June 3, 1977 Protessor ~oy Curtivs III Ltepart irlent of Nicrobi 01 oqy LIne deaical Center I'he University of hlabasa in birmingnarn, Alabama 35294 i rrni r1giia:ii itear Kuy: Sorry to be so long in responding to your letter of 20 Aay. Tne fact is I've been on a wrry-go-round reqarding definitions and was awaiting resoiut ion of such before writ inq. As you prouavly ~riw I ad1 in favor of the substance of the Advisory i;omaittee's new draft. I nave ~een involved witn varjous attempts to ::et sucti n definition in tne bills now wing considered. tf.%. 741r3, tile 3ost recent House version, atte.apts to do what tne Advisory Comittee suggests, out tile wording is terribly garbled. rilere is already a revision that ill ~e proposed at tire inark-up (now postponed for tile second time, until next S'uesday) and tnat is clear, wnile still con- taining sone proalms. 1 nope to be in toucn with Zimersan tonorrow. Clearly, if the narrower definition is in a bill that is passed, the desired end dill be actiieved. lhe current version of tne Senate oil1 (S. 1217) also has an P'eruaps you could write to the exclusion mt it is not narrowed by the ilnportant euKaryote - proaaryote distinction (a COPY is enclosed). tnc? muse version os the latest version of t~ie definition is not in QY copy. ftie senate and iiouse Dills are nsrkedly different througnout. L'tw denate oil1 v;ould set up a large bureaucracy, and would more reasona~ln to my thinking. p&k!-h. r{ob -7 Seuate SliD-COiKlittee suggesting sucn a distinction. I am not sending "' '?@ readily perinit indepeadent local laws. The ilous~ version is much sore best regards, Sincerely, :iaxi ne Singer