Bitterroot Range, Montana
Wind Turbines, Palm Springs, CA Happy Angler, Alaska Sage Grouse Strutting, Wyoming Livestock on Hillside, Montana Oil 'Donkey', New Mexico
Learning Landscapes
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Public lands offer a wide array of educational opportunities. Discover materials to enliven your lesson plans. Learn about outdoor classroom opportunities.  Take your students outside “virtually.”
Students participating in educational activities on BLM lands

Heritage Education

Introduce the wonders of the past to students of all ages!  More >>

Outdoor Classrooms

Hands on the Land provides a national network of field classrooms to enhance kindergarten through high school student-learning.  More>>

Programs in Your Area

BLM State, District and Field Offices throughout the U.S and especially in the West, have several innovative partnerships with schools, focusing on educational programs ranging from history and culture to fisheries and watersheds.  More>>

Electronic Fieldtrips

Web-based programs feature three segments: a "virtual visit";
an "Ask the Experts" segment in which BLM specialists answer student questions online; and a student journal, which allows educators to assess student learning.   More>>

Teaching Resources

Enhance lesson plans and enliven classrooms with these resources. From traveling trunks to websites to classroom activities, we've listed the best of BLM's education resources at this one site.  More>>

Professional Development

BLM works with a variety of partners to offer professional development opportunities for teachers. Covering such topics as archaeology, fire ecology, energy on public lands and more, teacher workshops provide educators with background information, new tools, and resources that can be incorporated into lesson plans for all grade levels.  More>>


Classroom Activities

These classroom activities are taken from a variety of BLM-produced materials, such as posters, magazine articles and education guides (so they may appear elsewhere on this website). They cover a range of topics from science to social studies and math. They can be used in lesson plans and curricula.  More>>