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New York University

LiveSmart January: Begin AnewLogo: LiveSmart Character

Don't let your New Year's resolution go in one year and out the other. Begin 2009 by following a routine of nutrition, exercise and financial health. Give yourself support when making healthy lifestyle changes by attending January LiveSmart programs.

Coming Soon: Spring 2009 Professional Development Programs

In addition to the Winter Professional Development Programs offered January 21 - January 29, the Office of Learning & Organizational Development will offer a full Spring 2009 Professional Development schedule. Please check back in late January for course and registration information.

NYU Retirement Plan Providers Address
Concerns over Market Volatility

Both TIAA-CREF and The Vanguard Group continue to provide frequent updates on the economy and markets. Click below for access to their news pages for their latest updates:

To register for an online discussion about today's markets offered by Vanguard, click on Staying Calm During a Bear Market