Grants & Awards

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Family Caregiver Alliance celebrated its 30th Anniversary in 2007. We would like to offer special thanks to the following organizations and individuals for their generous support of our 30th Anniversary activities:

Aetna Foundation


AGIS Network

Arcadia Health Care

Aunt Ann's Agency

Ping Hao

Kathleen Kelly

Tim & Kathy Murphy

On Lok Lifeways


We could not continue our pioneering services and programs without the generous assistance from the following organizations:


Administration on Aging

The Archstone Foundation

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation

The California Endowment

California Wellness Foundation

California Department of Mental Health

Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation

The Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

The Hearst Foundation

The Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation

Pfizer Inc. and Eisai

Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

The Safeway Foundation

William G. Gilmore Foundation

(partial list)

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Caregiving Fact: Almost one-quarter of American households provide care to relatives or friends age 50 or older. See FCA's Policy Brief, Caregiving and Retirement Planning, for more information.
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