Winning the Global War on Terror

Winning the Global War on Terror

We face a threat to our freedom and security that is as serious as the one we faced during World War II: radical jihadist terrorists have made clear they do not want to see us just retreat from our fight against them – they want to destroy us.

As Americans, we cherish freedom and democracy.  Ours is a way of life; theirs is a way of death … of murder … of suicide.  The global reach of radical Islam stretches from North Africa, through the Middle East to South Asia, to Indonesia, and to the Philippines.
Since 9/11, we have strengthened our resolve to protect the American people from a determined enemy.  Our intelligence agencies, our military, and our allies have made a tremendous effort to track and apprehend terrorists operating worldwide.  Our efforts have helped stop terror plots before they happen, saving American lives and making our country safer than it was on 9/11.

The consequences of failure in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere would be catastrophic for America and the world. General David Petraeus and others have warned, for example, of the very real possibility of Iraq’s neighbors taking sides in sectarian violence.  Failure in Iraq would jeopardize Israel and lead to regional instability that could create a security vacuum for Iran, a nation governed by individuals hostile to the United States and that strongly supports terrorist groups and activities.  Until Iran makes this decision and renounces terrorism, it will continue to exacerbate instability in the region. 

The battle we fight in Iraq is the central front of a global war.  If we leave, the fight will follow us home.  And what we’ll leave behind will be chaos – the same kind of chaos we left behind in Vietnam, Lebanon, and Somalia.

As Americans we’re fortunate in so many ways.  We have so many blessings including a great and proud history to inspire us.  But we also have an incredible duty – one to stand and fight against those who seek to destroy America and the freedom that defines us.  Our troops are committed to fighting and winning this global war.  We owe them our unfailing support.


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Press Release - Legislation Aims to Stop World’s Most Dangerous Terrorists Held at Guantanamo Bay Prison from Being Imported into the United States 5.7.2009

Press Release - Boehner, Hoekstra Release Web Video Asking “Do You Feel Safer?” 4.30.2009

Press Release - Boehner Gives Remarks on CIA Memos, Questions Administration Strategy for Confronting Terrorist Threat 4.22.2009

Press Release - Boehner Statement on the President’s Troop Funding Request 4.10.2009

Press Release - Boehner Statement on the President’s Troop Funding Request 4.10.2009

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