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 [graphic] National Register Bulletin Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Historic Aids to Navigation to the National Register of Historic Places

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service


An aid to navigation may potentially qualify as a National Historic Landmark. Landmark designation requires a property to possess exceptional significance and a high degree of integrity by meeting criteria on national significance and integrity specified in the regulations of the National Historic Landmark Program (36 CFR Part 65).

Landmark studies are prepared on National Register nomination forms and, ordinarily, are part of a thematic study which evaluates the comparative significance of a large body of resources. The NPS has included aids to navigation in its theme study The Maritime Heritage of the United States. Consultation with the maritime resources staff of the NPS History Division, Washington Office at the earliest stage in the preparation of a Landmark nomination form will facilitate the development of a well-documented study as required by the criteria for national significance.

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