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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

U.S. Geological Survey

General Records Disposition Schedule

Prepared by the Geographic Information Office


April 2003

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S.Geological Survey

Foreword and Table of Contents | Record of Posted Changes | Information on Official Records and Personal Papers | How to use this Records Disposition Schedule | Changes in this Issuance | Chapter 100 | Chapter 200 | Chapter 300 | Chapter 400 | Chapter 500 | Chapter 600 | Chapter 700 | Chapter 800 | Chapter 900 | Chapter 1000 | Chapter 1100 | Chapter 1200 | Chapter 1300 | Appendix 1 | Appendix 2 | Appendix 3 | Change 1

Chapter 200. Information Resources Management Records.

All aspects of the records and information management programs are included in this section. Also, this section provides disposal authorization for certain electronic records and specified hard-copy (paper) or microform records that are integrally related to the electronic records.

Chapter 200 Topics This section provides for the disposition of the following USGS Information Resources Management (IRM) records:

201. IRM.

202. Electronic Records.

203. Telecommunications Files.

204. Year 2000 (Y2K) Files.

205. Paperwork Management Files.

206. Electronic Mail (E-mail) and Word Processing System copies of IRM records.

201. IRM files include the following records:
201-01 General IRM and Records Management Files.
201-02 IRM and Records Management Policies and Procedures.
201-03 IRM and Records Management Reports.
201-04 IRM and Records Management Feasibility Studies.
201-05 IRM and Records Management Program Files.
201-06 IRM and Records Management Oversight Files.
201-07 Computer Files - software development, software systems, software applications, graphics software, service agreements, maintenance, and documentation.
201-08 Computer and Network Operations and Maintenance Files.
201-09 User Support and Liaison Files - computer technical assistance and help files.
201-10 Information Technology (IT) Security Data Files - statements of responsibility, computer security incident reporting, computer access and firewall access files, secure room files, security and contingency plans, and risk assessments.

202. Electronic files include the following records:
202-01 Files and Records Relating to the Creation, Use, and Maintenance of Computer Systems, Applications, or Electronic Records.
202-02 Input/Source Records.
202-03 Electronic Versions of Records Scheduled for Disposal.
202-04 Data Files Consisting of Summarized Information.
202-05 Records Consisting of Extracted Information.
202-06 Electronic Print File.
202-07 Electronic Technical Reformat File.
202-08 Electronic Security Backups of Files.
202-09 Electronic Finding Aids or Indexes.
202-10 Electronic Special-Purpose Programs (Software) Necessary to Maintain Temporary Files.
202-11 Electronic System Documentation.
202-12 Downloaded and Copied Data.
202-13 Word Processing Records.
202-14 Electronic Mail Records.
202-15 Tracking and Control Records.
202-16 Data Verification and Quality Control Files not Described Elsewhere.

203. Telecommunications files include the following records:
203-01 General Telecommunications Management Files.
203-02 Telecommunications Management Policies and Procedures Files.
203-03 Telecommunications Management Reports.
203-04 Telecommunications Voucher Files.
203-05 Telecommunications Equipment Management Files.
203-06 Telecommunications Operational Files.
203-07 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records.
203-08 Telephone Calling Card Records.
203-09 Radio Communications Systems.
203-10 Radio Communications Files.
203-11 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems.

204. Year 2000 (Y2K) records include the following records:
204-01 Y2K Policy and Planning Records.
204-02 Y2K Administrative Records.
204-03 Implementation Records.

205. Paperwork Management files include the following records:
205-01 Bureau Directives Files - bureau survey and departmental manual chapter issuances.
205-02 Bureau External Directives Case Files
205-03 Bureau Directives Management Program Files.
205-04 Bureau Directives Index Database Files.
205-05 Forms Case Files - bureau forms.
205-06 Records Disposition Files - records inventories, disposal authorizations, schedules, and reports.
205-07 Records Holding Files.
205-08 Reports Control Files.
205-09 Microform Inspection Records.
205-10 Vital Records.

206. E-mail and Word Processing System Copy records for the Information Management Resources files include the following records:
206-01 Electronic copies of e-mail and word processing records created solely to produce the recordkeeping copy and electronic copies of e-mail and word processing records that are needed in addition to the recordkeeping copy for dissemination, revision, or updating.

What files in this section are important or considered permanent USGS records? •   Records management filing system directives and handbooks.
•   Y2K Policy and Planning record copy.
•   Record copies of bureau directives and bureau policies and regulations.

What files in this section are considered temporary USGS records? •   IRM computer and user support and liaison, and information technology.
•   Disposable electronic record files.
•   Telecommunications and radio communications.
•   Y2K administrative and implementation records.
•   Bureau directives management program files and index database files.
•   Employee copies of such items as bureau directives, survey manual chapters, and notices.
•   Federal register related files.
•   Semiannual agenda files.
•   Forms case files; records disposition, holding, and control files; and microform inspection records.

Questions? Contact the USGS Records Manager or your discipline or regional Records Liaison Officer.

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200. Information Resources Management Records.

201 IRM Files || 202 Electronic Records || 203 Telecommunications Files || 204 Y2K Files || 205 Paperwork Management Files || 206 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies

Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
201 Information Resources Management (IRM).
201-01 General IRM and Records Management Files. General correspondence and other records relating to IRM and records management topics not otherwise covered in this schedule. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
201-02 IRM and Records Management Policies and Procedures. Policies and procedures pertinent to future and continuing actions for IRM and record management activities. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Place in inactive file when canceled, superseded, or revoked. Destroy when no longer needed for reference purposes.
201-03 IRM and Records Management Reports.
201-03a Miscellaneous reports pertaining to IRM and records management. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
201-03b Information Collection Budget Files. Reports required by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act regarding the number of hours the public spends fulfilling agency reporting requirements. Included are associated feeder reports, report exhibits, correspondence, directives, and statistical compilations. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 7 years after cut-off.
201-04 IRM and Records Management Feasibility Studies. Studies conducted before the installation of any technology or equipment associated with information management systems, such as word processing, copiers, micrographics, and communications. Studies and systems analysis for the initial establishment and major changes of these systems. These studies typically include a consideration of the alternatives of the proposed system and cost benefit analysis of the improved efficiency and effectiveness to be expected from the proposed system. Destroy 5 years after completion or cancellation of the study.
201-05 IRM and Records Management Program Files.
201-05a Overall Records. Correspondence and related material pertaining to overall records and information management promotion and improvement programs. Cut-off at the end of the project. Destroy 6 years after cut-off.
201-05b Records Management Filing Systems. Correspondence, handbooks, index or guides, and other material related to systems developed and prescribed by the USGS for the numbering and filing of correspondence, reports, publications, and other formats such as drawings, maps, field books, audio visual, electronic files, microfilm and directives. Permanent. Place in inactive file when superseded, canceled, or revoked. Cut-off inactive file at the end of the fiscal year. Transfer to the Federal Records Center (FRC) 10 years after cut-off. Transfers to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) 30 years after cut-off.
201-06 IRM and Records Management Oversight Files. Correspondence and related materials pertaining to IRM and records management oversight. Includes, but not limited to, internal and/or external correspondence; records on areas of oversight (organized by subject); and general records relating to oversight responsibilities. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy when 5 years old or when no longer needed, whichever is later.
201-07 Computer Files.
201-07a Bureau-level Software. Correspondence and related material pertaining to bureau-level software development, maintenance, and documentation. Includes, but is not limited to, software systems, software applications, and graphics software.
201-07a(1) Key Maintenance Information. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain key maintenance information for the life of the system.
201-07a(2) Key System Documentation. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain key system documentation for 5 years after the system is replaced.
201-07b Hardware. Correspondence and related material pertaining to the physical equipment and components in a computer system. Includes, but is not limited to, mainframes, minicomputers, bureau backbone wide area networks (WAN), and local area networks (LAN)/WAN interface equipment at WAN sites.
201-07b(1) Key Maintenance Information. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain key maintenance information for the life of the system.
201-07b(2) Key System Documentation. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain key system documentation for 5 years after the system is replaced.
201-08 Computer and Network Operations and Maintainence Files. Correspondence and related material pertaining to USGS office computer systems, technical operations, and maintenance. Includes, but is not limited to, system upgrade data and operational procedures.
201-08a Key Maintenance Information. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain key maintenance information for the life of the system.
201-08b Key System Documentation. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain key system documentation for 5 years after the system is replaced.
201-09 User Support and Liaison Files. Correspondence and related material pertaining to user support and liaison. Includes computer user technical assistance, help files, establishing user support groups, articles for newsletters, user meetings data and notes, and technical notes. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
201-10 Information Technology (IT) Security Data Files. Security program assures that adequate security is provided for all bureauwide information collected, processed, transmitted, stored, or disseminated in general support systems, sensitive systems, and major applications systems.
201-10a Statements of Responsibility. Signed original to be filed on left side of Official Personnel Folder. Destroy 1 year after separation or transfer of employee.
201-10b Statements of Responsibility Reference Copies. Copies maintained by the local IT Security Officer. Destroy 1 year after separation or transfer of employee.
201-10c Computer Security Incident Reports. Used to document and report all IT security incidents. Incidents involving physical and personnel complaints and violations are reported to the local IT Security Officer. Incidents involving IT resources that result in the loss of technology, fraud, compromise, or disclosure of sensitive material are reported to the Bureau IT Security Manager. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year in which the incident occurs. Destroy 5 years after cut-off.
201-10d Access to IT Systems. Documentation of requests for access, changes to access, deletions of users, and revocations. Destroy 1 year after separation or transfer of employee.
201-10e Firewall Access Requests. Forms and supporting documentation for access through USGS firewalls to the USGS internal networks and systems. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year upon termination of access. Destroy 1 year after cut-off.
201-10f Secure Room Sign-in Sheets. Documentation showing authorized entry to a computer installation by individuals who are not directly involved in managing or operating the facility. Destroy 6 months after last entry on sign-in sheet.
201-10g IT Security Plans. Plans providing an overview of the security and privacy requirements of a sensitive system or major application. The plans are designed to reduce the risk and magnitude of harm that could result from the loss, misuse, or unauthorized access to or modification of information to the system. Destroy when replaced by an updated plan.
201-10h IT Contingency Plans. Site specific plans which document actions following a major disaster to ensure that all the IT resources needed for mission and business critical functions will be available. Destroy when replaced by an updated plan.
201-10i Risk Assessments. Evaluation of the IT assets and vulnerabilities of a system, identification of potential threats to the system, and proposed safeguards for the systems. Destroy when replaced by an updated plan.
201-10j Electronic Versions of IT Security Records Created by Electronic Mail and Word Processing Applications. Delete when file copy is generated and added to a recordkeeping system or when no longer needed for reference or updating.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
202 Electronic Records.
202-01 Files and Records Relating to the Creation, Use, and Maintenance of Computer Systems, Applications, or Electronic Records. Covered are disposable electronic records created or received by the bureau, including those managed by contractors. It includes records created by computer operators, programmers, analysts, and systems administrators and all personnel with access to a computer. It covers certain master files, including some tables that are components of the database management systems, and certain files created from master files for specific purposes. It covers certain disposable electronic records produced by end users in office automation applications. It does not cover any bureau major electronic records system.
202-01a Electronic files or records created solely to test system performance, as well as hard-copy printouts and related documentation for the electronic files or records. Delete or destroy when the agency determines that they are no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
202-01b Electronic files or records used to create or update a master file, including, but not limited to, work files, valid transaction files, and intermediate input/output records. Delete after information has been transferred to the master file and verified.
202-01c Electronic files and hard-copy printouts created to monitor system usage, including, but not limited to, log-in files, password files, audit trail files, system usage files, and cost-back files used to assess charges for system use. Delete or destroy when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
202-02 Input/Source Records.
202-02a Non-electronic documents or forms designed and used solely to create, update, or modify the records in an electronic medium and not required for audit or legal purposes, such as need for signatures, and not previously scheduled for permanent retention. Destroy after the information has been converted to an electronic medium and verified, or when no longer needed to support the reconstruction of, or serve as the backup to, the master file, whichever is later.
202-02b Electronic records, except as noted in Item 202-02c, entered into the system during an update process and not required for audit or legal purposes. Delete when data have been entered into the master file or database and verified, or when no longer required to support reconstruction of, or serve as backup to, a master file or database, whichever is later.
202-02c Electronic records received from another agency and used as input/source records by the bureau, excluding records produced by another agency under the terms of an interagency agreement, or records created by another agency in response to the specific information needs of the bureau. Delete when data have been entered into the master file or database and verified, or when no longer needed to support reconstruction of, or serve as backup to, the master file or database, whichever is later.
202-02d Computer files or records containing uncalibrated and unvalidated digital or analog data collected during observation or measurement activities or research and development programs and used as input for a digital master file or database. Delete after the necessary data have been incorporated into a master file.
202-03 Electronic Versions of Records Scheduled for Disposal.
202-03a Electronic versions of records scheduled for disposal in this schedule excluding those that replace or duplicate such items as the Employee Medical Folder. Delete after the expiration of the retention period authorized for the disposable hard-copy file or when no longer needed, whichever is later.
202-03b Electronic records that support administrative housekeeping functions when the records are derived from or replace hard-copy records authorized for destruction.
202-03b(1) When hard-copy records are retained to meet recordkeeping requirements. Delete electronic version when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
202-03b(2) When the electronic record replaces hard-copy records that support administrative housekeeping functions. Delete after the expiration of the retention period authorized for the hard-copy file, or when no longer needed, whichever is later.
202-03b(3) Hard-copy printouts created for short-term administrative purposes. Destroy when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
202-04 Data Files Consisting of Summarized Information. Records that contain summarized or aggregated information created by combining data elements or individual observations from a single master file or database that is disposable under this schedule, excluding data files that are created as disclosure-free files to allow public access to the data which may not be destroyed before securing NARA approval. Delete when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.

NOTE: Data files consisting of summarized information which were created from a master file or database that is unscheduled, or that was scheduled as permanent but no longer exists or can no longer be accessed, may not be destroyed before securing NARA approval.

202-05 Records Consisting of Extracted Information. Electronic files consisting solely of records extracted from a single master file or database that is disposable under Items 202-01 through 202-12. However, extracts that are produced as disclosure-free files to allow public access to the data or are produced from an extraction process which changes the informational content of the source master file or database may not be destroyed before securing NARA approval. Delete when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.

NOTES: (1) Records consisting of extracted information that was created from a master file or database that is unscheduled, or that was scheduled as permanent but no longer exists or can no longer be accessed, may not be destroyed before securing NARA approval. (2) See Item 202-12 of this schedule for other extracted data.

202-06 Electronic Print File. Electronic file extracted from a master file or database without changing it and used solely to produce hard-copy publications and/or printouts of tabulations, ledgers, registers, and statistical reports. Delete when the agency determines that they are no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
202-07 Electronic Technical Reformat File. Electronic file consisting of data copied from a complete or master file or database made for the specific purpose of information interchange and written with varying technical specifications, excluding files created for transfer to the NARA. Delete when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
202-08 Electronic Security Backups of Files. Electronic copy, considered by the agency to be a Federal record, of the master copy of an electronic record or file and retained in case the master file or database is damaged or inadvertently erased.
202-08a File identical to records scheduled for transfer to the NARA. Delete when the identical records have been captured in a subsequent backup file or when the identical records have been transferred to NARA and successfully copied.
202-08b File identical to records authorized for disposal by NARA and included in this records schedule. Delete when the identical records have been deleted or when replaced by a subsequent backup file.
202-09 Electronic Finding Aids or Indexes. Electronic indexes, lists, registers, and other finding aids used only to provide access to records authorized for destruction in this records schedule, excluding records containing abstracts or other information that can be used as an information source apart from the related records. Delete with related records or when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes, whichever is later.
202-10 Electronic Special-Purpose Programs (Software) Necessary to Maintain Temporary Files. Application software necessary solely to use or maintain a master file or database authorized for disposal in this records schedule, excluding special-purpose software necessary to use or maintain any unscheduled master file or database or any master file or database scheduled for transfer to NARA. Delete when related master file or database has been deleted.
202-11 Electronic System Documentation.
202-11a Data systems specifications, file specifications, codebooks, record layouts, user guides, output specifications, and final reports, regardless of medium, relating to a master file or database that has been authorized for destruction by NARA. Destroy or delete when superseded or obsolete, upon authorized deletion of the related master file or database, or upon the destruction of the output of the system if the output is needed to protect legal rights, whichever is latest.
202-11b Copies of records relating to system security, including records documenting periodic audits or review and recertification of sensitive applications, disaster and continuity plans, and risk analysis, as described in OMB Circular Number A-130. Destroy or delete when superseded or obsolete.

NOTES: (1) Documentation that relates to permanent or unscheduled master files and databases is not authorized for destruction. (2) See Item 202-01a of this schedule for documentation relating to system testing.

202-12 Downloaded and Copied Data. Derived data and data files which are copied, extracted, merged and/or calculated from other data generated within the bureau when the original data are retained.
202-12a Derived data used for ad hoc or one-time inspection, analysis, or review, if the derived data are not needed to support the results of the inspection, analysis, or review. Delete when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
202-12b Derived data which provide user access in lieu of hard-copy reports which are authorized for disposal. Delete when no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
202-12c Metadata or reference data, such as format, range or domain specifications, which are transferred from a host computer or server to another computer for input, updating, or transaction processing operations. Delete from the receiving system or device when no longer needed for processing.

NOTE: See Item 202-05 for other extracted data.

202-13 Word Processing Files. Documents such as letters, memoranda, reports, handbooks, directives, and manuals recorded on electronic media such as hard disks or floppy diskettes after they have been copied to an electronic recordkeeping system, paper, or microform for recordkeeping purposes. Delete from the word processing system when no longer needed for updating or revision.
202-14 Electronic Mail Records. Senders' and recipients' versions of electronic mail messages that meet the definition of Federal records and any attachments to the record messages after they have been copied to an electronic recordkeeping system, paper, or microform for recordkeeping purposes. Delete from the e-mail system after copying to a recordkeeping system.

NOTE: Along with the message text, the recordkeeping system must capture the names of the sender and recipients and date (transmission data for recordkeeping purposes) and, when required, any receipt data.

202-15 Tracking and Control Records. Logs, registers, and other records used to control or document the status of correspondence, reports, or other records that are authorized for destruction. Destroy or delete when no longer needed.
202-16 Data Verification and Quality Control Files not Described Elsewhere. Data verification documents the accuracy or factuality of data through a comparison process to the source data. Data sampling is a means of checking selected portions of data in a database to determine its quality level. Error detection involves comparing the data against the source documentation and comparing it with established data standards to determine if the data is in conformance with the standards. Documentation of the sampling and error detection activities consists of the date of action, steps taken, name of parties involved, summary of errors detected with an analysis of the errors, and the date corrective actions are taken. Destroy when no longer needed for audit or legal purposes, such as pending litigation.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
203 Telecommunications Files.
203-01 General Telecommunications Management Files. General correspondence and other records relating to communications management topics not otherwise covered in this schedule. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 2 years after cut-off.
203-02 Telecommunications Management Polices and Procedures Files. Policies and procedures pertinent to future and continuing actions for telecommunications management activities. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Place in inactive file when canceled, superseded, or revoked. Destroy when no longer needed for reference purposes.
203-03 Telecommunications Management Reports.
203-03a Miscellaneous reports pertaining to telecommunications management. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
203-03b Telecommunications statistical reports including cost and volume data. Destroy when 1 year old.
203-04 Telecommunications Voucher Files.
203-04a Reference copies of telecommunications vouchers, bills, invoices, and related records (official budget copies are filed in Item 703-01). Destroy when 1 fiscal year old.
203-04b Records relating to installation, change, removal, and servicing of equipment. Destroy 1 year after audit or when 3 years old, whichever is sooner.
203-04c Copies of agreements with background data and other records relating to agreements for telecommunications services. Destroy 2 years after expiration or cancellation of agreement.
203-05 Telecommunications Equipment Management Files. Correspondence and related materials pertaining to the installation, operation, maintenance, and management of telecommunications equipment used for the transmission of voice and data signals over hard wire or via satellite. Includes such records as requirements for acquisition, usage, consolidation, disposition of equipment; leased facilities, equipment, or lines; frequency materials, line changes, traffic, and service reports; inventories; recurring charges; work orders; plans, and studies. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 10 years after cut-off or if replaced before then, destroy 2 years after replacement.
203-06 Telecommunications Operational Files.
203-06a Telecommunications message registers, logs, performance reports, daily load reports, and related or similar records. Destroy when 6 months old.
203-06b Copies of telecommunications incoming and original copies of outgoing messages maintained by communications offices. Exclude copies maintained by the originating program office. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy when 2 years old.
203-07 Telephone Use (Call Detail) Records. Telephone detail call records and facsimile transmissions.
203-07a Telephone listings of called telephone numbers, dates, and specifics of calls.
203-07a(1) Computer-generated listings. Telephone call accounting data generated by the telephone system, automatically collected, and maintained on a standalone computer. Records maintained electronically are the official record. Delete when 3 years old.
203-07a(2) Paper copies. Destroy when no longer needed.
203-07b Records relating to the location of telephones and records indicating assignment of employee telephone numbers. Included is Directory Service (includes telephone directories) that are maintained in electronic form. Include any records relating to the compilation of the directory service listings. The designated official electronic record copy of these records should be maintained for 1 year with accessibility to a back-up copy.
203-08 Telephone Calling Card Records.
203-08a General records relating to the allocation, use, and distribution of agency telephone calling cards. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
203-08b Lists or rosters showing the current allocation of agency telephone calling cards issued. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
203-08c Case files relating to investigations of alleged lost, stolen, or misused telephone calling cards. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after the close of the investigation.
203-09 Radio Communications Systems.
203-09a Correspondence and related materials pertaining to the installation, operation, maintenance, and management of equipment used for direct communication, automation, or remote control of either voice or data transmissions. Includes, but not limited to, microwave, satellite systems, 2-way fixed or mobile radios, leased services, and cellular telephones. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 2 years after cut-off.
203-09b Lists or rosters showing the current allocation of agency radios. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy when 3 years old.
203-09c Case files relating to investigations of alleged lost, stolen, or misused agency radios. Destroy 3 years after the close of investigation.
203-10 Radio Communications Files.
203-10a Radio Frequency Authorization Files. Includes radio frequency authorizations and frequency use agreements. Authorizations and use agreements are reviewed every 5 years. Destroy when replaced by a new authorization/ agreement.
203-10b Radio Logs. Cut-off at the end of each month. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
203-11 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems. Correspondence and related materials pertaining to the installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment used in the supervision and control of USGS systems by either direct communication, automation, or remote control. Including, but not limited to, power line carrier current systems, supervisory control data acquisition systems, load frequency controls, water systems automation, fiber optics systems, and transfer trip systems.
203-11a Key Maintenance Information. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain key maintenance information for the life of the system.
203-11b Key System Documentation. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retain key system documentation for 5 years after the system is replaced.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
204 Year 2000 (Y2K) Files.
204-01 Y2K Policy and Planning Records. Records created or approved by the agency head or by the heads of program offices that document efforts taken to identify potential problems, assess risks, and implement strategies for agency Y2K compliance and contingency. Records may include reports outlining overall strategies, project plans, risk assessments, system identification criteria, and summary progress reports.
204-01a Recordkeeping copy maintained by USGS Headquarters Y2K Project Officer. Cut-off files at project completion. Transfer to FRC 2 years after cut-off. Destroy 10 years after cut-off.
204-01b Site Y2K Project Office copy maintained for administrative purposes. Cut-off files at project completion. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
204-01c All other copies. Cut-off files at project completion. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
204-02 Y2K Administrative Records. Records associated with all administrative aspects of Y2K projects, including budgeting, resource allocation, logistics, unit level project management, feeder status and progress reports, status tracking documentation, system inventories, and related materials. Cut-off at the completion of the project. Destroy 3 years after cut-off.
204-03 Implementation Records. Records that document analyzing, modifying, testing, and verifying systems for Y2K compliance.
204-03a Summary records of the analysis of actions taken for specific systems. These records may include configuration and design analyses, application of selection criteria, changes made to system, revisions or additions to systems documentation, and final reports or audits of system status. Typically document justifications to repair, retire, or replace system in relation to Y2K concerns. Cut-off at the completion of the project. Destroy 10 years after cut-off.
204-03b Detailed records of the revision, testing, and validation of a specific system or group of systems. May include listings of potential problems, test plans, test data, test procedures and results, final validation results, and quality assurance reviews. Cut-off at the completion of the project. Destroy when 3 years old.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
205 Paperwork Management Files.
205-01 Bureau Directives Files. The USGS directives system is comprised of both temporary and permanent directives. Temporary directives are in effect for a short period of time. The USGS manual system is a permanent record of written policy and procedural instructions consisting of directives indexes, manual sections, manual supplements, handbooks, and handbook supplements. All Survey Manual (SM) issuances at the bureau, discipline, and regional level, with supporting documents, if any, document important aspects of development. These directives announce major changes in bureau policies and procedures. Also, included are all Departmental Manual issuances, developed by the bureau, that document the organizational structure of the USGS.
205-01a Bureau Internal Directives Case Files. Record copy and supporting documentation of directive related to bureau program functions, organizations, etc., issued through the SM or discipline Operating Manuals, or organizational issuances published in the Departmental Manual. Maintained by the individual or staff responsible for directives control and distribution in the originating office. Permanent. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Retire to FRC when volume exceeds at least 1 cubic foot. Transfer to NARA in 5-year blocks when 20 years old.
205-01b All other copies and issuances related to routine administrative functions (e.g., payroll, procurement, personnel, property, vehicles, budget, forms, reports, mail, and printing). Maintained by the originating office. Destroy when issuance is superseded, canceled, or no longer needed for reference. Destroy any supporting documentation when issuance is destroyed.
205-02 Bureau External Directives Case Files.
205-02a Regulations Case Files. Record copy of all regulations/notices published by the bureau to provide policy and procedural instructions relative to bureau programs. Includes supporting material documenting important aspects of developments as well as any external comments received. Internal comments are segregated from public comments. Permanent. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Transfer to NARA in 5-year blocks when 20 years old.
205-02b Federal Register Documents. Material that documents the development, clearance, and processing of proposed and final rulemaking for publication in the Federal Register as related to USGS activities. NOTE: Files on investigations which require extensive research projects or special geologic, geophysical, and engineering studies, etc., must be filed and disposed of in accordance with specific disposal instructions provided in this schedule for each feature, structure, etc. Subject-related correspondence, reports, and other material accumulated in the course of preparing input for replies to Congressional inquires should be filed in the general of the functional series applicable to the subject of the inquiry and disposed per that classification. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 5 years after rule was published.
205-02c Federal Register Notices. Material documenting the processing of notices announcing committee meetings, including meetings open to the public under the Government in Sunshine Act (5 U.S.C. 552b(e)(3)); hearing and investigations; filing of petitions and applications; issuance or revocation of a license; grant application deadlines, the availability of certain environmental impact statements; delegations of authority; and other matters that are not codified in the Code of Federal Regulation. (See note below).
(Note: Agency files documenting the development, clearance, and processing of proposed and final rules for publication in the Federal Register are not covered by the General Records Schedules. These records may be, but are not necessarily, permanent. They must be scheduled individually by each agency so NARA can conduct an analysis and appraisal to determine their appropriate disposition.)
Destroy when 1 year old.
205-02d Copies of regulations/notices maintained for reference. Destroy when reference need expires.
205-02e Semiannual Agenda.
205-02e(1) Information on rules scheduled for review or development during the subsequent 6-month period and on the status of those rules previously scheduled. This information is forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget for publication in the Federal Register. Destroy when no longer needed for reference.
205-02e(2) Files documenting the processing of semiannual regulatory agenda. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy when 2 years old.
205-03 Bureau Directives Management Program Files. Correspondence and material accumulated as a result of managing the directives program established to develop internal policy and procedural instructions. Includes preparation, format, revision, clearance, publication, distribution, and sales of instructions and releases. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy 3 years after cut-off or when no longer needed for administrative purposes, whichever is later.
205-04 Bureau Directives Index Database Files. A database that provides an index to USGS temporary directives and used to locate sources of the USGS policy and information issued via the formal directive system. Delete after the expiration date of the temporary directive or when no longer needed, whichever is later.
205-05 Forms Case Files. One record copy of each form created and approved for use by the bureau with related instructions and documentation concerning origin, purpose, scope, and justification of form. Maintained by the office issuing the form.
205-05a One record Forms Master copy of each form created by the bureau with related instructions and documentation showing the inception, scope, and purpose of the form. Destroy 5 years after related form is discontinued, superseded, or canceled.
205-05b Forms background materials, requisitions, specifications, processing data, and control records. Destroy when related forms are discontinued, superseded, or canceled.
205-05c Bureau internal non-official forms, such as routing slips. Destroy when forms are discontinued, superseded, or canceled.
205-06 Records Disposition Files. Descriptive inventories, disposal authorizations, schedules, and reports.
NOTE: Although this item has a temporary retention, it is suggested all documents under item 205-06a below be kept indefinitely for reference purposes.

205-06a Documentation. Basic documentation of records description and disposition programs, including SF-115, Request for Records Disposition Authority; SF-135 and SF-135a, Records Transmittal and Receipt; SF-258, Agreement to Transfer Records to the National Archives of the United States; and related documentation.
205-06a(1) SF-115s that have been approved by NARA. Destroy 2 years after supersession. (See Note in Item 205-06 above.)
205-06a(2) Other records. Destroy 6 years after the related records are destroyed or transferred to NARA, whichever is applicable. (See Note in Item 205-06 above.)
205-06b Extra copies and routine correspondence and memoranda. Destroy when no longer needed for reference.
205-07 Records Holding Files. Statistical reports of agency holdings, including feeder reports from all offices and data on the volume of records disposed of by destruction and transfer.
205-07a Records held by offices that prepare reports on agencywide records holdings. Cut-off at the end of the fiscal year. Destroy when 3 years old.
205-07b Records held by other offices. Destroy when 1 year old.
205-08 Reports Control Files. Case files maintained for each bureau report created or proposed, including public-use reports. Included are clearance forms, including SF-83; copies of pertinent forms or descriptions of format; copies of authorizing directives; preparation instructions; and documents relating to the evaluation, continuation, revision, and discontinuance of reporting requirements. Destroy 2 years after the report is discontinued.
205-09 Microform Inspection Records.
205-09a Bureau copy of inventories, logs, and reports documenting the inspection of permanent microform records, as required by 36 CFR Part 1230. Destroy 1 year after the records are transferred to NARA.
205-09b Bureau copy of inventories, logs, and reports documenting the inspection of temporary microform records, as recommended by 36 CFR Part 1230. Destroy when 2 years old or when superseded, whichever is later.
205-10 Vital Records. Inventories of vital records data, relating to the identification and protection of records vital to the operation of USGS during emergencies or which protect the legal or financial rights of individuals or the Federal Government. Inventories cite the cycle during which the vital records data will be refreshed. Updates to the inventory should occur as necessary to keep the inventory current. The entire inventory should be reviewed and revised at least once every six years. Destroy and replace with current inventories as superseded, or when 6 years old, whichever is sooner.

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Item No. Description of Records Disposition Instructions
206 Electronic Mail and Word Processing System Copies.
206-01 Electronic Copies of Records. Electronic copies of records that are created on electronic mail and word processing systems and used solely to generate a recordkeeping copy of the records covered by the other items in this chapter. Also includes electronic copies of records created on electronic mail and word processing systems that are maintained for updating, revision, or dissemination.
206-01a Copies that have no further administrative value after the recordkeeping copy is made. Includes copies maintained by individuals in personal files, personal electronic mail directories, or other personal directories on hard disk or network drives and copies on shared network drives that are used only to produce the recordkeeping copy. Destroy/delete within 180 days after the recordkeeping copy has been produced.
206-01b Copies used for dissemination, revision, or updating that are maintained in addition to the recordkeeping copy. Destroy/delete when dissemination, revision, or updating is completed.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Content Information Contact: Carol Wippich
Last modification: 01-May-2003@07:54(cjw)
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