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Member Organizations

An annotated list of Congressman Israel's membership on caucuses, task forces and coalitions. Israel's Leadership positions are also noted.

Democratic Middle Class Working Group, Chairman and Founder: Congressman Israel is the chairman and founder of the working group, which seeks to craft policies that will help middle class families get ahead. In the 110th Congress, the group introduced 13 bills as part of a Middle Class Success Agenda, including Israel’s college affordability legislation and elder care support plan.

Sustainable Energy and Environment Caucus, Co-chair and Founder: The SEEC was created to advance policies that promote clean energy technology innovation and domestic manufacturing, develop renewable energy resources, create green collar jobs throughout the product supply-chain, help arrest global warming and protect our nation’s clean air, water and natural environment.

House Cancer Caucus, Co-chair: Congressman Israel is the co-chair of this bipartisan caucus, which advances national policies to advance cancer research and improve the treatment and diagnosis of cancer. Improving the quality of life for cancer patients is also important to this caucus.

Long Island Sound Caucus, Co-chair: This bipartisan caucus, consisting of Connecticut and Long Island members of Congress, works to improve the health of the Long Island Sound. This Caucus also facilities cross-Sound dialogue between New York and Connecticut members in order to build better regional policies.

Defense Energy Working Group, Founder and Member (DEWG): The Defense-Energy Working Group is a bipartisan forum for Members of Congress to discuss the challenges posed to our national defense by America's dependence on fossil fuels and foreign energy sources, and to seek common policy solutions to those challenges.

Democratic Study Group on National Security, Founder and Member (DSGNS): This group works to educate Democratic members on emerging national security issues by hosting monthly discussions with experts in the field. The DSG on National Security focuses on topics such as terrorism, defense, military transformation, post-war Iraq, homeland security, non-proliferation, missile defense, and intelligence. Previous guests include former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger and Lieutenant General Claudia J. Kennedy (U.S. Army, Retired). Visit the Democratic Study Group on National Security website for additional information.

Center Aisle Caucus, Founder and Member: The House Center Aisle Caucus seeks to find common ground among Members on contentious issues.

New Democrat Coalition: The New Democrats believe that fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets are key to our economic prosperity. These centrist, pro-growth members of the House of Representatives work to find mainstream, bipartisan solutions to our nations problems. Visit the New Democrat Coalition's website for additional information.

Defense Study Group Caucus: This bipartisan group holds monthly meetings on defense and national security issues with key intellectual leaders in the subject.

Port Security Caucus: The threat to our nation's ports is a clear and present danger requiring immediate Congressional action. The Port Security Caucus provides its members briefings and serve as an information clearinghouse for legislative opportunities to address this perilous situation.

Electronic Warfare Working Group: Electronic warfare, which includes the jamming or deceiving enemy radars, is critical to U.S. war fighting capabilities. As a member of this working group, I am a part of a nucleus of key Members who understand the electronic-warfare challenge and can serve as a resource for the House and the U.S. military in assuring that electronic warfare needs are adequately understood and funded.

Coast Guard Caucus: This bipartisan caucus supports Coast Guard issues in the House of Representatives. With a focus on budget and security issues, the Coast Guard Caucus helps to maintain an effective Coast Guard.

Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease: The Task Force's mission is to improve the lives of those affected by Alzheimer's through increased funding for research and increased support to Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers. The goals of the task force is to: 1) Educate and focus attention on Alzheimer's disease and all its implications; 2) Encourage research funding for the discovery of treatments and a possible cure; 3) Open bipartisan discussion on how to meet the long-term care needs of those afflicted; and, 4) Consider and create meaningful bipartisan legislation.

Coalition for Autism Research and Education: This group educates Members of Congress on the devastating effects of autism and related disorders. It also works to ensure that autism is at the forefront of the Congressional agenda.

Fitness Caucus: The Fitness Caucus is an informal, bipartisan group of Members of Congress formed to increase awareness and promote the benefits of physical activity to overall health and wellness. The caucus serves as a forum for education and discussion about the importance of physical activity to people of all ages. The Caucus promotes the countless benefits of daily physical activity and will highlight innovative and successful programs that have helped improve the commitment of people of all ages to a healthy, active lifestyle.

Congressional Labor and Working Families Caucus: Labor unions across the country are undergoing renewed and systematic attacks on workers’ rights to bargain collectively, to receive overtime pay and to be protected on the job. The Labor Caucus is a coalition of Members of Congress who are committed to strengthening support for a pro-labor legislative and political agenda.

Real Estate Caucus, Executive Board Member: Real estate is one of the principle forms of wealth and prosperity in America and it is a vital part of the economy. Many families and business depend on a resilient real estate market. This caucus discusses the unique position of real estate in public policy debates.

Historic Preservation Caucus: This caucus serves as a forum for Members to discuss ways to protect and revitalize America’s historic places and structures. More importantly, the Caucus focuses on historic preservation’s important role in economic development and neighborhood revitalization.

House Manufacturing Task Force: This group supports U.S. manufacturing with a robust policy agenda that promotes an entrepreneurial business climate, invests in innovation, and ensures Americans citizens' protection and productivity. Addressing tax, trade, and education, the House Manufacturing Task Force aims to improve manufacturing competitiveness and create sustainable economic growth.

Climate Change Caucus: This caucus works to better understand the affect of human activity on the global climate and to lower "greenhouse gas" emissions.

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus: This bipartisan caucus promotes clean and efficient energy technologies and policies that reduce our dependence on oil, create jobs, expand our domestic economy, increase the supply of energy and reduce prices for millions of American consumers.

Coastal Caucus: This bipartisan caucus works to protect and preserve coastal resources for future generations. Visit the Coastal Caucus website for additional information.

Boating Caucus: This bipartisan caucus consists of members concerned with issues affecting the recreational marine industry. The caucus seeks to improve the industry's economic viability and supports environmental protection and boating safety.

Aerospace Caucus: This caucus promotes the aerospace industry and technological advances that benefit all American.

Native American Caucus: This caucus builds national policies that improve the quality of life for Native Americans.

Caucus on Armenian Issues: This bipartisan caucus promotes awareness of the Armenian genocide, strengthens U.S.-Armenia and U.S.-Karabagh relationships and works to stabilize this region.

Caucus on Hellenic Issues: The purpose of this bipartisan caucus is to foster and improve relations between the United States and our important allies, Greece and Cyprus. The Caucus brings Congressional attention to key diplomatic, military, and human rights issues in a critical part of the world.

Indian and Indian-Americans Caucus: As one of the fastest growing markets in the world, India is among our most critical allies. This caucus promotes the convergent economic interests of the United States and India and addresses issues of importance to the growing Indian-American community.

Democratic Israel Working Group (DIWG): Recognizing the importance of the strategic relationship between Israel and the United States, the DIWG promotes pro-Israel policy positions, leads outreach efforts to the Jewish community and is a resource to Democrats in Congress on Middle East issues.

Human Rights Caucus: This bipartisan caucus promotes and works towards broader human rights in all parts of the world. Visit the Human Rights Caucus website for additional information.

Congressional Refugee Caucus: Throughout history, people have had to abandon their homes and seek safety elsewhere to escape persecution, armed conflict or political violence. In the last decade of the 20th Century, the problem of forced displacement of people from places such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chechnya, Iraq, Kosovo and Rwanda was televised for all the world to see. This newly formed group will seek to focus attention on the plight of the world's 15 million refugees and help to assist refugees in camps overseas.