the Justice Management Division.

Key career executives/key executive positions include: Assistant Attorney General for Administration; Director, Executive Office of Immigration Review; Director, Bureau of Prisons; Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; Deputy Director,Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; Counsel on Professional Responsibility; Counsel for Intelligence Policy and Review; Pardon Attorney; Officials who report directly to the DAG or the Associate Attorney General; all career Deputy Assistant Attorneys General; General Counsel, FBI; All Assistant Directors, FBI; any SES position which reports to the Director, FBI; and SES executives that report directly to the Administrator or Deputy Administrator, DEA (but not including the position of Special Agent in Charge). [HRO Part 2, Chapter 14, Hostile Fire Pay; and Part 8, Chapter 1, Performance Management System for Senior Executive Service Employees]

 Law enforcement officer definitions:

Law enforcement officer, for purposes of maximum entry age and mandatory retirement of law enforcement officers, means-
For a CSRS employee: an employee, the duties of whose position are primarily the investigation, apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of offenses against the criminal laws of the United States, including an employee engaged in this activity who is transferred to a supervisory or administrative position. [See additional specifics in the definition of "law enforcement officer" in 5 CFR 831.902.]

For a FERS employee: an employee occupying a rigorous position, whose primary duties are the investigation, apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of offenses against the criminal laws of the United States, or the protection of officials of the United States against threats to personal safety as provided in the definition of law enforcement officer for purposes of the Civil Service Retirement System. [See additional specifics in the definition of "law enforcement officer" in 5 CFR 842.802.]

[HRO Part 1, Chapter 6, Maximum Entry Age and Mandatory Retirement of Law enforcement Officers]

 Law enforcement officer, for purposes of paying foreign language awards, is an employee who meets the definition in 5 U.S.C. 4521, including a member of the senior level pay system, the Senior Executive Service, or the FBI-DEA Senior Executive Service. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 8, Foreign Language Awards]

 LEO means law enforcement officer.

 LEO special salary rate is a scheduled rate of basic pay for LEOs in GS grades 3 through 10 that is authorized by section 403 of the Federal Law Enforcement Pay Reform Act of 1990 (5 U.S.C. 5305 Note). OPM publishes LEO special salary rates in Special Salary Rate Table Number 491. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 11, GS Promotions-Special Salary Rate Positions]

 Licensing is the process by which an agency grants permission to an individual to engage in a given occupation upon finding that the applicant has attained the minimal degree of competency required to engage in that occupation. [HRO Part 5, Chapter 2, Payment of Expenses for Credentials, Accreditation, Licenses, Certification, and Examinations]

LY means leave year. [5 CFR 630.201(b)(6)]

 Managerial position means a position, regardless of grade, that meets the definition of "managerial positions" contained in OPM's General Schedule Supervisory Guide. [5 CFR 315.902]  [HRO Part 1, Chapter 5, "Probationary Period for Supervisors and Managers in the Competitive Service"]

 Maximum payable rate means the maximum rate of basic pay that may be paid General Schedule employees upon reemployment, transfer, reassignment, promotion, demotion, or change in type of appointment. [5 CFR 531.203(c)]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 2, Highest Previous Rate]

 Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) is a Federal Government agency responsible for processing Federal employee appeals of adverse actions. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 1, Discipline and Adverse Actions]

 Mission-related training is training that supports agency goals by improving organizational performance at any appropriate level in the agency, as determined by the head of the agency. [5 CFR 410.101(d)]  [Part 5, Chapter 1, Training and Development]

 Mixed-case appeal means an appeal filed with the MSPB that alleges that an appealable agency action was effected, in whole or in part, because of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or age. [29 CFR 1614.302(a)(2)]  [HRO Part 4, Chapter 1, Equal Employment Opportunity Program]

Mixed-case  complaint means a complaint of employment discrimination filed with a federal agency based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or handicap related to or stemming from an action that may be appealed to the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB). The complaint may contain only an allegation of employment discrimination or it may contain additional allegations that the MSPB has jurisdiction to address. [29 CFR 1614.302(a)(1)]  [HRO Part 4, Chapter 1, Equal Employment Opportunity Program]

Mixed  tour of duty, for the purpose of making a lump-sum payment for annual leave, means a condition of employment for possitions in which a fluctuating workload requires an employee to work full-time or part-time for a limited portion of the year, and on an intermittent basis for the remainder of the year. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 7, Lump-Sum Payments for Annual Leave]

NARA  means the National Archives and Records Administration.

A new  appointee, for the purpose of making an advance payment to a new appointee, is a newly-hired Department employee with a scheduled tour of duty who is receiving his or her first appointment as a Federal employee, or a new appointment following a break in Federal service of at least 90 days.[5 CFR 550.202]   [HRO Part 2, Chapter 13, Advance Payments to New Appointees]

Noncareer-type  SL employee, for the purpose of the chapters on Senior Level Pay and Hostile Fire Pay, means an SL employee who is appointed by the President, or one who occupies: a Schedule C position authorized under 5 CFR 213.3301; a position that meets the same criteria as a Schedule C position; or a position where the incumbent is traditionally removed upon a change in Presidential Administration. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 10, Pay for Senior Level Positions, and HRO Part 2, Chapter 14, Hostile Fire Pay]

Nonexempt  means covered by FLSA overtime pay provisions. An employee is nonexempt UNLESS exempted under 5 CFR part 551, subpart B. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 3, Hourly Compensation for Overtime Work]

OBDs  means the Offices, Boards, and Divisions of the Department--i.e., major components not defined as bureaus.

Official  duty station, for purposes of premium pay for travel, is the largest of the following areas in which the employees designated post of duty is located: the corporate limits of the city or other jurisdiction; the Metropolitan Statistical Area, as defined by OMB; the Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area, as defined by OMB; or the Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area, as defined by OMB. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 3, Hourly Compensation for Overtime Work]

OMB  means the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

OPF  means Official Personnel Folder.

OPM  means the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Part-time  career employment is part-time employment of 16 to 32 hours per week performed by an employee of an agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 3401 (a) through (f), who has an appointment in tenure group I or II and who becomes employed on such part-time basis on or after April 8, 1979. [5 CFR 340.202(a)] [HRO Part 1, Chapter 8, "Part-Time Career Employment Program"]

Pay retention is an employee's entitlement under certain specific conditions to receive for an indefinite period basic pay at a rate equal to the employee's allowable former rate of basic pay, or 150 percent of the maximum rate of basic pay payable for the new grade, whichever is lower. [5 CFR 536.205]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 4, Position Classification and Employee Placement Plan]

A peer support program is an optional EAP program, sanctioned and managed by an EAP that uses Department employees who volunteer to act as peer support members. Peer support members are trained to support other employees and their families following a traumatic event, to encourage them to seek medical or mental health counseling when it is in their best interest, or to more generally assist in implementing elements of the EAP’s TIM program and outreach activities. [HRO Part 7, Chapter 2, Traumatic Incident Management]

 Performance Review Board means one or more boards established in the Department, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 4314(c), whose function it is to make recommendations to the appropriate appointing authority of the Department relating to the performance of senior executives in the Department. [HRO Part 8, Chapter 1, Performance Management System for Senior Executive Service Employees]

Personal relief means a specific remedy directly benefitting the grieving employee(s), but does not include a request for discipline or other action affecting another employee, including a supervisor or management official. [HRO Part 3, Chapter 2, Agency Grievance Procedure]

 Position description--see adequate position description. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 4, Position Classification and Employee Placement Plan]

 Position management means the efficient design of positions by supervisors and managers to support the organizations they lead. Sound position management blends the skills and assignments of employees with the goal of successfully and efficiently carrying out the organization's mission or program. Good position management considers grade levels of positions to the extent that grades of positions are commensurate with the work performed and do not exceed the level actually required. [Introduction to the Position Classification Standards, Section III]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 4, Position Classification and Employee Placement Plan]

 Promotion, for purposes of GS Promotions--Special Salary Rate Positions, is the movement of an employee from a GS grade to a higher GS grade. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 11, GS Promotions--Special Salary Rate Positions]

 A quality step increase (QSI) is an increase in an employee's rate of basic pay from one step or rate of the grade of his or her position to the next higher step of that grade or next higher rate within the grade. [5 CFR 531.502] [Part 2, Chapter 18, Awards]

 Rate of basic pay, for purposes of paying foreign language awards, means the rate of basic pay fixed by law or administrative action for the position to which a LEO is appointed, exclusive of additional pay of any kind, such as locality-based comparability payments, special pay adjustments for LEOs, AUO pay, and availability pay. Rate of basic pay includes any special salary rates established under 5 U.S.C. 5305 or section 403 of the Federal Law Enforcement Pay Reform Act of 1990 (5 U.S.C. 5305 Note). [HRO Part 2, Chapter 8, Foreign Language Awards]

 Rating of record means the performance rating prepared at the end of an appraisal period for performance of agency-assigned duties over the entire period and the assignment of a summary level within a pattern established in accordance with this order. [5 CFR 430.203] [HRO Part 2, Chapter 15, Performance Management]

 Reassignment, for purposes of clearance procedures in Part 12, Chapter 2, means the movement of an employee from one component to another component within the Department without a break in service. [HRO Part 12, Chapter 2, Clearance Procedures for Employees and Contractors Separating from or Reassigned within the Department of Justice]

 A recommending official, for the purpose of repaying student loans, is the supervisor or manager who initiates a request to approve repayment of the loan. The recommending official must generally be an official who is at a higher level than the employee receiving the repayment benefit. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 12, Student Loan Repayment]

 A recruitment bonus is a discretionary lump-sum payment of up to 25 percent of basic pay made to an employee newly appointed to a hard-to-fill position. [5 CFR part 575, subpart A]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 5, Recruitment and Relocation Bonuses]

 Regularly scheduled work, for purposes of determining entitlement to premium pay, is work scheduled in advance of an administrative workweek, excluding any such work compensated by availability pay. [5 CFR 550.103]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 3, Hourly Compensation for Overtime Work]

 A relocation bonus is a discretionary lump-sum payment of up to 25 percent of basic pay made to an employee who must relocate to accept a hard-to-fill position in a different commuting area. [5 CFR part 575, subpart B]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 5, Recruitment and Relocation Bonuses]

 A retention allowance is a discretionary biweekly payment of up to 25 percent of basic pay made to retain an employee with unusually high or unique skills who would be likely to leave the Federal service in the absence of the allowance. [5 CFR part 575, subpart C]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 6, Retention Allowances]

 Retiree, for purposes of the reemployment of retirees without penalty to meet exceptional employment needs, means an annuitant as defined in 5 CFR 553.102(b).

 Section 7(k) of the FLSA authorizes a special overtime standard, currently 85.5 hours per pay period, for certain employees performing law enforcement duties. Employees subject to section 7(k) also have special rules on sleep and meal periods. [5 CFR 551.541]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 3, Hourly Compensation for Overtime Work]

 The Senior Executive Resources Board (SERB) provides overall management and control of the Department's SES. The members of the SERB are the DAG, Associate Attorney General, and AAG/A. The Assistant Director for Executive Resources, Human Resources Staff, JMD, serves as the Executive Secretary for the SERB. Additional members may be added at the Direction of the Attorney General. [HRO Part 8, Chapter 1, Performance Management System for Senior Executive Service Employees]

 Separation, for purposes of clearance procedures in Part 12, Chapter 2, means the separation of an employee or contractor from the Department by resignation, removal, termination, retirement, completion of contract, or death. [HRO Part 12, Chapter 2, Clearance Procedures for Employees and Contractors Separating from or Reassigned within the Department of Justice]

 A service agreement is a written agreement between the Department and the prospective recipient of a recruitment or relocation bonus or a student loan repayment in which the employee agrees to remain employed by the Department for a specified period of time. [5 CFR 575.103, 5 CFR 575.203, and 5 CFR 537.107]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 5, Recruitment and Relocation Bonuses and Chapter 12, Student Loan Repayment]

 SES means the Senior Executive Service.

 Status as a parent refers to the status of an individual who, with respect to an individual who is under the age of 18 or who is 18 or older but is incapable of self-care because of a physical or mental disability, is: (a) a biological parent; (b) an adoptive parent; (c) a foster parent; (d) a stepparent; (e) a custodian of a legal ward; (f)in loco parentis over such an individual; or (g) actively seeking legal custody or adoption of such an individual. [E.O. 11478 as amended by E.O. 13152] [HRO Part 4, Chapter 1, Equal Employment Opportunity Program]

 A student loan, for the purpose of authorizing repayment of student loans, is: 1) a loan made, insured, or guaranteed under parts B, D, or E of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965; or 2) a health education assistance loan made or insured under part A of title VII of the Public Health Service Act, or under part E of title VIII of that Act. [HRO Part 2, Chapter 12, Student Loan Repayment]

Substance abuse means the use of alcohol or a psychoactive substance for other than medicinal purposes which impairs the physical, mental, emotional, occupational, or social well-being of the user. [HRO Part 7, Chapter 1, Employee Assistance Program]

 Suffered or permitted work means any work performed by an employee for the benefit of an agency, whether requested or not, provided the employee's supervisor knows or has reason to believe that the work is being performed and has an opportunity to prevent the work from being permitted. [5 CFR 551.103]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 3, Hourly Compensation for Overtime Work]

 Supervisory position, for purposes of determining the length of probationary period for such a position, means a position, regardless of grade, that meets the definition of "supervisory positions" contained in OPM's General Schedule Supervisory Guide. [5 CFR 315.902] [HRO Part 1, Chapter 5, "Probationary Period for Supervisors and Managers in the Competitive Service"]

 Training has the meaning given to the term in section 4101 of Title 5, United States Code, and includes planned activities which support and improve individual and organizational performance and effectiveness, such as on-the-job training, career development programs, professional development activities or developmental assignments. [5 CFR 410.101(c)]  [HRO Part 5, Chapter 1, Training and Development]

 Transfer, for purposes of clearance procedures in Part 12, Chapter 2, means the movement of an employee from the Department to another department or agency without a break in service of one full workday. [HRO Part 12, Chapter 2, Clearance Procedures for Employees and Contractors Separating from or Reassigned within the Department of Justice]

A traumatic incident is a person’s direct personal exposure to an incident that involves “actual or threatened death or serious injury, or other threat to one’s physical integrity; or witnessing an event that involves death, injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of another person; or learning about unexpected or violent death, serious harm, or threat of death or injury experienced by a family member or other close associate.” In addition, “the person’s response to the event involves intense fear, helplessness, or horror.” Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition , Text Revision; Copyright 2000 American Psychiatric Association) [HRO Part 7, Chapter 1, Employee Assistance Program; HRO Part 7, Chapter 2, Traumatic Incident Management]

Traumatic Incident Management (TIM) is a wide range of programs and interventions, instituted by a Department EAP that incorporates services that alleviate or prevent psychological trauma in Department personnel and enhance employees’ ability to recover from significant stress or traumatic incident. TIM services may include, but are not limited to: appropriate trauma counseling and support services; peer support; follow-up services; on-scene support services; information and referral services; family/significant other support services; group and individual interventions with respect to affected personnel; disaster preparedness training; and preventive, educational, and informational programs. The protocol consists of EAP guidelines for implementing the various elements and procedures of a TIM model. [HRO Part 7, Chapter 1, Employee Assistance Program; HRO Part 7, Chapter 2, Traumatic Incident Management]

 Unscheduled duty hours, under the availability pay regulations, are hours during which a criminal investigator performs, or is determined by management to be available to perform, work that is not part of the 40-hour basic workweek or compensated as overtime work. [5 CFR 550.182(a)]  [HRO Part 2, Chapter 1, Availability Pay]

 U.S.C. means the United States Code. For example, 5 U.S.C. 5372 means section 5372 of title 5, United States Code.

 USMS means the United States Marshals Service.

 Wage employee means an employee paid under any of the prevailing rate pay systems authorized by subchapter IV of chapter 53 of title 5, U.S.C.

 Worklife program means the overall Department-level policy for component-specific flexible work option plans, dependent care support and family leave programs. [HRO Part 6, Chapter 2, Flexible Work Options Program]

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