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You’d expect that with over 50,000 job boards dedicated to connecting job seekers and employers, life would be easier for both sides. Unfortunately this is not the case. Instead, the online employment market has become highly fragmented, noisy and very inefficient. Our mission at RealMatch is to connect job seekers and employers as efficiently as possible. With this mission in mind, we took a critical look at all the problems encountered in the industry and built a solution to address each and every one. Here are some of the most significant problems that we have identified and our solutions:

1. Market fragmentation - With tens of thousands of unconnected job boards operating on the web, job seekers and employers have never had a more difficult time connecting. For example, a nurse in Cleveland might find one of these job sites and post her resume. A hospital in Cleveland might find another site and post its job. Because these two job sites are, in general, not connected, the hospital and the nurse do not find each other, leaving both sides disappointed and frustrated. RealMatch powers a network of over 1000 job sites which use a common database of both jobs and candidates. The Realmatch Job Network connects jobs and people across hundreds of industries and locations throughout North America. Now the nurse and the hospital can easily connect, while the two participating websites that connected them benefit as well. Value is created for everyone – the employer posting the job, the candidate looking for the job, and the websites that brought each to the common network. By centralizing the online employment market, jobs and people can connect.

2. Separating active and passive candidates – Existing job boards force employers to choose between posting a job and searching a resume database (typically each activity carries its own price). In our experience employers want to reach the most qualified candidate regardless of their job seeking status, so jobsites price these separately RealMatch combines the process of posting a job and searching a resume database into one seamless operation. After posting, a job is immediately and automatically matched with passive candidates from our database of candidates acquired from across the entire RealMatch network. At the same time, the job is also featured across the entire network and begins to attract active candidates who apply for the job. Employers see these passive (matched) candidates and candidates who apply to the posted position, all within the same intuitive employer interface. Our combined process replaces the need to search separately or pay extra fees.

3. Pay to post pricing model – The antiquated pay-to-post pricing model places all the risk on the employer with no guarantee of results. The employer posts a job and hopes (and prays) that the posting generates good prospects. Payment has been made regardless of whether any qualified candidates respond to the posting. This risky pricing model has left a wake of disappointed employers which causes many small and medium size companies to be very selective where they post their job openings – making it that much harder for candidates to find the jobs in the first place. Realmatch and its partners don’t charge for this portion of the service. All hourly and salaried positions can be posted on the RealMatch Network absolutely free. Employers are then provided the matching candidate profiles (with contact information removed) for them to review. When the employer is convinced that RealMatch can deliver the type of candidates that meet their definition of qualified, it makes the buying process easy. Employers can choose to purchase a resume opening package and access all the resumes they like. The point is, if an employer doesn’t like the candidates we present, they can walk away knowing they haven’t spent a dime. In contrast, when an employer pays upfront and is disappointed, the money has already been irreversibly spent. Realmatch’s risk-free model results in more jobs for candidates to match against and apply to and a risk free pricing model for employers. Another win-win.

4. Keyword Search Technology – Keyword search technology was designed to cross-reference large numbers of documents, not to connect job seekers and employers. Oddly enough, the two- way matching technology offered by online dating sites more closely emulates the dynamic needed to match jobs and people. It’s not enough that the preferences of one side be satisfied. Both side’s preference must be met for a match to occur. This is the Realmatch difference. Realmatch’s technology is based on a comprehensive taxonomy of job titles and skills that is used by job seekers and employers alike to define their professional credentials and job requirements respectively. Immediately after publishing a job, employers see a ranked and graded list of matching candidates. The best candidates and applicants automatically rise to the top so you can concentrate on recruiting and not on managing a tidal wave of unqualified applicants. The result is a completely new experience for employers and job seekers.

Realmatch has quickly become a leader in the online recruitment space by changing the way jobs are posted, distributed and found. We thought the time had come for some fundamental changes to take place online employment and we hope you’ll agree. We’d welcome your feedback. Email us

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