Press Releases

For Immediate Release
March 26, 2008 
Contact: Judith Kargbo
(202) 225-3816




Re-Evaluating Houston’s Emergency Preparedness Strategy and Evacuation Plan: Anticipating Hurricane Season Starting In 2 Months


Houston, Texas –Today, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a senior Member of the House Homeland Security Committee, welcomed FEMA Administrator David Paulison to Houston. Congresswoman Jackson Lee took Administrator Paulison through key portions of Houston that are considered vulnerable to natural disasters and would potentially suffer the most, due to a lack of a comprehensive emergency preparedness strategy and evacuation plan.

“I am very concerned that vulnerable neighborhoods and communities in Houston could be left behind during a future natural disaster. When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, our nation witnessed firsthand the effects of not having an effective emergency preparedness strategy and evacuation plan in place,” stated Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. “The result was thousands upon thousands of New Orleans residents being displaced and relocated to Houston and across the nation in search of housing. We must not leave our most vulnerable disabled, elderly, low income, and minority communities behind in times of emergency, and I am committed to ensuring that we have a comprehensive emergency preparedness and evacuation plan that does not overlook them.”

Congresswoman Jackson Lee also hosted a meeting between Administrator Paulison and Houston City, Harris County, and State of Texas homeland security officials to discuss and reexamine Houston’s emergency preparedness plan and floodway ordinance. 

“I am thankful to all the local, city and state officials who were able to engage in constructive dialogue with Administrator Paulison to further understand and seek a solution to address Houston’s floodway ordinance,” added Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. “Administrator Paulison’s acceptance of my invitation to visit Houston is a clear sign that FEMA is taking the proper initiative to work with the City of Houston to make sure that all of our residents have the appropriate emergency preparedness strategy and evacuation plan in time of a natural disaster. I will be working very closely with FEMA as well as other local and state agencies to ensure that an effective emergency preparedness strategy is put in place for the safety and security of our residents.”



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