Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-3: Alaska Toll Ferries: 2001

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Vehicular toll ferries Financing or operating authority Location Length in miles Toll collection direction Electronic collection system
Motor Vessel le Conte Alaska DOTPF From Petersburg to Skagway, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Tustumena Alaska DOTPF From Valdez to Dutch Harbor, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Bartlett Alaska DOTPF From Cordova to Whittier, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Bob Ellis Ketchikan Gateway Borough From Ketchikan to Ketchikan International Airport, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Ken Eichner Ketchikan Gateway Borough From Ketchikan to Ketchikan International Airport, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Malaspina Alaska DOTPF From Juneau to Skagway, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Taku Alaska DOTPF From Prince Rupert, BC to Skagway, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Aurora Alaska DOTPF From Prince Rupert, BC to Juneau, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Matanoska Alaska DOTPF From Prince Rupert, BC to Skagway, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Kennicott Alaska DOTPF From Bellingham, WA to Skagway, AK U Both ways No
Motor Vessel Columbia Alaska DOTPF From Bellingham, WA to Skagway, AK U Both ways No

KEY: DOTPF = Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; U = data are unavailable.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Toll Facilities in the United States: Bridges-Roads-Tunnels-Ferries, Washington, DC: June 2001, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/tollpage.htm as of Feb. 18, 2002.

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