Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-12: Domestic Waterborne Shipments Originating in Alaska by Commodity: 20001

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Commodity Short tons Percent of total
Total 50,384,061 100.0
Crude petroleum 45,894,676 91.1
Petroleum products 1,771,913 3.5
Lumber, logs, wood chips, and pulp 1,591,689 3.2
Manufactured goods 388,141 0.8
Primary non-metal products 240,852 0.5
Sand, gravel, shells, clay, salt, and slag 220,690 0.4
Food and food products 215,589 0.4
Iron ore, iron, and steel waste and scrap 31,977 0.1
Primary metal products 15,099 0.0
Chemicals excluding fertilizers 13,435 0.0
Unknown and not elsewhere classified products2 2,252,857 4.5

1Domestic includes intrastate shipments.

2To protect confidentiality, if three or more vessel operating companies do not carry a particular commodity from a state of origin to a state of destination, then that commodity is reclassified to "unknown and not elsewhere classified products."

SOURCE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center, State to State and Region to Region Commodity Tonnages, Public Domain database, available at http://www.wrsc.usace.army.mil/ndc/datapdom.htm as of Oct. 30, 2001.

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