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Awards and Recognition

Table of Contents


Background and General Information on Awards

The Department's incentive awards program is designed to improve government operations and services through motivation and reward of the workforce. Recognizing outstanding performance and achievement is an essential management responsibility critical to stimulating and sustaining high levels of proficiency and productivity. The number and diversity of awards available to recognize employees often makes it difficult for managers to select an award best suited to a particular employee's contribution.

The Department of Justice Incentive Awards Planning Guide is designed to facilitate award planning by identifying the various awards and honors available to Department of Justice managers and supervisors to recognize praiseworthy performance and accomplishments. It is intended to serve as a planning tool by providing one source, the types of awards available, the award criteria, approximate announcement and selection time frames, and form of recognition to be accorded recipients. This guide describes four major types of awards - Attorney General's Awards, External Awards and Fellowships, Performance and Spot Awards, and Presidential Rank Awards. Information on employee eligibility for awards, the award sponsor, and the level of recognition are described when possible.

Many of the Department's components have established forms of recognition unique to their employees. Information concerning these awards may be obtained from the appropriate servicing personnel office. Questions concerning the awards contained in this guide, or the awards program in general, may be referred to your servicing personnel office; Glenn Kivlen, Programs and External Relations, Human Resources, Justice Management Division on (202) 616-5180; or on policy matters, to Elaine Noble, Policy Group, Justice Management Division on (202) 514-1598.

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Award Deadlines

  Date Due
Arthur S. Flemming Award January
Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) National Awards January
GEICO Public Service Awards January
National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) TOP COPS Awards January
Presidential Rank Awards January
White House Closing the Circle Awards January
Service to America Award February
Attorney General's Volunteer Service Awards March
Mike Mansfield Fellowship Program March
TNational Defense University March
Attorney General's Awards April
International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Webber Seavey Award April
Justice Tom C. Clark Award for Outstanding Government Attorney April
Federal Energy and Water Management Awards May
Frank B. Rowlett Awards Program May
Roger W. Jones Award for Executive Leadership May
Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE) Awards May
Federal Property Manager of the Year June
International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association (INEOA) Awards June
President's Quality Award July
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor July
Younger Federal Lawyer Awards July
Beatrice Rosenberg Award for Excellence in Government Service October
Washington Council of Lawyers (WCL) Government Pro Bono Award October
National Operations Security (OPSEC) Awards December

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General Information on the Attorney General's Annual Awards

The Attorney General's Awards are intended to honor Department of Justice employees and others who assist the Department in meeting its law enforcement mission. These awards afford the opportunity to honor Department employees who have distinguished themselves in the pursuit of excellence and private citizens who have assisted in a substantial way in furthering the mission of the Department. Nominations for these awards must have the personal endorsements of the Heads of Department components. Components should seek to recognize employees who have not been previously honored. Nominations must be submitted to the Assistant Executive Secretary of the Incentive Awards Board/John Marshall Awards Panel, who will forward the nominations to the Board for review and recommendations to the Attorney General for final approval in April of each year.

Questions concerning these awards may be referred to your servicing personnel office or to Richard Toscano, Assistant Director, Programs and External Relations, Human Resources, Justice Management Division on (202) 305-1756.

The Attorney General's Awards include:

  • The Attorney General's Award for Exceptional Service

  • The Attorney General's Award for Exceptional Heroism

  • The Mary C. Lawton Lifetime Service Award

  • The William French Smith Award for Outstanding Contribution to Cooperative Law Enforcement

  • The Attorney General's Meritorious Public Service Award

  • The Attorney General's Award for Distinguished Service

  • The Attorney General's Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement

  • The Attorney General's Award for Excellence in Management

  • The Attorney General's Award for Excellence in Information Technology

  • The Attorney General's Award for Excellence in Furthering the Interests of U.S. National Security

  • The Attorney General's Equal Employment Opportunity Award

  • The Attorney General's Awards for Excellence in Legal Support

  • The Attorney General's Awards for Excellence in Administrative Support

  • The John Marshall Awards

  • The Attorney General's Award for Outstanding Service in Freedom of Information Act Administration

  • The Attorney General's Award for Fraud Prevention

  • The Attorney General's Award for Outstanding Contributions to Community Partnerships for Public Safety

  • The Cubby Dorsey Award for Outstanding Service by a Federal Wage Grade System Employee

  • The Attorney General's Award for Outstanding Contributions by a New Employee

  • The Edward H. Levi Award for Outstanding Professsionalism and Exemplary Integrity

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Attorney General's Volunteer Awards

The Attorney General's Volunteer Awards are intended to recognize those employees who are pro bono legal volunteers, employees who volunteer with community service and faith-based organizations, and employees involved with component-sponsored activities such as the DOJ Partners in Education Program, community service projects, blood drives, and other activities.

The Employee Volunteer Service Award is a self-nomination process to identify employees who are actively involved in volunteer activities.

The Community Service Award is presented for exemplary community service efforts by employees of a DOJ component, office, or multi-component volunteer project.

The Citizen Volunteer Service Award is to recognize the contributions of citizen volunteers who assist the Department in serving the public interest. Many components utilize volunteers to augment different programs, such as placing volunteer student interns in their offices. Other organizations use volunteers to provide services to inmates and detainees.

Questions concerning these awards may be referred to your servicing personnel office or to Lynn Sutton, Programs and External Relations, Human Resources, Justice Management Division on (202) 305-8986.

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Information on External Awards and Fellowships

Various external awards provide recognition and tribute to especially meritorious accomplishments or contributions which advance the mission of the Government or the interests of the country. Numerous government and independent organizations annually sponsor certain awards to recognize outstanding public service achievements. Professional organizations and Federal agencies also sponsor certain awards as a means to recognize and honor demonstrations of excellence in specific professional fields.

Fellowships provide employees the opportunity to study, travel and gain experience in public policy areas of various nationalities, cultures and outside organizations. It also serves to strengthen the relationship between the Department and these interests.

Questions concerning these awards may be directed to Glenn Kivlen, Programs and External Relations, Human Resources, Justice Management Division on (202)616-5180.

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Information on Performance and On-The-Spot Awards

The Office of Personnel Management has established incentive awards as a means to honor those individuals and groups whose contributions are so outstanding as to warrant special recognition. In addition, the various components within the Department have established and administered commendation awards and other special awards which are unique to their workforce to honor and recognize individual or group achievements by employees. Information on these awards may be obtained by contacting the servicing personnel office of your component.

Performance Awards may be awarded to employees who have received at least a "Fully Successful" or higher performance rating only once a year. These awards are recommended by supervisors and endorsed by higher-level approving officials.

On-the-Spot Awards are awarded to employees who have made a high-quality contribution to a difficult or important project or assignment; produced exceptionally high-quality work under a tight deadline; performed added or emergency assignments in additional to regular duties; demonstrated exceptional courtesy or responsiveness in dealing with the public, client agencies, or colleagues; and exercised extraordinary initiative or creativity in addressing a critical need or a difficult problem. These awards are recommended by supervisors and endorsed by higher-level approving officials.

Questions concerning Performance and On-The-Spot Awards may be referred to your servicing personnel office, or, on policy matters, to Elaine Noble, Policy Group, Justice Management Division on (202) 514-1598.

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Information on Presidential Rank Awards

The President confers the rank of Distinguished Executive and Meritorious Executive on a select group of career members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) who have provided exceptional service to the American people over an extended period of time. They consistently demonstrate strength, integrity, industry, and a relentless commitment to public service. Executives from across Government are nominated by their agency heads, evaluated by citizen panels, and, finally, designated by the President.

Distinguished Executive rank is awarded to leaders who achieve extraordinary results. Award recipients receive a lump-sum payment of 35 percent of their base salary, a gold pin, and a framed certificate signed by the President.

Meritorious Executive rank is awarded to leaders for sustained accomplishments. Award recipients receive a lump-sum payment of 20 percent of their base salary, a silver pin, and a framed certificate signed by the President.

Recommendations are submitted to the Senior Executive Resources Board (SERB) by organization heads during February of each year. The SERB makes recommendations to the Attorney General who transmits the Department's award nominees to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) by April 15. OPM reviews all executive department award nominations and transmits to the President final nominations for his consideration. The President selects award recipients during September of each year. Questions concerning these awards may be referred to your servicing personnel office, or to Kimberly Jackson, Executive Resources Group, Human Resources, Justice Management Division on (202) 616-6466.

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Energy and Environmental Management Awards

The Energy and Environmental Management Awards Program (EEMAP) is designed to recognize employees and/or teams that have shown outstanding progress in the areas of:

  • Waste/Pollution Prevention
  • Recycling
  • Green Purchasing
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • High Performance/Sustainable Buildings
  • Electronics Stewardship
  • Alternative Fuel and Fuel Conservation in Transportation

Award winners will be submitted for the annual White House Closing the Circle Awards. Nominations should be completed by December, and the winners will be announced in February, with recognition occurring annually in conjunction with the Closing the Circle Awards Ceremony in June. For additional information, please contact Dawn Gunning of the Facilities and Administrative Services Staff (FASS), on (202) 353-0761 or via email at

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