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Online Articles:

Hidden History, Revealed Landmarks by Alan Hess

The Houses of Levittown in the Context of Postwar American Culture by Barbara M. Kelly

Interpreting Post-World War II Suburban Landscapes as Historic Resources by David L. Ames

Ranch Houses Are Not All the Same by David Bricker

Surveying the Suburbs: Back to the Future? by Claudia R. Brown

Thomas Church, Garrett Eckbo, and the Postwar California Garden by Marc Trieb

Articles originally appeared in Preserving the Recent Past 1 and 2, published by the Historic Preservation Education Foundation with the National Park Service and the Association for Preservation Technology International, Washington, DC, 1995 and 2000.

Reference Services and Specialized Repositories:

The Catalog of Landscape Records in the United States (www.wavehill.org/catalog) A national catalog designed to assist researchers records and repositories documenting the work of landscape architects and landscape architectural firms in the United States. Catalog publishes a quarterly newsletter featuring special collections, advances in records management such as planning digital collections, and researcher queries.

675 West 252nd Street
Bronx, New York 104471-2899
Email: catalog@wavehill.org

US COPAR/Cooperative Preservation of Architectural Records. A national network of state or regional committees committed to the preservation of architectural records. A national Newsletter for COPAR was published from 1980-1985 and 1996-1997. Regional guides to architects and architectural firms have been published for New York City, Chicago, Boston, and Philadelphia. A nationwide list of state and regional committees is maintained by the Massachusetts committee and is available electronically (http://libraries.mit.edu/rvc/mcopar/coparcontactinfo.html). National inquiries should be addressed to:

C.Ford Peatross
Curator of Architecture, Design, and Engineering Collections
Prints and Photographs Division
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4840
Email: cpea@loc.gov

U.S. Geological Survey (http://mapping.usgs.gov) makes available U.S.G.S topographic maps. As part of the Global Land Information System (GLIS), it also makes available the aerial surveys, called digital orthophoto quadrangles or DEQ's, used to revise digital line graphs and topographic maps (http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov).

VAF/Vernacular Architecture Forum maintains a link to a bibliography of published writings on topics such as vernacular housing, landscape design, and planning. Organization regularly publishes a newsletter which contains current bibliography. Proceedings of annual meetings are published periodically by the University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, and University of Missouri Press, Columbia.

Library of Congress maintains an extensive library collection, including books, periodicals, prints and photographs, maps, and microform versions of collections in other repositories. A catalog of bibliographical references and a number of research tools are available online. The Manuscripts Division contains the Frederick Law Olmsted Papers and records of the American Civic Association. Prints and Photographs Collection maintains many original materials and offers an online catalog of many of its holdings; its holdings include the maps of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company, which are currently being digitized (along with those maintained by the Bureau of Census) and are being made available to libraries on cdrom by a private vendor. A complete set of Garden and Forest is available online (lcweb.loc.gov/preserv/prd/gardfor).

Oral History Association (www.dickinson.edu/organizations/oha.html) maintains an up-to-date bibliography and "Oral History Evaluation Guidelines" (Oral History Association, Pamphlet Number 3, adopted 1989, revised Sept. 2000). Association publishes Oral History Review twice a year.

Library of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C.. Extensive collection of literature on the history of suburbanization and housing in the United States, including the multi-volume Proceedings of President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership (1932) and technical bulletins, circulars, and manuals published by the Federal Housing Administration in the 1930s and 1940s.

Olmsted Archives/Frederick Law Olmsted National Historical Site, 99 Warren Street, Brookline, Massachusetts 02445 (www.nps.gov/frla/). Collection includes general plans and drawings for the firm's many subdivisions. Selected finding aids and guides to the collection are available. A reference volume listing Olmsted projects, The Master List of Design Projects of the Olmsted Firm, 1857-1950 (1987), has been published by the National Association for Olmsted Parks, 1987.

Horticulture Branch Library, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.(www.si.edu/info/libraries-archives). Library of books, trade catalogs, and periodicals related to history of horticulture and landscape design in the United States. Also includes the Archives of American Gardens, an ongoing project of the Garden Club of America, to document American gardens through digitized photographic collection of gardens (www.si.edu/gardens/aag.html).

Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts Collection, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/collections/). A special collection of manuscripts, drawings, blueprints, and other records pertaining to landscape architecture, architecture and city planning, includes records of masters of design such as John Nolen and Clarence Stein, as well as records of the Regional Plan Association responsible for the New York Regional Plan of the 1920s.

National Agricultural Research Library, Beltsville, Maryland (www.nal.usda.gov/). Extensive library of books on agriculture, horticulture, and landscape architecture,and circulars and bulletins produced nationwide by agricultural extension services and agricultural research stations, including those on home landscaping, roadside plantings, and village improvements. Online catalog, Agricola, is available (www.nal.usda.gov/ag98/english/catalog-basic.html).

Environmental Design Archives, University of California, Berkeley (www.ced.berkley.edu/cedarchives/). Collections document the work of many prominent West Coast architects and landscape architects, including Julia Morgan, Charles Sumner Greene, Garrett Eckbo, Thomas D. Church, and William Wurster. An index describing each collection and providing biographical and bibliographical information is available .

Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library, Columbia University (www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/avery). Extensive collection of books, catalogs, plans, periodicals, and oral history collections covering themes in architecture, planning, landscape architecture, and New York area development. Many of the Avery's extensive collection of trade catalogs, architectural guides, and periodicals are available in microform in major libraries.

Frances Loeb Library, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (www.gsd.harvard.edu//library/special collections.html). Special collections include manuscripts, drawings, and plans by a number of noted architects, planners, and landscape architects, including Arthur C. Comey, Eleanor Raymond, Charles Mulford Robinson, Hugh Stubbins, Arthur Shurcliff, Dan Kiley, Robert H. Whitten, Walter Gropius, and John C. Olmsted. Also includes the photographs of photojournalist Jessie Tarbox Beals, including numerous views of residences and gardens.

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Washington, D.C. (www.doaks.org/). Contains an extensive collection of books and periodicals on landscape architecture and horticulture.

Library of the Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts (www.icls.harvard.edu/). In conjunction with the Institute for Cultural Landscape Studies, the library maintains an expanding collection of works in landscape conservation, design, history, management, and preservation, particularly related to activities in the northeastern United States.

Winterthur Library and Archives, Wilmington, Delaware (www.winterthur.org/index-library.html). Major library of American domestic design, especially furniture and furnishings. Printed Books and Periodicals Collection contains an extensive collection of home and garden magazines.

Philadelphia Architects and Buildings Project, Philadephia, Pennsylvania (www.philadelphiabuildings.org). A richly illustrated, web-based database providing free public access to information on the Philadelphia region's built environment and on the work of Philadelphia-based architects. Project is jointly sponsored by The Athenaeum of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Architectural Archives, Philadelphia Historical Commission, and Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

Eichler Network (www.eichlernetwork.com). California-based organization provides technical information about history and home repair to owners of homes built by merchant Builder Joseph Eichler. In addition to website, network publishes a regular newsletter.

National Archives and Record Centers (www.nara.gov). Several record groups (R.G.) contain information about federal housing programs as well as a wealth of statistical and research data acquired on local housing trends, methods of home construction, and home financing. Although most records are located in Archives II in College Park, Maryland, additional records may exist in regional repositories. Preliminary inventories (P.I.) are available on-line and in published form for most record groups.

Records of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), dating from 1934, are found in R.G. 31 (P.I. 111, 1965, and P.I. 45, 1952) and includes selected applications for FHA-approved homes, cartographic and written records pertaining to selected examples of FHA-insured, large-scale rental housing complexes, and real estate survey records and rating maps. Records include a representative group of applications for FHA mortgage approval. Unfortunately many of the administrative files for FHA's early years have been lost.

Records of the Emergency Fleet Corporation of the U.S. Shipping Board are found in R.G. 32 (P.I. 97, 1956) and the U.S. Housing Authority of the U.S. Department of Labor are found in R.G. 3 (P.I. 140,1962) include textual, cartographic, and photographic records of World War I emergency housing, 1918-19.

Records for the National Housing Administration established in 1942 to consolidate all federal housing programs (U.S. Public Housing Authority, Federal Housing Administration, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, and World War II housing programs) into one agency are found in the Records of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, R.G. 207 (P.I. 164). These include FHA files on housing statistics and market analyses as well as the records of the Central Housing Committee which was established in 1935 upon the recommendation of the National Resources Board and served as a clearinghouse on all matters pertaining to housing, including land use, prefabricated methods of construction, and financing.

Records of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board are found in R.G. 195 (P.I. NC-94, 1965, manuscript form); cartographic records include several hundred small house designs approved for use by the Federal Home Building Service Plan, 1938-1942. Records of Defense Homes Corporation, 1940-1949, are among the Records of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in R.G. 234. Records of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development are found in R.G. ((?)). Records for the U.S. Census Records are found in R.G. 29. Records of the U.S. Department of Commerce, in R.G. 167 contain the records of the National Bureau of Standards and the President's Conference on Home Building and Ownership, 1930-33.

Historic Periodicals:

Popular Magazines

American Builder
The American Home
American Homes and Gardens
Better Homes and Gardens
Building Age (later Building Age and The Builder's Journal)
Bungalow Magazine
California Arts and Architecture
California Garden
Carpentry and Building
Country Life in America
The Craftsman
The Family Circle and Parlor Annual (The Family Circle)
Garden and Forest
The Garden Magazine (Garden Magazine and Home Builder)
Gardener's Monthly and Horticulturist
Good Housekeeping
Harper's Monthly
The Horticulturist
The House Beautiful
House and Garden
Hovey's Magazine of Horticulture
Keith's Magazine
Ladies' Home Journal
Living Magazine
National Builder
Parents' Magazine
Park and Cemetery and Landscape Gardening
Scribner's Magazine
The Small House
Sunset Magazine
Woman's Home Companion
Western Horticultural Review (Horticultural Review and Botanical Magazine)

Professional and Trade Periodicals

American Architect
American Architect and Building News
American Builder
American Carpenter and Builder
American City
American Civic and Planning Annual
American Garden
Annals of Real Estate Practice
Architectural Forum (
formerly Brickbuilder)
Architectural Record
Architectural Review and American Builder's Journal
Arts and Architecture
City Planning
Historical Garden Club of America bulletins
Historical Journal of the New England Garden History Society
House and Home
Inland Architect
Insured Mortgage Portfolio
Landscape Architecture
NAHB Builder
National Real Estate Journal
Perfect Home
Popular Home
Professional Builder
Progressive Architecture
(formerly Pencil Points)
Regional Planning Notes
Southwest Builders and Contractors
Urban Land Institute Bulletin
Western Architect

Recommended Reading:

Related National Register Bulletins

Defining Boundaries for National Register Properties

Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Properties Associated with Significant Persons

Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties That Have Achieved Significance Within the Last Fifty Years (rev. 1996)

Guidelines for Local Surveys: A Basis for Preservation Planning (rev. 1985)

How to Apply the National Register Criteria of Evaluation

How to Complete the National Register Multiple Property Documentation Form

How to Complete the National Register Registration Form

How to Evaluate and Nominate Designed Historic Landscapes

How to Prepare National Historic Landmark Nominations

Researching A Historic Property (rev. 1998).

All National Register of Historic Places Bulletins

Videotape, The Multiple Property Approach.

List of State Historic Preservation Offices

General History

Fishman, Robert. Bourgeois Utopias: The Rise and Fall of Suburbia. New York: Basic Books, 1987.

Ford, Larry R. Cities and Buildings: Skyscrapers, Skid Rows, and Suburbs. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

Hayden, Dolores. The Grand Domestic Revolution: A History of Feminist Design for American Homes, Neighborhoods, and Cities. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981.

Jackson, Kenneth T. Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

Stilgoe, John R. Borderland: Origins of the American Suburb, 1820-1939. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988.

Wright, Gwendolyn. Building the Dream, A Social History of Housing in America. New York: Pantheon Books, 1981.

Methodology, References, and Style Guides

Abele, Deborah Edge, and Grady Gammage, Jr. "Shifting Signposts of Significance." In Preserving the Recent Past 2, ed. Deborah Slaton and William G. Foulks. Washington, D.C.: Historic Preservation Education Foundation, Association for Preservation Technology, and National Park Service, 2000.

Alanen, Arnold R., and Robert Melnick, eds. Preserving Cultural Landscapes in America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.

Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation. Historic Landscape Resource Manual. Nachitoches, Louisiana: author and National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, 1999.

-_____. "Understanding Suburbs as Historic Landscapes Through Preservation." In Changing Suburbs: Foundation, Form and Function, ed. Richard Harris and Peter J. Larkham. London: E & FN Spon, 1999.

Baker, John Milnes. American House Styles: A Concise Guide. New York: W.W. Norton, 1994.

Beveridge, Charles E., and Carolyn Hoffman, comps. The Master List of Design Projects of the Olmsted Firm, 1857-1950 (1987). New York: National Association for Olmsted Parks, 1987.

Birnbaum, Charles A., ed. The Landscape Universe: Historic Designed Landscapes in Context. Wave Hill, New York: Catalog of Landscape Records in the United States and the National Park Service, 1994.

Birnbaum, Charles A., and Robin Karson, eds. Pioneers of American Landscape Design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Blumenson, John J.G., and Nickolaus Pevsner. Identifying American Architecture: A Pictorial Guide to Styles and Terms: 1600-1945. Revised ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1990.

Carley, Rachel. The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture. New York: Henry Holt, 1997.

Cloues, Richard R. "Architectural History and Historic Preservation: Olmsted's Druid Hills." 11593 5, no. 2 (June 1980): 1-4.

_____. "Historic Residential Landscapes in Georgia: The Georgia Living Places Project." CRM 14, no. 6 (1991): 4-6+.

Craig, Robert W. New Jersey's Building Contracts and Mechanic Liens. Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 1999.

Directory of Boston Architects, 1846-1970. Cambridge, Massachusetts: COPAR, 1984.

Dubrow, Gail, and Jennifer Goodman. Restoring Women's History through Historic Preservation." Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, forthcoming.

Ernstein, Julie H. "Landscape Archeology and the Recent Past: A View from Bowie, Maryland." In Preserving the Recent Past 2, ed., Slaton and Foulks.

Francis, Dennis Steadman. Architects in Practice, New York City, 1840-1900. New York: COPAR, 1979.

Georgia Department of Natural Resources. "Georgia's Living Places: Historic Houses in their Landscaped Settings." Atlanta: Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 1991.

Gottfried, Herbert, and Jan Jennings, ed. American Vernacular Design, 1870-1940: An Illustrated Glossary. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.

Harris, Richard. "Reading Sanborns for the Spoor of the Owner-Builder, 1890s-1950s." In Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture VII: Exploring Everyday Landscapes, ed. Annmarie Adams and Sally McMurry. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1997.

Hays, Rory. "Take a Ride in the Mark II: Road Map to Post-World War II Residential Design Guidelines." In Preserving the Recent Past 2, ed. Slaton and Foulks.

Hitchcock, Henry-Russell. American Architectural Books: A List of Books, Portfolios and Pamphlets on Architecture and Related Subjects Published in the United States before 1895. New York: DaCapo Press, 1976.

Howe, Barbara J., Dolores A. Fleming, Emory L. Kemp, and Ruth Ann Overbeck. House and Homes: Exploring Their History. The Nearby History Series. Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State and Local History, 1987.

Jensen, Bruce, and Mary Dillman. Guidelines for Listing Your Neighborhood in the National Register of Historic Places. Austin: Texas Historical Commission, 1999.

Jester, Thomas C., ed. Twentieth-Century Building Materials: History and Conservation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995.

Keller, Genevieve P. "The Inventory and Analysis of Historic Landscapes: Defining the Approach." Forum Journal 7, no. 3 (May/June 1993): 26-35.

Krueckeberg, Donald A., ed. American Planner: Biographies and Recollections, second edition. New Brunswick, N.J.: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1994.

Longstreth, Richard. "The Extraordinary Post-War Suburb." Forum Journal 15, no. 1 (fall 2000): 16-25.

Martin, Frank Edgerton. "Before New Urbanism: Postwar Subdivisions Offer Surprising Lessons." Landscape Architecture 91, no.12 (December 2001): 48-51+.

Massey, James C., and Shirley Maxwell. House Styles in America: The Old-House Journal Guide to the Architecture of American Homes. New York: Penguin, 1999.

McAlester, Virginia, and Lee McAlester. America's Historic Neighborhoods and Museum Houses: The Western States. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.

_____. A Field Guide to American Houses. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991.

McClelland, Linda Flint. "Gateway to the Past: Establishing a Landscape's Context for the National Register." In The Landscape Universe: Historic Designed Landscapes in Context, ed. Charles Birnbaum. Wave Hill, New York: Catalog of Landscape Records in the United States and the National Park Service, 1994.

_____. "Historic Residential Suburbs in the National Register." CRM 25, no. 1 (2002).

Mercier, Laurie, and Madeline Buckendorf. Using Oral History in Community History Projects. Los Angeles: Oral History Association Pamphlet Series No.4, 1992.

Moss, Roger W., and Sandra L. Tatum. Biographical Dictionary of Philadelphia Architects: 1700-1930. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1985.

Beveridge, Charles E., and Carolyn Hoffman, comps. The Master List of Design Projects of the Olmsted Firm, 1857-1950 (1987). New York: National Association for Olmsted Parks, 1987.

Poppeliers, John C., Nancy Schwartz, and S. Allen Chambers. What Style Is It? A Guide to American Architecture. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1995.

Ritchie, Donald A. Doing Oral History. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1995.

Schalck, Harry G. "Mini-Revivisionism in City Planning: The Planners of Roland Park." Journal of Society of Architectural Historians 29, no. 4 (December 1970): 347-9.

Shrock, Nancy Carlson. "Images of New England: Documenting the Built Environment." American Archivist 50 (Fall 1987): 474-95.

Shull, Carol D., and Beth Savage. "From the Glass House to Stonewall: National Register Recognition of the Recent Past." In Preserving the Recent Past 2, ed. Slaton and Foulks.

Sies, Mary Corbin. "Toward a Performance Theory of the Suburban Ideal, 1877-1917." In Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, IV, ed. Bernard L. Herman and Thomas Carter. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1991, 197-207.

Sommer, Barbara W., and Mary Kay Quinlan. "A Guide to Oral History Interviews." Technical Leaflet #210, included in History News, vol. 55, number 3, summer 2000. Nashville, Tenn.: American Association of State and Local History, 2000.

Terrell, Greta. Getting to Know Your 20th Century Neighborhood. Information Sheet. Washington, D.C.: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1996.

Tishler, William H., ed. American Landscape Architecture: Designers and Places. Washington, D.C. Preservation Press and John Wiley, 1990.

Upton, Dell. "Pattern Books and Professionalism: Aspects of the Transformation of Domestic Architecture in America, 1800-1860." Winterthur Portfolio 19, no. 1 (spring 1984): 107-150.

Walker, Lester. American Shelter: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Home. Woodstock, New York: Overlook Press, 1997.

Whiffen, Marcus. American Architecture Since 1780: A Guide to the Styles, revised edition. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1992.

Withey, Henry F., and Elsie Rathburn Withey. Biographical Dictionary of American Architects. Detroit: Omnigraphics, 1996.

Wray, Diane. "Arapahoe Acres: Preserving a Postwar Modernist Subdivision." In Preserving the Recent Past 2, ed. Slaton and. Foulks.

Political and Social History

Baxandall, Rosalyn, and Elizabeth Ewen. Picture Windows: How the Suburbs Happened. New York: Basic Books, 2000.

Buder, Stanley. Visionaries and Planners: The Garden City Movement and the Modern Community. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Bruegmann, Robert. "The Twenty-Three Percent Solution." American Quarterly 46, no. 1 (March 1994): 31-34.

Crawford, Margaret. Building the Workingman's Paradise: The Design of American Company Towns. London: Verso Books, 1993.

Checkoway, Barry. "Large Builders, Federal Housing Programs, and Postwar Suburbanization," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 4, no. 1 (March 1980): 21-45.

Gardner, Todd. "The Slow Wave: The Changing Residential Status of Cities and Suburbs in the United States, 1850-1940." In North American Cities and Suburbs, ed. Richard Harris. Special Issue. Journal of Urban History 27, no. 3 (March 2001): 293-312.

Harris, Richard. "American Suburbs: A Sketch of a New Interpretation." Journal of Urban History 15, no. 1 (November 1988): 98-103.

_____. "Working-Class Home Ownership in the American Metropolis." Journal of Urban History 17, no. 1 (November 1990): 46-9.

_____. "The Unplanned Blue-Collar Suburb in Its Heyday." In Geographical Snapshots of North America, ed. Donald G. Janelle. New York: Guilford Press, 1992.

_____. North American Cities and Suburbs. Special Issue. Journal of Urban History 27, no. 3 (March 2001).

Harris, Richard, and Robert Lewis. "The Geography of North American Cities and Suburbs, 1900-1950: A New Synthesis." In North American Cities and Suburbs, ed. Richard Harris. Special Issue. Journal of Urban History 27, no. 3 (March 2001): 262-92.

Knox, Paul L. Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1994.

Jackson, Kenneth T. "Race, Ethnicity, and Real Estate Appraisal: The Home Owner's Loan Corporation and the Federal Housing Administration." Journal of Urban History 6, no. 4 (August 1980): 419-52.

Judd, Dennis R., and Todd Swanstrom. City Politics: Private Power and Public Policy. New York: Harper Collins, 1994.

Lake, Robert W. The New Suburbanites: Race and Housing in the Suburbs. New Brunswick, N.J.: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, 1981.

Marsh, Margaret. "Reading the Suburbs." American Quarterly 46, no. 1 (March 1994): 40-48.

_____. Suburban Lives. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1990.

Martinson, Tom. The American Dreamscape: The Pursuit of Happiness in Postwar Suburbia. New York: Carrol and Graf Publishers, 2000.

Modell, John. "Suburbanization and Change in the American Family," Journal of Interdisciplinary History 9, Spring 1979, 621-46.

Radford, Gail. Modern Housing for America: Policy Struggles in the New Deal Era. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Schnore, Leo F., ed. The Urban Scene: Human Ecology and Demography.

_____. "Bold New City or Built-Up 'Burb? Redefining Contemporary Suburbia." American Quarterly 46, no. 1 (March 1994): 1-30.

Sharpe, William, and Leonard Wallock. "Contextualizing Suburbia." American Quarterly 46, no. 1 (March 1994): 55-61.

Sies, Mary C. "The Domestic Mission of the Privileged American Suburban Homemaker, 1877-1917: A Reassessment." In Making the American Home: Middle Class Women and Domestic Material Culture, 1840-1940, ed. Pat Browne and Marilyn Ferris Motz. Bowling Green, Kentucky: BGSU Popular Press, 1988.

_____. "Moving Beyond Scholarly Orthodoxies in North American Suburban History." In North American Cities and Suburbs, ed. Richard Harris. Special Issue. Journal of Urban History 27, no. 3 (March 2001): 355-61.

Sies, Mary C. "North American Suburbs, 1880-1950: Cultural and Social Reconsiderations." In North American Cities and Suburbs, ed. Richard Harris. Special Issue. Journal of Urban History 27, no. 3 (March 2001): 313-46.

Silver, Marc, and Martin Melkonian, ed. Contested Terrain: Politics and Participation in the Suburbs. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995.

Szylvian, Kristin M. "Industrial Housing Reform and the Emergency Fleet Corporation." Journal of Urban History 25, no. 5 (July 1999): 647-89.

Thomas, June Manning. "The Forces of Urban Heterogeneity Can Triumph." American Quarterly 46, no. 1 (March 1994): 49-54.

Topalov, Christian. "Scientific Urban Planning and the Ordering of Daily Life: The First 'War Housing' Experiment in the United States, 1917-1919." Journal of Urban History 17, no. 1 (November 1990): 14-45.

Waldie, D.J. Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.

Whyte, William H. The Organization Man. Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday Anchor, 1956.

Wiese, Andrew. "The Other Suburbanites: African American Suburbanization in the North Before 1950." Journal of American History 85, no. 4 (March 1999): 1495-524.

_____. "Places of Our Own: Suburban Black Towns before 1960." Journal of Urban History 19, no. 3 (May 1993): 30-54.

Wiese, Andrew. "Stubborn Diversity: A Commentary on Middle-Class Influence in Working-Class Suburbs." In North American Cities and Suburbs, ed. Richard Harris. Special Issue. Journal of Urban History 27, no. 3 (March 2001): 346-54.

Weiss, Marc A. Own Your Own Home: Housing Policy and Home Ownership in America. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.

Wright, Gwendolyn. Moralism and the Model Home: Social Conflict in Chicago, 1873-1913. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

Community Planning, Real Estate Development, and Subdivision Design

Adams, Thomas. Design of Residential Districts. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1934.

Alanen, Arnold R. "Elbert Peets: History as Precedent in Midwestern Landscape Design." In Midwestern Landscape Architecture, ed. William H. Tishler. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

Archer, John. "Country and City in the American Romantic Suburb," Journal of Society of Architectural Historians 42, no. 2 (May 1983): 139-56.

_____. "Ideology and Aspirations: Individualism, the Middle Class, and the Genesis of the Anglo-American Suburb," Journal of Urban History 14, no. 2 (February 1988): 214-53.

Baker, Harrison R., ed. Subdivision Principles and Practices. Los Angeles: California Real Estate Association, 1936.

Batchelor, Peter. "The Origin of the Garden City Concept of Urban Form." Journal of Society of Architectural Historians 28 (1969): 184-200.

Beveridge, Charles E. and Paul Rocheleau. Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing the American Landscape. New York: Universe Publishing, 1998.

Binford, Henry C. The First Suburbs: Residential Communities on the Boston Periphery, 1815-1860. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.

Birch, Eugenie L. "Radburn and the American Planning Movement." APA Journal 46, no. 4 (1980).

_____. "Radburn and the American Planning Movement: The Persistence of an Idea," Introduction to Planning History in the United States, ed. Donald A. Krueckeberg. New Brunswick: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, 1983.

Burgess, Patricia. Planning for Private Interest: Land Use Controls and Residential Patterns in Columbus, Ohio, 1900-1970. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1994.

Christensen, Carol A. The American Garden City and the New Towns Movement. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Research Press, 1986.

Clawson, Marion. Suburban Land Conversion in the United States: An Economic and Government Process. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1971.

Creese, Walter L. The Search for Environment--The Garden City Before and After. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1966. Rev. ed., Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.

Culbertson, Kurt. "George Edward Kessler: Landscape Architect of the American Renaissance." In Midwestern Landscape Architecture, ed. William H. Tishler. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

Cullingworth, Barry. Planning in the USA: Policies, Issues, and Processes. London and New York: Routledge, 1997.

Eichler, Ned. The Merchant Builders. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1982.

Fein, Albert. Frederick Law Olmsted and the American Environmental Tradition. New York: George Braziller, 1972.

Fishman, Robert. "Urbanity and Suburbanity: Rethinking the 'Burbs." American Quarterly 46, no. 1 (March 1994): 35-39.

Fishman, Robert. "The Postwar American Suburb: A New Form, A New City." In Two Centuries of American Planning, ed. Daniel Schaffer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1988.

Fishman, Robert. Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier. New York: Basic Books, 1977.

Ford, Larry R. Cities and Buildings: Skyscrapers, Skid Rows and Suburbs. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

Garner, John S. The Model Company Town--Urban Design through Private Enterprise in Nineteenth-Century New England. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984.

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Tankard, Judith B. The Gardens of Ellen Biddle Shipman. New York: Sagapress and Harry Abrams, 1996.

Tatum, George B. and Elisabeth B. MacDougall, eds. Prophet with Honor: The Career of Andrew Jackson Downing, 1815-1852. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1989.

______. "Introduction to the Dover Edition," Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to North America, Seventh Edition. New York: Orange Judd, 1865. Reprinted as Landscape Gardening and Rural Architecture. A.J. Downing. New York: Dover Publications, 1991. v-xxii.

Teyssot, Georges, ed. The American Lawn--Surface of Everyday Life. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Architectural Press, with Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1999.

Thornton, Sally Bullard. Daring to Dream: The Life of Hazel Wood Waterman. San Diego Historical Society, 1987.

Tishler, William H., ed. Midwestern Landscape Architecture. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

Tishler, William H. and Virginia Luckhardt. "H.W.S. Cleveland, Pioneer Landscape Architect to the Upper Midwest." Minnesota History, Fall 1985.

Treib, Marc. "Thomas Church, Garrett Eckbo, and the Postwar California Garden." In Preserving the Recent Past 2, ed. Deborah Slaton and William G. Foulks. Washington, D.C.: Historic Preservation Education Foundation, Association for Preservation Technology, and National Park Service, 2000.

_____. The Architecture of Landscape, 1940-1960. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, forthcoming.

Treib, Marc, and Dorothy Imbert, eds. Special Issue, Thomas Church. Studies in the History of Gardens and the Designed Landscape, 20, no. 2 (April-June 2000).

Treib, Marc, and Dorothy Imbert. Garrett Eckbo: Modern Landscapes for Living. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.

Volkman, Nancy J. "Landscape Architecture on the Prairie: The Work of H.W.S. Cleveland." Kansas History, summer 1987.

Weitz, Karen. "Utopian Place Making: The Built Environment in Arts and Crafts California." In The Arts and Crafts Movement in California: Living the Good Life, ed. Kenneth R. Trapp. Oakland, California: Oakland Museum, and New York: Abbeville Press, 1993, 89-108.

Westmacott, Richard. African-American Gardens and Yards in the Rural South. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1992.

_____. "Pattern and Practice in Traditional African-American Gardens in Rural Georgia." Landscape Journal 10, no. 2 (1991): 87-104.

Woodburn, Elisabeth. "American Horticultural Books." In Keeping Eden: A History of Gardening in America, ed. Walter T. Punch. Boston: Massachusetts Horticultural Society and Bulfinch Press, 1992, 241-59.

"Would Landscaping Help Your Grounds," New York Tribune, September 9, 1923.

Wright, Gwendolyn. "Sweet and Clean: The Domestic Landscape in the Progressive Era." Landscape 20, no. 1 (October 1975): 38-43.

Yoch, James J. Landscaping the American Dream: The Gardens and Film Sets of Florence Yoch, 1890-1972. New York: Sagapress and Abrams, 1989.

Selected Pattern Books, Landscape Guides, and House Catalogs (Reprints and Recent Editions)

Aladdin Company. Aladdin Homes "Built in a Day" Catalog No. 29. 1917. Reprint, New York: Dover Publications, 1995.

Barber, George F., and Company. The Cottage Souvenir No. 2. 1892. Reprint, with an introduction by Michael A. Tomlan, Watkins Glen, New York: American Life Foundation, 1982.

Beecher, Catharine E., and Harriet Beecher Stowe. The American Woman's Home. 1869. Reprint, with an introduction by Joseph Van Why, Hartford: Stowe-Day Foundation, 1975.

Church, Thomas D. Gardens Are for People: How to Plan for Outdoor Living. 3rd ed. Revised by Grace Hall and Michael Laurie, Berkeley: University of California, 1995.

Church, Thomas. Your Private World. San Francisco: Chronicle Publishing, 1962.

Cleaveland, Henry W., William Backus, and Samuel D. Backus. Village and Farm Cottages: A Victorian Style Book. 1856. Reprint of Village and Farm Cottages: The Requirements of American Village Homes, with an introduction by David Schuyler, Watkins Glen, New York: American Life Foundation, 1982.

Cleveland, H.W.S. Landscape Architecture as Applied to the Wants of the West. 1873. Reprint, with an introduction by Daniel Nadenicek and Lance M. Neckar, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press and Library of American Landscape History, 2001.

Comstock, William Phillips, and Clarence Eaton Schermerhorn. Bungalows, Camps and Mountain Houses. Rev. ed., 1915. Reprint, with an introduction by Tony P. Wrenn, Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Architects Press, 1990.

Copeland, Robert Morris. Country Life: A Handbook of Agriculture and Book of Landscape Gardening. 1866. Reprint, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press and Library of American Landscape History, forthcoming.

_____. The Architecture of Country Houses, Including Designs for Cottages, and Farm-houses, and Villas. 1850. Reprint, with an introduction by J. Stewart Johnson, New York: Dover Publications, 1969.

_____. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening. 9th ed., 1875. Reprint, Little Compton, Rhode Island: Theophrastus Publishers, 1977.

Downing, Andrew Jackson. Landscape Gardening and Rural Architecture. 7th ed., 1865. Reprint of Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, with an introduction by George B. Tatum, New York: Dover Publications, 1991.

_____. Rural Essays. 1894. Reprint, New York: DaCapo Press, 1974.

_____. Victorian Cottage Residences. 1873. Reprint of Cottage Residences or, A Series of Designs for Rural Cottages and Cottage Villas and Their Gardens and Grounds, with a preface by Adolf K. Placzek, New York: Dover Publications, 1981.

Eckbo, Garrett. Landscape for Living. 1950. Reprint, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press and Library of American Landscape History, forthcoming.

Ely, Helena Rutherfurd. A Woman's Hardy Garden. (1903). Reprint, with a foreword by Ann Lovejoy, New York: Macmillan, 1990.

FHA. Planning Neighborhoods for Small Houses, technical bulletin 5. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1936.

FHA. Principles of Planning Small Houses. technical bulletin 4. Rev. ed. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1936.

FHA. Principles of Planning Small Houses. technical bulletin 5. Rev. ed , Washington D.C.: GPO, 1940.

Ford, James, and Katherine Morrow Ford. The Modern House in America. 1940. Reprint of Classic Modern Homes of the Thirties. New York: Dover Publications, 1989.

Fowler, Orson S. The Octagon House: A Home for All. 1853. Reprint of A Home for All, or the Gravel Wall and Octagon Mode of Building, with an introduction by Madeleine B. Stern, New York: Dover Publications, 1973.

Gordon-Van Tine Company. 117 House Designs of the Twenties. 1923. Reprint, New York: Dover Publications, 1992.

Hegemann, Werner, and Elbert Peets. The American Vitruvius: An Architects' Handbook of Civic Art. 1922. Reprint, with an introduction by Alan J. Plattus, preface by Leon Krier, and introductory essay by Christiane Crasemann Collins, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1988.

Holly, Henry Hudson. Holly's Picturesque Country Seats. 1863. Reprint of Holly's Country Seats and Modern Dwellings, with an introduction by George B. Tatum, New York: Dover Publications, 1993.

Howard, Ebenezer. Garden Cities of Tomorrow. 1898. Reprint. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1965.

Hubbard, Henry V., and Theodora Kimball. Introduction to the Study of Landscape Design. New York: Macmillan, 1929. Reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1974.

Hubbard, Theodora Kimball, and Henry Vincent Hubbard. Our Cities Today and Tomorrow: A Survey of Planning and Zoning Progress in the United States. 1929. Reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1974.

Hutcheson, Martha Brookes. The Spirit of the Garden. 1923. Reprint, with an introduction by Rebecca Warren Davidson, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press and Library of Landscape History, 2000.

Jones, Robert T., ed. Authentic Small Houses of the Twenties. 1929. Reprint of Small Homes of Architectural Distinction: A Book of Suggested Plans Designed by The Architects' Small House Service Bureau, Inc., New York: Dover Publications, 1987.

Keeler, Charles. The Simple Home. 1904. Reprint, Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, 1979.

Miller, Wilhelm. Prairie Spirit of Landscape Gardening. 1915. Reprint, with an introduction by Christopher Vernon, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press and Library of American Landscape History, 2001.

Nolen, John. New Towns for Old. 1927. Reprint, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press and Library of American Landscape History, forthcoming.

Palliser, Charles, and George Palliser. The Palliser's Late Victorian. Reprint, with an introduction by Michael A. Tomlan, Watkins Glen, New York: American Life Foundation, 1978.

_____. Palliser's Model Homes. 1878. Reprint, with a foreword by Kermit L. Darrow, Felton, Calif.: Glenwood Publishers, 1972.

Parsons, Samuel Jr. The Art of Landscape Architecture. 1915. Reprint, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press and Library of American Landscape History, forthcoming.

Radford Architectural Company. Radford's Artistic Bungalows: The Complete 1908 Catalog. 1908. Reprint, New York: Dover Publications, 1997.

Reed, Samuel Burrage. Victorian Dwellings for Village and Country. 1885. Reprint of Dwellings for Village and Country, New York: Dover Publications, 1999.

Roberts, Edith A., and Elsa Rehmann. American Plants for American Gardens. 1929. Reprint, with foreword by Darrel G. Morrison, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1996.

Scott, Frank J. Victorian Gardens: The Art of Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds. 1870. Reprint of Art of Beautifying Suburban Home Grounds, with an introduction by David Schuyler, Watkins Glen, New York: American Life Foundation, 1982.

Sears, Roebuck and Company. Sears, Roebuck Catalog of Houses, 1926: An Unabridged Reprint. 1926. Reprint of 1926 Catalog of Houses, New York: Dover Publications, 1991.

Shoppell, R.W. et al. Turn-of-the-Century Houses, Cottages, and Villas. Reprint of selections from Building Designs (ca. 1890) and Modern Houses (1890 and 1900), with a publisher's note, New York: Dover Publications, 1983.

Simonds, Ossian Cole. Landscape-Gardening. 1920. Reprint, with an introduction by Robert E. Grese, Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press and Library of American Landscape History, 2000.

Smith, Henry Atterbury, comp. 500 Small Houses of the Twenties. 1923. Reprint of The Books of A Thousand Homes: Volume One, New York: Dover Publications, 1990.

Stickley, Gustav, ed. Craftsman Bungalows: 59 Homes from "The Craftsman." Reprint of selections from The Craftsman published from 1901 to 1916, with an introduction by Alan Weissman, New York: Dover Publications, 1988.

. Craftsman Homes: Architecture and Furnishings of the American Arts and Crafts Movement. 2nd ed., 1909. Reprint, New York: Dover Publications, 1979.

. More Craftsman Homes. 1912. Reprint, New York: Dover Publications 1982.

Sunset Magazine, ed. Sunset Western Ranch Houses. 1946. Reprint, Santa Monica: Hennessey & Ingalls, 1999.

_____. Western Ranch Houses by Cliff May. 1958. Reprint, Santa Monica: Hennessey & Ingalls, 1997.

Unwin, Raymond. Town Planning in Practice: An Introduction to the Art of Designing Cities and Suburbs. 6th impression. 1919. Reprint, with a new preface by Andres Duany and new introduction by Walter Creese, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1994.

Vaux, Calvert. Villas and Cottages: The Great Architectural Style-Book of the Hudson River School. 2nd ed., 1864. Reprint of Villas and Cottages: A Series of Designs Prepared for Erection in the United States, New York: Dover Publications, 1970.

von Holst, Hermann Valentin. Country and Suburban Homes of the Prairie School Period. 1913. Reprint of Modern American Homes, New York: Dover Publications, 1982.

Waugh, Frank. Book of Landscape Gardening. 1926. Reprint, Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press and Library of American Landscape History, forthcoming.

Weidenmann, Jacob. Victorian Landscape Gardening: A Facsimile of Jacob Weidenmann's Beautifying Country Homes. 1870. Reprint of Beautifying Country Homes, with an introduction by David Schuyler, Watkins Glen, New York: American Life Foundation, 1978.

Wheeler, Gervase. Homes for the People in Suburb and Country. 1855. Reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1972.

Royal Barry Wills Associates. Houses for Good Living. Revised and expanded edition. New York:.Architectural Book Publishing Company, 1993.

Wilson, Henry L. California Bungalows of the Twenties. n.d. Reprint of A Short Sketch of the Evolution of the Bungalow: From Its Primitive Crudeness to its Present State of Artistic Beauty and Cozy Convenience, New York: Dover Publications, 1993.


Burns, Elizabeth Kates. "The Process of Suburban Residential Development: The San Francisco Peninsula, 1860-1970." Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1974.

Chase, Susan Mulchahey. "The Process of Suburbanization and the Use of Restrictive Deed Covenants as Private Zoning, Wilmington, Delaware, 1900-1941." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Delaware, 1995.

Checkoway, Barry N. "Suburbanization and Community: The Postwar Development and Planning of Lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1977.

Clark, James Everett. "The Impact of Transportation Technology on Suburbanization in the Chicago Region, 1830-1920." Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University, 1977.

Clouse, Richard Ross. "Where Art is Combined with Nature: Village Improvement in Nineteenth-Century New England," Vol. I-III. Ph.D dissertation, Cornell University, 1987.

Clouser, Roger A. "The Ranch House in America," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Kansas, 1984.

Flint, Barbara J. "Zoning and Residential Segregation: A Social and Physical History, 1910-1940." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1977.

Hancock, John L. "John Nolen and the American City Planning Movement." Ph.d. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1964.

Hawkins, Kenneth B. "The Therapeutic Landscape: Nature, Architecture, and Mind in Nineteenth-Century America." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Rochester, 1991.

Haynes, Bruce. "Constructing a Black Suburban Community: The Genesis and Development of Runyon Heights, Yonkers, New York, 1910-1990." Ph.D dissertation, City University of New York, 1994.

Hutchison, Janet Anne. "American Housing, Gender, and the Better Homes Movement, 1922-1935." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Delaware, 1989.

Kehler, Joel R. "A House Divided: Domestic Architecture as American Romantic Subject and Symbol." Ph.D. dissertation, Lehigh University, 1975.

Lynch, Bruce E. "Shaker Heights: The Garden Suburb in America." Ph.d. dissertation, University of Illinois, 1978.

Martin, Christopher. "Tract House Modern: A Study of Housing Design and Consumption in the Washington Suburbs, 1946-1960," Ph.D. dissertation, George Washington University, 1999.

Merino, James Anthony. "A Great City and Its Suburbs: Attempts to Integrate Metropolitan Boston, 1865-1920." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1968.

Michelson, Alan R. "Towards a Regional Synthesis: The Suburban and Country Residences of William Wilson Wurster, 1922-1964." Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1993.

Pardun, Carol Jean. "How the Architectural Style of the House Relates to Family Television Viewing." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Georgia, 1992.

Prendergast, Norma. "The Sense of Home: Nineteenth Century Domestic Architectural Reform." Ph.D dissertation, Cornell University, 1981.

Rome, Adam Ward. "Prairie Creek Hills Estates: An Environmental History of American Homebuilding, 1945-70." Ph.D dissertation, University of Kansas, 1996.

Sies, Mary Corbin. "American Country House Architecture in Context: The Suburban Ideal of Living in the East and Midwest, 1877-1917." Ph.D dissertation, University of Michigan, 1987.

Taylor, Henry Louis. "The Building of a Black Industrial Suburb: The Lincoln Heights, Ohio, Story." Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1979.

Weise, Andrew. "Struggle for the Suburban Dream: African American Suburbanization Since 1916." Ph.D dissertation, Columbia University, 1993.

Wheaton, William Linous Cody. "The Evolution of Federal Housing Programs." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1953.

Wilson, Leslie. "Dark Spaces: An Account of Afro-American Suburbanization." Ph.D dissertation, City University of New York, 1991.


Bobeczko, Laura Lyn. "America Builds for Her Renter Millions: The Built Legacy of the Rental Housing Division of the Federal Housing Administration, 1935-1942." M.A. thesis, George Washington University, 1999/2000.

Bricker, David. "Built For Sale: Cliff May and the Low Cost California Ranch House." M.A. thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1983.

Christgau, Eugene. "Unincorporated Communities in Cook County." M.A. thesis, University of Chicago, 1942.

Hamley, Kara Cathleen. "Cleveland's Park Allotment: Euclid Heights, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and Its Designer, Ernest W. Bowditch." M.A. thesis, Cornell University, 1996.

Korff, Mary Blaine. "Stephen Child: Visionary Landscape Architect." M.A. thesis, University of Arizona, Tuscon, 1991.

Moudry, Roberta M. "Gardens, Houses, and People: The Planning of Roland Park, Baltimore." M.A. thesis, Cornell University, 1990.

Savage, Beth Lynn. "The Inception and Early Historical Development of the Planned Neighborhood Shopping Center in the Washington Area from 1930 to 1942." M.A. thesis, George Washington University, 1989.

Sechrist, Stephanie Ann. "Silver Spring, Maryland: Residential Development of a Washington Suburb, 1920 to 1935." M.A. thesis, George Washington University, 1993.

Struble, Kristie Dixon. "Hollin Hills: The Introduction of Nature into a Mid-Twentieth Century Suburb." M.A. thesis, University of Virginia, 1987.

Williams, Robert Luther. "Eighty Years of Subdivision Design: An Historical Evaluation of Land Planning Techniques in San Mateo County, California." M.C.P. thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1952.

Zarakov, Barry. "California Planned Communities of the 1920s." M.A. thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1977.

Selected Multiple Property Listings for Further Reading

Multiple Property Submission "covers" are available at (http://www.nr.nps.gov/nrcover.htm)

Apartment Hotels in Birmingham, 1900-1930, TR, Alabama

Lustron Houses in Alabama MPS, Alabama

Spanish Revival Residences in Mobile MPS, Alabama

Historic Apartment Buildings MPS, Arkansas

Historically Black Properties in Little Rock's Dunbar School Neighborhood MPS, Arkansas

Little Rock Apartment Buildings MPS, Arkansas

Educational Buildings in Phoenix MPS, Arizona

Residential Subdivisions and Architecture in Phoenix MPS, Arizona

Roosevelt Neighborhood MRA, Arizona

Bungalow Courts of Pasadena TR, California

Lilian Rice-Designed Buildings at Rancho Santa Fe MPS, California

Los Angeles Branch Library System TR

Residential Architecture of Pasadena, California, 1895-1918: The Influence of the Arts and Crafts Movement MPS

Wartime Emergency Housing in Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1916-1920, MPS

Parkways of the National Capital Region MPS, District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia

Apartment Buildings in Washington, D.C., 1880-1945, MPS

Clubhouses of Florida's Woman's Clubs MPS

Winterhaven, Florida MPS

Lustron Houses in Georgia MPS

Shotgun Houses of Athens, Clark County, MPS, Georgia

Boise Public Schools TR, Idaho

Tourtellotte and Hummel Architecture TR, Idaho

American Woman's League Chapter Houses TR, Illinois

Chicago Park District MPS, Illinois

Highland Park MRA, Illinois

Historic Resources of Maywood, Illinois, MPS

Hyde Park Apartment Hotels TR, Illinois

Illinois Carnegie Libraries MPS

Suburban Apartment Buildings in Evanston TR, Illinois

Apartments and Flats of Downtown Indianapolis TR, Indiana

The Bungalow and Square House: Des Moines Residential Growth and Development MPS, Iowa

Iowa Usonian Houses by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1945-1960, MPS

Prairie School Architecture in Mason City TR, Iowa

Small Homes of Howard F. Moffitt in Iowa City and Coralville, Iowa, MPS

Suburban Development in Des Moines Between the World Wars, 1918-1941, MPS, Iowa

Towards a Greater Des Moines: Development and Early Suburbanization, ca 1880-ca 1920, MPS, Iowa

Lustron Houses of Kansas, MPS

Louisville and Jefferson County MPS, Kentucky

Historic Residential Architecture of Bangor MPS, Maine

Brookline MRA, Massachusetts

Newton MRA, Massachusetts

Stoneham MRA, Massachusetts

Water Supply System of Metropolitan Boston MPS, Massachusetts

Worcester Three-Deckers TR, Massachusetts

Residential Structures in Kansas City, Missouri, by Mary Rockwell Hook TR

St. Joseph MPS, Missouri

Armour Boulevard MRA, Missouri

Suburban Schools in Butte MPS, Montana

Nineteenth Century Terrace Houses TR, Nebraska

Lustrons in New Jersey, MPS

Operating Passenger Railroad Stations, TR, New Jersey

Multi-Unit Dwellings in Albuquerque MPS, New Mexico

Albuquerque Downtown Neighborhoods MRA, New Mexico

Twentieth Century Suburban Growth of Albuquerque MPS, New Mexico

A.T. Stewart Resources, Garden City, New York, TR

Hudson Highlands MPS, New York

Masten Neighborhood Rows TR, New York

Olmsted Parks and Parkways TR, Buffalo, New York

African-American Neighborhoods in Northeastern Winston-Salem MPS, North Carolina

Early Twentieth Century Raleigh Neighborhoods TR, North Carolina

Eastlake Houses of Ashly TR, Ohio

Hobart Welded Steel Houses TR, Ohio

Architecture of Ellis F. Lawrence MPS, Oregon

Craftsman Bungalows in Descutes County MPS, Oregon

Middle-Class Apartments in East Portland MPS, Oregon

Philadelphia Public Schools TR, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh Public Schools TR, Pennsylvania

Early Twentieth Century Schools in Puerto Rico TR

Single-Family Houses in Rhode Island MPS

Cement Construction in Richard City MPS, Tennessee

Lustron Houses in South Dakota MPS

Memphis Park and Parkway System MPS, Tennessee

Oak Ridge MPS, Tennessee

Public Schools of Memphis, 1902-1915, MPS, Tennessee

Residential Resources of Memphis MPS, Tennessee

Entrepreneurial Residences of Turn-of-the-Century Provo, Utah, TR

Perkins Addition Streetcar Suburb TR, Utah

Three-Story Apartment Buildings in Ogden, Utah, 1908-1928, MPS

Hilltop Neighborhood MPS, Washington

Olympia Residential Architecture MPS, Washington

Women's History in Olympia MPS, Washington

Ernest Flagg Stone Masonry Houses of Milwawkee County TR, Wisconsin

Public Library Facilities of Wisconsin MPS

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