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The Comptroller’s office has compiled detailed information on grants and other potential funding opportunities made available by the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA). Some of the listed programs offer competitive grants, while others are grants distributed through preexisting formulas and some are loan programs. While some information is subject to change, this document will allow you to begin reviewing funding opportunities available for you along with contact information, links and the amount of funding for each program. Where possible, we have indicated the amount available for Texas. A printable version of this information (PDF, 160KB) is available in .pdf format.

Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Grants for the Arts National Endowment for the Arts
Federal - Direct grants to the non-profit art sector to provide financial support due to declining philanthropic contributions and for arts projects which preserve jobs. Of the $50 million for this program, 40 percent goes to state arts agencies and regional arts organizations, and 60 percent is for competitively selected arts projects. State match waived. In order to be eligible for this program, an entity must have received grants from the NEA between 2006 and 2009. No entity can receive more than one grant from arts-related ARRA funding. $30.0 Federal Non-profit arts organizations Competitive Grants 4/2/2009
Grants for the Arts (State) Texas Commission on the Arts
Direct grants to the non-profit art sector to provide financial support due to declining philanthropic contributions and for arts projects which preserve jobs. Of the $50 million for this program, 40 percent goes to state arts agencies and regional arts organizations, and 60 percent is for competitively selected arts projects. State match waived. In order to be eligible for this program, an entity must have received grants from Texas Commission on the Arts in fiscal year 2008 or fiscal year 2009. No entity can receive more than one grant from arts-related ARRA funding. $0.4 State Non-profit arts organizations Competitive Grants TBD

Business and Economic Development
Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Community Development Block Grant Office of Rural and Community Affairs
512-936-6701 or 800-544-2042
Community Development Block Grant (Non-Entitlement): In non-entitlement areas, the state distributes grant funding. Non-entitlement areas are cities with populations of less than 50,000 (except cities that are designated principal cities of Metropolitan Statistical Areas), and counties with populations of less than 200,000. $19.5 State Cities and counties Competitive Grants TBD
Economic Development Assistance U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration
The program addresses a community need for assistance because of several circumstances: military base closures or other defense related loss of industry, declared disasters, international trade, long-term economic downturns, loss of a major employer or loss of manufacturing jobs. The recipients of the grants must develop a Comprehensive Economic Development System which analyzes the Regional economy and serves as a guide for establishing regional goals and objectives, developing and implementing a Regional plan of action, and identifying investment. Grant will not be more than 50 percent of the cost of the project. $50.0 Federal State, local, and tribal governments, institutions of higher education Indian tribes, private institutions, and non-profits Competitive Grants Ongoing
Farm Operating Loans U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, Texas Branch
Any farming or ranching establishment can apply for up to $300,000 in loans used for operating expenses like tractor equipment, seed, fuel, or chemicals. Loan terms vary depending on type of loan and what it is used for. About $120 million of the $173 million will go toward existing applications on backlog. $173.0 Federal Farmer and rancher proprietors, partnerships, and corporations with credit needs not being met by private sources Loan No deadline
Indian Community Development Block Grant U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
This program provides funding for infrastructure and housing projects in Indian communities. Indian tribes, bands, groups, nations, tribal organizations, including Alaska Indians, Aleuts, Eskimo, and Alaska Native villages are eligible to apply. $10.0 Federal Tribal governments Competitive Grants TBD
Microloans Local Microlenders
Increases loans to participants of the microloan program, which provides loans up to $35,000. Also provides $24 million in grants to those that make microloans for technical assistance to borrowers. $74.0 Federal Small businesses Grants and Loans Through 9/30/2010
Native American Loan Guarantees U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Native American Loan Guarantees
Indian Guaranteed Loan Program guarantees loans to stimulate Native American economies in which unemployment far exceeds the national average. Recognized tribes in Texas are the Tigua, Alabama & Coushatta, and Kickapoo.
$10.0 Federal Tribal governments or their lenders Loan guarantees (for economic development projects only) Through 9/30/2010
Neighborhood Stabilization U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Neighborhood Stabilization Program: This is a program that was created in 2008 to provide funds to local governments and to states with high levels of foreclosures for the purchase and rehabilitation of vacant housing. $1,980.0 Federal State and local governments, nonprofit entities Competitive Grants TBD
Public Works and Economic Development Facilities Program U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration
Supports the construction or rehabilitation of public infrastructure and facilities necessary to generate or retain private sector jobs and investments, attract private sector capital, and promote regional competitiveness, including investments that expand and upgrade infrastructure to attract new industry, support technology-led development, accelerate new business development, and enhance the ability of regions to capitalize on opportunities presented by free trade. $100.0 Federal Cities, state, institutions of higher education, district organizations, Indian tribes, private institutions, and non-profits Competitive Grants TBD
Rural Broadband, Telemedicine and Distance Learning U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service (in partnership with National Telecommun- ications and Information Administration)
Existing program with competitive grants, loans, and loan guarantees which will experience new funding in which there are no matching requirements. The applicants of the grants must be in an unserved or underserved area. The definitions of unserved and underserved are still being defined. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, The Federal Communications Commission and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration are holding a series of public meetings throughout March to develop the program guidelines. $2,500.0 Federal Local governments, businesses, and nonprofits Grants, loan and loan guarantees Tentative May/June 2009
Rural Business Program Account: Rural and Industry Guaranteed Loan Program U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Business Cooperative Service (Regional Office)
Any public or private entity with a private loan for rural economic or environmental development can apply for a USDA loan guarantee. Loans must be written for real estate, equipment, or working capital. Loan terms are negotiated between borrower and lender, and USDA guarantees up to 80 percent of loan amount, depending on loan size. A 2 percent fee is charged at beginning of guarantee, with an annual fee of 0.25 percent the loan balance; collateral and equity are required. $130.0 Federal Any public or private entity Loan guarantee No deadline
Rural Business Program Account: Rural Business Enterprise Grants U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Business Cooperative Service (Regional Office)
Rural Business Program Account: Rural Business Enterprise Grants.
Rural public entities can receive grants for real estate, captial and infrastructure development that furthers adult distance learning and education. No maximum grant amount, and smaller projects get priority.
$20.0 Federal Any rural public entity, including Indian tribes and non-profits Competitive Grants No deadline
Rural Community Facilities Program Account U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Housing Service (Regional Office)
The program guarantees loans to municipalities, counties, non-profits, and Indian Tribes used toward community facilities in areas with less than 20,000 residents. The borrower finds a private lender and the USDA guarantees up to 90 percent of the loan. $130.0 Federal Municipalities, counties, non-profits, and tribes in areas with population less than 20,000 Loan guarantee No deadline
Rural Housing Insurance Fund Program Account U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Housing Service (Regional Office)
Rural residents earning up to 80 percent of the median area income are eligible for 30 or 33 year direct housing loans with no money down. Applicants must lack adequate housing and credit from the private sector, but must have reasonable credit histories. $1,000.0 Federal Rural residents earning up to 80 percent of area median income Direct loan No deadline
Rural Housing Insurance Fund Program Account U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Housing Service (Regional Office)
Rural residents earning up to 115 percent of the median area income are eligible for loan guarantees on 30 year housing loans with no money down. Applicants must lack adequate housing and credit from the private sector, but must have reasonable credit histories. $436.6 Federal amount allocated to Texas Rural residents earning up to 115 percent of area median income Loan guarantee No deadline
Small Business Investment Companies Local Small Business Administration- licensed Small Business Investment Companies
Raises the maximum provided to SBA-licensed Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs) to the lesser of three times the private capital raised by those companies or $150 million. Increases the percentage a SBIC can invest in a single small business to 10 percent of total capital. For small businesses with a net worth under $18 million and average after tax net income for the prior two years under $6 million, plus other restrictions. n/a Federal Small businesses Loans TBD
Small Business Loans Commercial Lending Institutions
Raises the Small Business Administration’s loan guarantee from 85 percent to as much as 90 percent for some loans. $375.0 Federal Small businesses Loan guarantees Through 2/17/2010
Small Business Loans Certified development companies
Permits a 504 Certified Development Company program to refinance existing loans for fixed assets. For small businesses with tangible net worth under $7.5 million and average net incomes under $2.5 million after taxes for preceding 2 years. Businesses engaged in speculation or investment in rental real estate are ineligible. n/a Federal Small businesses Loans TBD
Small Business Stabilization Loans Small Business Administration
New SBA business stabilization loan program providing deferred-payment loans of up to $35,000 to viable small businesses that need to make payments on an existing, qualifying loan for up to six months. 100 percent guaranteed by SBA. Repayment would not have to begin until 12 months after the loan is disbursed. $255.0 Federal Small businesses Loan guarantees Through 9/30/2009
Small Business Surety Bonds Small Business Administration Office of Surety Guarantees The Seattle Area SBA Office administers the Surety Bond Program for Texas.
Expands Surety Bond Program by raising amount that can be covered by an SBA guaranteed surety bond from $2 million to $5 million. These bonds are used by small businesses to bid on and obtain federal and other contracts. $15.0 Federal Small businesses Bond guarantees Through 9/30/2010
Technology Opportunities Program U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration
The program supports demonstrations of new telecommunications and information technologies to provide education, health care, or public information in the public and non-profit sectors. Applicants are encouraged to collaborate. The criteria for the program have yet to be determined as this is a former program that is undergoing new rules. However, National Telecommunications and Information Administration will provide 80 percent of the funding and the recipient must provide the remaining 20 percent. $4,350.0 Federal State, local and tribal governments, health care providers, schools, libraries, police departments, and community- based non-profit organizations Competitive Grants Three rounds of funding, first notice up April - June 2009

Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
AmeriCorps Onestar Foundation
AmeriCorps provides grants directly to public and nonprofit organizations that sponsor service programs including faith-based and community organizations, higher education institutions, and public agencies. Grants assist these groups in recruiting, training and placing AmeriCorps members to meet critical community needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment. AmeriCorp activities include tutoring and mentoring youth, assisting crime victims, building homes, and restoring parks. $2.3 State Existing Americorps grantees Formula Grants TBD
Children with Disabilities Texas Education Agency
IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B-Grants to States, Special Education, Part B of the IDEA provides funds to state educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) to help them ensure that children with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education to meet each child’s unique needs and prepare him or her for further education, employment, and independent living. $945.6 State School districts Formula Grants TBD
Children with Disabilities (Infants and Toddlers) Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C-Infants and toddlers, Special Education, Part C of the IDEA provides funds to state educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) to help them ensure the education of children with disabilities, aged three and under, have access to a free appropriate public education to meet each child’s unique needs and prepare him or her for further education, employment, and independent living. $39.4 State School districts Formula Grants TBD
Children with Disabilities (Pre-K) Texas Education Agency
IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B-Pre-school Grants, Special Education, Part B of the IDEA provides funds to state educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) to help them ensure that children with disabilities, including children aged three through five, have access to a free appropriate public education to meet each child’s unique needs and prepare him or her for further education, employment, and independent living. $24.3 State School districts Formula Grants TBD
Early Head Start U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Early Head Start. Grants for family-centered services for low-income families with very young children designed to promote the development of the children, and to enable their parents to fulfill their roles as parents and to move toward self-sufficiency. Up to 10 percent goes for training and technical assistance and up to 3 percent for monitoring the operation of these programs. $1,100.0 Federal Local Headstart centers Competitive Grants TBD
Education Technology Texas Education Agency
Title I, School Improvement Grants--Aim is to improve academic achievement through the use of technology in public education. Grants can be used to improve student achievement using technology in a variety of ways, including but not limited to acquiring software, improving networking and equipment. Fund use is supplemental only. $285.2 State School districts Formula Grants TBD
Education Technology Texas Education Agency
Title II, Part D-Education Technology Authorizes a series of competitive grant programs intended to support a variety of innovative K-12 educational activities. Grants can be used to improve student achievement using technology in a variety of ways including but not limited to acquiring software, teacher training, and new curriculum delivery. Fund use is supplemental only. $59.4 State School districts TBD TBD
Head Start U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Head Start. Grants not to exceed 80 percent of the total costs of the program. Matching funds will not be required to exceed 20 percent of the total costs of the program. $354 million for staff compensation and training, upgrading Head Start centers and classrooms, increasing hours of operation and enhancing transportation services. $60.0 Federal amount allocated to Texas Local Headstart centers Formula Grants TBD
Historically Black Colleges and Universities U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funds to protect and restore buildings at historically black colleges and universities. Match requirements waived. $15.0 Federal Historically black colleges Competitive Grants TBD
Homeless Students Texas Education Agency
Title VII, Subtitle B-McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act-- Program works to ensure that homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free public education, including a public preschool education, as is provided to other children and youth. $3.5 State School districts TBD Funds must be distributed to states by 4/18/2009; state subgrants to school districts with 120 days after receiving its grant from the U.S. Department of Education
Impact Aid U.S. Department of Education
Supports local school districts with concentrations of children who reside on Indian lands, military bases, low-rent housing properties, and other Federal properties, or who have parents in the uniformed services or employed on eligible Federal properties. $100.0 Federal School districts located near federal facilities and military bases Formula and Competitive Grants TBD
Innovation and Improvement U.S. Department of Education
Specifies that the $200 million be used for a national evaluation of performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high need schools. $200.0 Federal Texas Education Agency, school districts, higher education and partnerships with other non-profit organizations Competitive Grants TBD
Low-income Students Texas Education Agency
Title I, Part A Title I-A grants provide supplementary educational and related services to low-achieving and other students attending pre-K-12 schools with relatively high concentrations of pupils from low-income families. Formula funding based on number of disadvantaged students. School districts have a wide latitude in the expenditure of funds to improve student achievement. For example, Title I funds can be used for tutoring, reducing class size and afterschool programs. Fund use is supplemental only. $944.6 State School districts Formula Grants TBD
National School Lunch Program Texas Department of Agriculture
Grants to help schools upgrade equipment to meet the current nutritional standards. Schools administering a lunch program with more than 50 percent of the population eligible for the national school lunch program. Consideration will also be made as to how the purchase either a) improves the quality of the school foodservice meals that meet dietary guidelines, b) improves the safety of food served in the school meals programs, c) improves the overall energy efficiency of the school foodservice operations, or d) allows the support of expanded participation in the school meals programs. $11.5 State Schools Competitive Grants First notice 4/1/2009
Pell Grants Higher Education Institutions
The Pell Grant program is the largest source of federal grant aid to postsecondary students. The grants are available to low-income undergraduate students to help offset their costs associated with obtaining a postsecondary education. Direct aid to students. $186.6 Federal Higher education students Formula Grants Check with higher institution financial aid office
Teacher Quality Partnership Grant Program U.S. Department of Education
Grants for improving teacher education programs, strengthening teacher recruitment efforts, and providing training for prospective teachers. $100.0 Federal Higher education institutions Competitive Grants TBD
Work-Study Program Higher Education Institutions
Need-based federal student aid that provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional students the opportunity for paid employment in a field related to their course of study or in community service. Students are compensated with a combination of federal funding and a matching amount provided by the student’s employer, which may be the institution of higher education or another entity. In most instances, the maximum federal share of compensation is 75 percent. Direct aid to students. $10.7 Federal Higher education students Formula Grants Check with higher institution financial aid office
Health and Human Services
Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Electronic Health Records U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (Medicare) and Texas Health and Human Services Commission (Medicaid) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services:
Health and Human Services Commission:
Medicare and Medicaid Health Information Technology. This reimbursement will encourage doctors, hospitals, and other providers to adopt health information technology. Health and Human Services Commission and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services may reimburse eligible providers for the cost of qualified electronic health record (EHR) purchases, implementation and certain operating costs. To be eligible, independent physicians, dentists, nurse mid-wifes and nurse practitioners must have more than 30 percent Medicaid patient volume, pediatricians over 20 percent, and acute care hospitals over 10 percent. Federally qualified health center-based practicing physicians must have over 30 percent of patient population that are needy individuals. Children’s hospitals are eligible and their medicaid share is not specified. ARRA provides funding for hospitals that demonstrate that meaningful EHR technology provides for the electronic exchange of health information to improve the quality of health care coordination. $17,000 Federal (Medicare) and State (Medicaid) Health professionals Reim- bursement Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement payments made no longer than a period of 5 years. Incentive payments phase out in 2016. Incentive payments will be available to providers from 2011.
Emergency Food and Shelter Federal Emergency Management Agency
Provide food and shelter to homeless individuals, under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Provides additional funding for this program. The Emergency Food and Shelter Program National Board, which is under the control of the director of the Federal Emergency Management Administration and consists of directors of national charities, distributes the funds. $100.0 Federal State and local governments, and non-profit institutions Competitive Grants TBD
Health Center Equipment and IT U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
Grants for construction, renovation and equipment, and for the acquisition of health information technology systems, for health centers including health center controlled networks receiving operating grants. $1,500.0 Federal Health centers currently receiving operating grants under section 330 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 254b) Competitive Grants TBD
Health Centers U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
Grants for health center services. The term "health center" means an entity that serves a population that is medically underserved, or a special medically underserved population comprised of migratory and seasonal agricultural workers, the homeless, and residents of public housing, by providing, either through the staff and supporting resources of the center or through contracts or cooperative arrangements. $500.0 Federal Health centers currently receiving operating grants under section 330 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 254b) Competitive Grants TBD
Health Information Technology U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Science Foundation grants to establish Regional Centers for Health Care Information Enterprise Integration, which will provide technical assistance and disseminate information learned from the Health Information Technology Research Center to implement health information technology. Within 90 days of enactment, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services must publish in the Federal Register requirements for receiving funds and expectations for the creation of regional centers. States and non-profits are eligible for grants to promote health information technology. States and tribal governments are eligible for loans to facilitate the widespread adoption of certified Health Electronic Records technology. $2,000.0 Federal States, non-profit organizations, tribal governments, and health care providers Competitive grants and Loans Loans may not be awarded prior to 1/1/2010
Health Professions Workforce U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
To address work force shortages in health professions. $75 million is available for the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) through 9/30/2011. Funds may provide scholarships, loan repayment, and grants to training programs for equipment. 20 percent is allocated to NHSC for field operations. $500.0 Federal TBD TBD Through
Health Research U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Center for Research Resources
Grants include: (1) Core Facility Renovation, Repair, and Improvement grants to upgrade core facilities to support the conduct of Public Health Service supported biomedical and/or behavioral research; (2) Extramural Research Facilities Improvement Program to expand, remodel, renovate, or alter biomedical or behavioral research facilities; and (3) High-End Instrumentation Program provides grants to groups of National Institutes of Health-supported investigators to purchase a single major item of equipment to be used for biomedical research that costs at least $600,000. Maximum award is $8 million. $1,000.0 Federal Higher education institutions, non-profits, tribal governments and organizations Competitive Grants Through 9/17/2009 for Core Facility grants and 5/6/2009 for High-End Instrument- ation grants
Immun- izations Texas Department of State Health Services
512-458-7111 ext 6432
Immunization program; for vaccines and infrastructure $300.0 Federal States Formula and Competitive Grants TBD
Independent Living Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
Helps people with disabilities prepare for, find and keep jobs. $1.1 State Independent living centers Formula Grants TBD
Independent Living Centers U.S. Department of Education
Provides people with disabilities with improved mobility, communication, personal adjustment and self-direction. $88.0 Federal Independent living centers Formula Grants TBD
Independent Living for the Visually Impaired Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
Grants are made to states to support services for individuals age 55 or older whose severe visual impairment makes competitive employment difficult to obtain but for whom independent living goals are feasible. $2.3 State Independent living centers Formula Grants TBD
Infection Reduction Department of State Health Services
Prevention and Wellness Fund grants for healthcare associated infections reduction activities. CDC will allocate $40 million to all 50 states. CDC will also use ARRA funds for new activities in the state-based Emerging Infections Programs. $50.0 Federal TBD TBD TBD
Medical Research Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Funding for research to evaluate and compare the clinical outcomes, effectiveness, risk, and benefits of two or more medical treatments and services that address a particular medical condition. (Through the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.) $300.0 Federal TBD TBD TBD
Medical Research National Institutes of Health
Funding for research to evaluate and compare the clinical outcomes, effectiveness, risk, and benefits of two or more medical treatments and services that address a particular medical condition. (Through the National Institutes of Health.) $400.0 Federal TBD TBD TBD
Medical Research U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Funding for research to evaluate and compare the clinical outcomes, effectiveness, risk, and benefits of two or more medical treatments and services that address a particular medical condition. (Through the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services.) $400.0 Federal TBD TBD TBD
Prevention Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Prevention and Wellness Fund grants for evidence-based clinical prevention services and community-based prevention programs. $650.0 Federal TBD TBD TBD
Public and International Health Research National Institutes of Health
Public and international health research projects that can be completed in two years. This includes $200 million for National Institutes of Health Challenge Grants to address specific knowledge gaps, scientific opportunities, new technologies, data generation, or research methods. $800.0 Federal Higher education institutions, non-profits, tribal governments and organizations Competitive Grants TBD
Research Equipment U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Center for Research Resources
Grants for shared instrumentation and other capital research equipment. $300.0 Federal Higher education institutions, non-profits, tribal governments and organizations Competitive Grants 3/23/2009
Scientific Research U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Grants for scientific research. $7,400.0 Federal TBD TBD TBD
Services for the Elderly Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services
Aging Services Program Grants for the establishment and operation of nutrition projects (meals) for seniors, including congregate nutrition services provided at senior centers and other community sites; home-delivered nutrition services for frail elders; and Native American nutrition programs. For Texas: $4,012,217 for congregate nutrition and $1,975,245 for home-delivered nutrition. $6.0 State Non-profit organizations Formula Grants Available to states March 2009
Social Services for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Children and Families Services Program Grants to non-profit organizations; to expand social services to communities affected by the current economic downturn. Grantees must have clear, measurable goals, and must be able to evaluate the success of their programs $50.0 Federal States and public and other organizations and agencies Competitive Grants TBD
Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Community Development Block Grant U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Community Development Block Grant (Entitlement): The program provides annual grants on a formula basis to entitled cities and counties with the purpose of providing affordable housing to low and moderate income individuals. Grantees must prepare an action plan amendment. HUD will process the plans in an expedited manner, execute grant agreements, and make the funds available in each grantee’s line of credit. Metropolitan cities with populations of at least 50,000, and urban counties with a population of 200,000 or more (excluding the populations of entitlement cities) can qualify as entitled areas. Grant recipients must give priority to projects that can award contracts by June 17, 2009. $48.3 Federal amount allocated to Texas Cities and counties Formula Grants TBD
Energy and Green Retrofit Investments U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
This program promotes “green” practices such as use of fluorescent bulbs, weather stripping at doors and windows, and updated AC systems. Recipients must expend funds within two years of receipt. $250.0 Federal Local housing authorities Competitive Grants TBD
HOME Program Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
HOME Investment Partnerships Program /Tax Credit Assistance Program: The housing tax credit (HTC) gap filler program, a sub-program of HOME, provides assistance home developers whose tax credits have depreciated in value. HOME funds go to state housing credit agencies based on a formula. It is then up to the state housing agency to distribute funds on a competitive basis. Match is waived. Recipients from 2007, 2008 and 2009 are eligible. Housing credit agencies must lend 75 percent of funds within one year, demonstrate that homeowners have spent 75 percent of the funds within two years, and lend 100 percent within three years. $148.4 State Qualified home developers Competitive Grants TBD
Homelessness Prevention Facilities U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Homelessness Prevention Facilities (Formula Grants): Assists those who are currently homeless or would soon be homeless without this program. This program includes rental assistance, housing search assistance, credit repair, security or utility deposits, moving cost assistance, and case management. Recipients must spend 60 percent of funds within two years, and 100 percent within three. $62.5 Federal amount allocated to Texas Metropolitan cities and urban counties Formula Grants TBD
Homelessness Prevention Facilities Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Homelessness Prevention Facilities (Competitive Grants): Assists those who are currently homeless or would soon be homeless without this program.This program includes rental assistance, housing search assistance, credit repair, security or utility deposits, moving cost assistance, and case management. Recipients must spend 60 percent of funds within two years, and 100 percent within three. $41.5 State Metropolitan cities and urban counties Competitive Grants TBD
Lead Hazard Reduction U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
The program objective is to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in eligible privately owned housing for rental or owner-occupants. Awards will go to fiscal 2008 applicants to the program that did not receive funds. $3.9 Federal amount allocated to Texas State and local governments; tribal governments Competitive Grants TBD
Native American Housing U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Office of Native American Programs
Native American Housing Block Grant (Formula Grants): The Native American Housing Block Grant program assists tribes in developing, operating, maintaining, and supporting affordable housing for rental and homeownership housing. Applicants will be required to complete an Indian Housing Plan (IHP) amendment to their fiscal year 2008 IHP and to execute a Funding Approval/Agreement with the Special Conditions. Recipients must obligate all funds within one year of receipt. $0.6 Federal amount allocated to Texas Tribal governments and tribally designated housing entities Formula Grants TBD
Native American Housing U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Office of Native American Programs
Native American Housing Block Grant (Competitive Grants): The Native American Housing Block Grant program assists tribes in developing, operating, maintaining, and supporting affordable housing for rental and homeownership housing. Funds must be obligated by September 30, 2009. Recipients should obligate 100 percent of their funds within one year of receiving them, should spend at least 50 percent of such funds within two years, and spend 100 percent within three years. $242.3 Federal Tribal governments and tribally designated housing entities Competitive Grants TBD
Project Based Rental Assistance U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Provides rent subsidies to individuals living in newly constructed and rehabilitated housing units. Funds are used toward renewals of existing contracts under the program. Recipients must expend funds within two years of receipt. $72.7 Federal amount allocated to Texas Local housing authorities Competitive Grants TBD
Public Housing U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Public Housing Capital Program (Formula Grants): Public housing authorities shall give priority to capital projects that can award contracts based on bids within 120 days from the date the funds are made available to the public housing authorities. Each public housing authority will execute a Capital Fund Program Amendment to the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC), which must be signed by the local HUD Field Office. The authorities will provide the local HUD Field Office an Annual Statement specifying how the funds are to be used, and the Field Office spreading the individual budget line items (BLIs) in HUD Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS). HUD must allocate funds to housing authorities by March 19, 2009. Public housing agencies must obligate all funds within one year of receipt. $119.8 Federal amount allocated to Texas Public housing authorities Formula Grants TBD
Public Housing U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Public Housing Capital Program (Competitive Grants): Public housing authorities shall give priority to capital projects that can award contracts based on bids within 120 days from the date the funds are made available to the public housing authorities. Awards will be granted by September 30, 2009. Public housing agencies must obligate all funds within one year of receipt. $995.0 Federal Public housing authorities Competitive Grant TBD

Natural Resources and Energy
Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Advanced Energy Research Projects U.S. Department of Energy
Funding for advanced energy technology research. The types of projects funded are considered by the U.S. Department of Energy as high-risk, high-payoff research. This is a new program modeled after DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Agency). $400.0 Federal Local, higher education and private agencies Competitive Grants TBD
Alternative-Fueled Vehicles Pilot Grant Program U.S. Department of Energy
Pilot program for petroleum-free transportation fuels. $300.0 Federal State and local governments, metropolitan transportation authorities TBD TBD
Aquaculture Assistance Texas Department of Agriculture
Specifically appropriated from the Commodity Credit Corporation out of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) This program will be especially useful for areas experiencing drought conditions or issues from the hurricanes. Aquaculture producers that during 2008 produced an aquaculture species in which feed costs were a large percentage of input costs and also experienced a substantial price increase of feed costs. Producers that MAY be eligible: Catfish, Red Drum, Hybrid Striped, Bass, Sportfish, Crawfish, Tilapia, Baitfish. The program has a two-tiered competitive application process in which the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) will apply to USDA for funds, after which local producers will apply to TDA for grants. $50.0 Federal Aquaculture producers Competitive Grants TBD
Batteries and Components U.S. Department of Energy
Grants and loans to support the development of advanced vehicle batteries and battery systems (lithium-ion batteries and hybrid electric systems) and components within the U.S., as well as the development of supporting software. New battery technologies also have potential to enable the wide-spread use of renewable energy through electricity storage. According to the Department of Energy, $1.5 billion will be made available for grants to U.S. manufacturers to produce high-efficiency batteries and their components while $500 million will be for grants to produce other components needed for electric vehicles, such as electric motors. $2,000.0 Federal Local, state, higher education and private research agencies Competitive Grants TBD
Brownfields U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
617-918-1305 (for job training)
Brownfields: Evaluate and clean up former industrial and commercial sites through job training, assessment, revolving loan fund, and cleanup grants. State match waived. $100.0 Federal Job training: Government agencies, non-profit organizations (for communities already involved with brownfields program) Competitive grants and loans Job training program: 4/20/2009; Others: TBD
Clean Water Texas Water Development Board
Clean Water State Revolving Funds: Loans for wastewater treatment and drinking water infrastructure. At least 50 percent to be used to further subsidize recipients through forgiveness of principal, negative interest loans, grants, or any combination of these. To extent there are eligible applications, at least 20 percent to go to green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvement, or other environmentally innovative projects. State matches waived. $179.1 State State water quality and water supply agencies Loans (including loan forgiveness) TBD
Defense Environmental Cleanup U.S. Department of Energy
Funding for environmental cleanup of defense activities, specifically nuclear waste and decommissioned nuclear weapons. $5,127.0 Federal Local, higher education and private agencies Competitive Grants TBD
Diesel Emission Texas Commission for Environmental Quality
One of three national competitive grant programs under the Diesel Emission Reduction Act: National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance. Supports diesel emission reduction programs. This program will be funded through competitive grants to the state, which will then make sub-grants on a competitive basis. $26 million will be made available for Environmental Protection Agency regions 6 and 7, of which Texas will receive a portion. TBD State U.S. regional, state, local, tribal or port agencies with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality and nonprofit organizations that provide pollution reduction or educational services to persons or organizations that operate diesel fleets Competitive Grants 4/28/2009
Diesel Emission Environmental Protection Agency
One of three national competitive grant programs under the Diesel Emission Reduction Act: Smart Way Clean Diesel Finance. Supports the creation of national, state or local innovative clean diesel financing programs. Innovative financial programs include those where the loan recipient receives a unique financial incentive (for example, better than regular market rates or conditions) for the purchase of retrofitted vehicles or equipment. $30.0 Federal U.S. regional, state, local, tribal or port agencies with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality and nonprofit organizations that provide pollution reduction or educational services to persons or organizations that operate diesel fleets Competitive Grants 4/28/2009
Diesel Emission Environmental Protection Agency
One of three national competitive grant programs under the Diesel Emission Reduction Act: National Clean Diesel Emerging Technology. Supports the use, development and commercialization of emerging technologies that reduce emissions from diesel engines. $20.0 Federal U.S. regional, state, local, tribal or port agencies with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality and nonprofit organizations that provide pollution reduction or educational services to persons or organizations that operate diesel fleets Competitive Grants 5/5/2009
Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability U.S. Department of Energy
Modernize the electric grid. Can be used for Smart Grid Technologies such as building lines to renewable energy sources, advanced metering devices, etc. Of the total, $100 million is for worker training, $80 million is for an assessment of resources and future demand, and $10 million is to develop a framework of requirements and standards for information management to achieve interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems. $4,500.0 Federal Grid operators, local units of government, private companies, and higher education institutions Competitive Grants TBD
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants: Additional U.S. Department of Energy
Additional competitive grants for the reduction of energy use and fossil fuel emissions, and for improvements in energy efficiency. $400.0 Federal All entities eligible for direct grants or sub-grants under this program Competitive Grants TBD
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants: Large Cities and Counties U.S. Department of Energy
For the reduction of energy use and fossil fuel emissions, and for improvements in energy efficiency. Cities with populations greater than 35,000 and counties greater than 200,000 apply directly to the U.S. Department of Energy for projects grants. $163.3 Federal amount allocated to Texas Cities with populations greater than 35,000, counties with populations greater than 200,000 and tribal governments Formula Grants TBD
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants: Smaller Cities and Counties State Energy Conservation Office
For the reduction of energy use and fossil fuel emissions, and for improvements in energy efficiency. Smaller cities and counties in Texas apply to the State Energy Conservation Office for project grants $27.4 State Cities with population less than 35,000 and counties with population less than 200,000 Formula Grants TBD
Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate Program and ENERGY STAR® State Energy Conservation Office
Rebates for energy efficient appliances, while also supporting DOE’s efforts (with the Environmental Protection Agency) under the ENERGY STAR® Program. Disbursement method not specified. $20.4 State Purchasers of ENERGY STAR® appliances Rebates TBD
Energy Research U.S. Department of Energy
Applied Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment. Research into biomass, geothermal, and information and communication technology projects for increased renewable energy capacity and improved energy efficiency in high-tech applications. $2,500.0 Federal Local, state, higher education and private agencies Competitive Grants TBD
Energy Science Laboratory and Research Facilities U.S. Department of Energy
Investments in building and renovating laboratories and research facilities, research grants that will sustain American industry and provide new energy and climate solutions. Construction projects will allow ongoing research into high energy and nuclear physics, basic chemical and materials science, nanotechnology, biological and environmental science, advanced computing, and other cutting-edge fields. $1,600.0 Federal Local, state, higher education and private agencies Competitive Grants TBD
Floodplain Easements U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (Regional Office)
The Floodplain Easements Program was designed to address areas that have been damaged by flood in a year or two of the previous ten years. This funding is for government purchase of these lands for fair market value, Geographic rate cap or a landowner offer. Areas that have been damaged by flooding 1-2 years in the last 10 years. No more than $30 million will be allowed per state. $145.0 Federal Landowners, state and local agencies Purchase program Signup Period: March 9-27, 2009
Fossil Energy Research and Development U.S. Department of Energy
Grants will go to entities (local, state, higher education and private agencies): $1 billion for research and development in fossil energy; $800 million for the Clean Coal Initiative; $1.52 billion for industrial carbon capture and energy efficiency projects; $50 million for geologic site characterization and $20 million for geologic sequestration research. $3,390.0 Federal Local, state, higher education and private agencies Competitive Grants TBD
Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program U.S. Department of Energy
Loan guarantees are targeted to facilitate new and innovative technologies that avoid, reduce or sequester air pollutants or greenhouse gases. These include projects in renewable energy, advanced fossil energy (particularly coal gasification), hydrogen fuel cells, advanced nuclear energy and energy efficiency, including transmission and distribution technologies, vehicles and end-use. $6,000.0 Federal TBD Loan Guarantees TBD
Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup U.S. Department of Energy
Funding will go to private local entities for the remediation and clean up of environmental problems. This is primarily for nuclear waste, spent fuel and materials. $483.0 Federal Private local entities Competitive Grants TBD
Rural Water and Wastewater Disposal Program (Combined with Loan Program) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service (Regional Office)
This is a direct loan and grant program administered by the Rural Utilities Service. Each loan is not to exceed $10,000. The grants may be for up to 75 percent of the total project cost. The local entities will be responsible for the remainder. Mostly these are used to build storm drains, waste collection centers, and other water distribution systems. $1,380.0 Federal Rural areas and cities and towns with a population of 10,000 or less Competitive Grants and Loans TBD
Safe Drinking Water Texas Water Development Board
Safe Drinking Water Act: Loans for wastewater treatment and drinking water infrastructure. At least 50 percent to be used to further subsidize recipients through forgiveness of principal, negative interest loans, grants, or any combination of these. To extent there are eligible applications, at least 20 percent to go to green infrastructure, water or energy efficiency improvement, or other environmentally innovative projects. State matches waived. $160.7 State State water quality and water supply agencies Loans (including loan forgiveness) TBD
State Energy Program State Energy Conservation Office
Promotes energy conservation and efficiency and reduces energy demand. Activities include technical assistance, training, education, project implementation support, and validation of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. Funding may not be used for research activities or construction. $237.0 State End users of energy, including governmental agencies, businesses, schools, etc. Competitive Grants and Loans Initial state application: 3/23/2009 Comprehensive application: 5/12/2009
Transportation Electrification U.S. Department of Energy
Provides grants on a cost-shared basis to encourage the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles or other emerging electric vehicle technologies. $400.0 Federal State governments, local governments, metropolitan transportation authorities, air pollution control districts, private or nonprofit entities, or combinations of those entities Competitive Grants TBD
Water Reclamation U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
Grants for water reclamation and reuse projects; no new projects. There is a 50 percent cost share, and all projects must meet National Environmental Policy Act and Endangered Species requirements. In Texas, only one project in Williamson County is eligible. $126.0 Federal Local governmental entities Competitive Grants TBD
Watershed Operations U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (Regional Office)
Provides technical and financial assistance to local organizations of authorized watershed projects to implement plans for watershed protection; flood mitigation; water quality improvements; soil erosion reduction; rural, municipal and industrial water supply; irrigation water management; sediment control; fish and wildlife enhancement; and wetlands and wetland function creation and restoration. $145.0 Federal Local organizations of authorized watershed projects Competitive Grants TBD
Watershed Rehabilitation U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (Regional Office)
The Watershed Rehabilitation Program is specifically for aging or hazardous dams. This program will cover 65 percent of the cost. Texas has requested funding for six projects that local watershed sponsors have already submitted applications for. Local watershed sponsors include: counties, cities, and water conservation districts. Many of these grants will go to those on the waiting list. $50.0 Federal Local and state agencies Competitive Grants TBD
Weatherization Assistance Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
For energy-related improvements to homes and to educate residents about energy conservation. Up to 20 percent can be used for training. Raises eligibility level to 200 percent of poverty and increases the amount that can be spent on each house in weatherization improvements to $6,500. $327.0 State Households at or below 200 percent of poverty level Formula Grants Plan application: 5/12/2009
Wildland Fire Management U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
Hazardous fuels reduction, forest health protection, rehabilitation, and hazard mitigation activities on federal lands ($250 million), and on state and private lands ($250 million). Up to $50 million may be used to make wood-to-energy grants. $250.0 Federal State and private landowners TBD TBD

Public Safety and Criminal Justice
Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Byrne Grants: Competitive Office of the Governor
Texas will receive $147.5 million total. Of that amount, 60 percent ($90.3 million) will be distributed by the state and 40 percent ($57.2 million) will be directly awarded to local entities. Of the $90.3 million received by state agencies, the Governor’s office must distribute 60 percent to local law enforcement entities. The remaining amount may be used by state agencies such as the Texas Department of Public Safety for special law enforcement purposes (including training, equipment, personnel). There are no matching fund requirements for these grants. $54.2 State State and local law enforcement agencies Competitive Grants Application to Governor due 4/9/2009
Byrne Grants: Competitive U.S. Department of Justice
Grants to be used for improving the functioning of the criminal justice system, assisting victims of crime (not compensation) and for youth mentoring programs. $225.0 Federal National, regional, state, or local public and private entities, commercial and nonprofit organizations, faith-based and community organizations, institutions of higher education, and tribal jurisdictions Competitive Grants Application to Department of Justice due 4/27/2009
Byrne Grants: Formula U.S. Department of Justice
Texas will receive $147.5 million total. Of that amount, 60 percent ($90.3 million) will be distributed by the state and 40 percent ($57.2 million) will be directly awarded to local entities. Of the $90.3 million received by state agencies, the Governor’s Office must distribute 60 percent to local law enforcement entities. The remaining amount may be used by state agencies such as the Texas Department of Public Safety for special law enforcement purposes (including training, equipment, personnel). There are no matching fund requirements for these grants. $57.2 Federal Local law enforcement agencies Formula Grants Application to Department of Justice due 5/18/2009
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) U.S. Department of Justice
The grants to state and local entities are for hiring and rehiring of additional career law enforcement officers, training, equipment, technology upgrades, etc. The grants can not be used for new programs or start up costs. The programs funded must be primarily directed by a law enforcement entity and the $75,000 salary cap for police officers has been waived. $1,000.0 Federal State agencies, local governments, higher education institutions, tribal governments, school districts, housing authorities Competitive Grants Application deadline closes 4/14/2009; must be allocated by 9/30/2009
Disaster Assistance Federal Emergency Management Agency
Disaster Assistance Direct Loan program; eases grant amount restrictions to local governments within a 2008 declared major disaster area that have suffered a 25 percent or more loss in tax revenues, although the grants could not exceed 50 percent of the annual operating budget. Loan amounts may exceed $5 million. n/a Federal Local governments within a 2008 declared major disaster area that have suffered a 25 percent or more loss in tax revenues Loans TBD
Firefighter Assistance Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Fire Administration
Funding for modifying, upgrading, or constructing non-Federal fire stations. Suspends matching funds requirements for FY 2009 and 2010. No grant shall exceed $15,000. $210.0 Federal Non-Federal fire authorities and departments Competitive Grants TBD
Rural Law Enforcement U.S. Department of Justice
Grants to prevent and combat crime, especially drug-related crime in rural areas. $125.0 Federal Rural law enforcement entities with fewer than 50 sworn officers Competitive Grants Application to Department of Justice due 4/22/2009
Southwest Border/Project Gunrunner U.S. Department of Justice
The money will go to local law enforcement entities along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas to combat narcotics activity. $30.0 Federal Local law enforcement entities along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Competitive Grants Application to Department of Justice due 4/17/2009
Tribal Law Enforcement U.S. Department of Justice
The money will go to certified tribal law enforcement entities to deter crime and construct jails on tribal lands. $225.0 Federal Certified tribal law enforcement entities Competitive Grants Application to Department of Justice due 5/04/2009
Victim’s Compensation Office of the Governor
Will be allocated by formula to the Governor for grants to local law enforcement entities for programs that provide non-monetary services to crime victims. This program has a 20 percent match requirement. $2.1 State Law enforcement entities Competitive Grants Application to Governor due 3/20/2009
Violence Against Women Office of the Governor
Money will be allocated to the Governor for grants to local law enforcement entities to combat violence against women. There is a 25 percent match for local agencies and no match for nonprofit agencies. $9.0 State Local law enforcement entities Formula Grants Application to Governor due 3/18/2009

Science and Research
Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Major Research Instrumentation Program and Facilities Construction National Science Foundation
The program is designed to make research instruments more accessible to higher education, non-profit organizations and research museums to expand scientific knowledge. Proposals can be for a single instrument or for numerous instruments but all must be too costly for the entity to acquire on their own. Grants can also be for upgrades to existing facilities or new construction. $400.0 Federal Higher education institutions, non-profit organizations and research museums Competitive Grants Ongoing
National Aeronautic and Space Administration National Aeronautic and Space Administration
NASA will be providing grant opportunities for equipment and systems development in several areas including aeronautics, space exploration, physical science, and cross-agency support. $1,000.0 Federal Educational institutions, industries, nonprofit organizations, NASA centers, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and government agencies Competitive Grants Ongoing
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA will provide funding for coastal and marine habitats. Such projects include but are not limited to those that can restore an endangered species habitat, shellfish restoration, coral reefs recovery, coastal wetlands, projects that will respond to climate change, and the restoration of the Great Lakes habitats. up to $170 Federal Higher education institutions, non-profit organizations, commerical organizations, U.S. territories, state, local and Indian tribal governments. Competitive Grants 4/6/09
Scientific and Technical Research and Services U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology
The project will consist of a competitive construction grant program for funding science research facilities outside of National Institute of Standards and Technology. $180.0 Federal TBD Competitive construction grant program TBD

Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Port Security Federal Emergency Management Agency
Assists ports in enhancing maritime domain awareness, enhancing risk management capabilities to prevent, detect, respond to and recover from attacks involving improvised explosive devices, weapons of mass destruction and other non-conventional weapons, as well as training and exercises and Transportation Worker Identification Credential implementation. Suspends the 25 percent matching funds requirement. $150.0 Federal Port authorities, port facility operators, and state and local governments Competitive Grants TBD
Public Transit U.S. Department of Transportation, FTA
Grants for Transit New Starts/Capital Investment Grants: The program applies to transit new starts and small starts that are already in construction. Eligible projects must include a fixed guideway system which utilizes and occupies a separate right-of-way, or rail line, for the exclusive use of mass transportation and other high occupancy vehicles. Unlike other transit programs under ARRA, local matching is required for this program. Priority should be given to projects that are currently in construction or are able to obligate funds by July 17, 2009. Funds must be obligated by August 16, 2009. $750.0 Federal Local transit authorities. Competitive Grants TBD
Tribal Transit U.S. Department of Transportation, FTA
The Tribal Transit Program provides capital assistance to Indian tribes for public transportation projects. Allowable uses include maintenance of existing projects as well as new construction. Funds may be used for buses, rail systems, projects that improve acess to public transportation facilities, and other capital-related projects. $17.0 Federal Federally recognized Indian tribes, Alaska native villages, or groups recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Department of the Interior. Competitive Grants Application deadline: 5/22/2009
Public Transportation Security Federal Emergency Management Agency
Public Transportation Security Assistance (PTSA) provides grants to enhance security measures for high-threat urban rail, bus and ferry public transportation agencies that have developed a security plan or undergone a security assessment under the 9/11 Act. Railroad Security Assistance (RSA) provides grants to state and local governments; railroad carriers, security-sensitive rail shippers, Amtrak, railroad car owners for security training for railroad frontline employees, the completion of vulnerability assessments, the development of security plans and the acquisition of GPS tracking on railroad cars. $150.0 Federal PTSA: high-threat urban rail, bus and ferry public transportation agencies; RSA: state and local governments; railroad carriers, security-sensitive rail shippers, Amtrak, railroad car owners Competitive Grants TBD
Small Shipyards U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration
Assistance to Small Shipyards: The program awards grants for capital improvements and related infrastructure improvements at qualified shipyards. Grant recipients must pay 25 percent of total project costs. According to the Maritime Administration, grants will be awarded based on: "(a) the economic circumstances and conditions of the maritime community near to which a shipyard facility is located; (b) projects that would be effective in fostering efficiency, competitive operations, and quality ship construction, repair, and reconfiguration; and (c) projects that would be effective in fostering employee skills and enhancing productivity." Either a shipyard or a state or local government on behalf of a shipyard can apply. The Maritime Administrator will award grants by August 17, 2009. $98.0 Federal Shipyards, state and local governments Competitive Grants Application deadline: 5/10/2009
Surface Transportation Grants U.S. Department of Transportation
Eligible projects include a wide range of transportation types, including highway, bridge, transit, rail and port; applicants must demonstrate why their projects have national, regional or metropolitan significance. Grant amounts must be between $20 million and $300 million, although the minimum may be waved for projects in smaller areas. One possible avenue for funding is the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA). State and local governments are eligible, including transit agencies. Selected projects will be announced by February 17, 2010. $300.0 Maximum federal amount Texas could receive State and local governments Competitive Grants Application deadline: 8/16/2009
Transit Investments for Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (TIGGER) Federal Transit Administration (U.S. Department of Transportation)
This program will provide direct funding to public transportation agencies for capital investments that will assist in reducing the energy consumption or greenhouse gas emissions of their public transportation systems. $100.0 Federal Public transportation agencies Competitive Grant Project proposals must be submitted by May 22, 2009

Work Force
Administrator Program Description Total Available (millions) Source Eligible
Type of Assistance Application Deadlines
Training and Placement Services U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
Competitive grants for high growth and emerging industry sectors. Of the total, $500 million goes to research, labor exchange and job training for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy; priority for the remaining funds is for projects that prepare workers for careers in health care sector. $750.0 Federal TBD Competitive Grants Funds available through 6/30/2010
Unemployment and Poverty U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
Dislocated Worker Assistance National Reserve: Grants for high unemployment or high poverty areas. Grants may also be given to areas that have experienced natural disasters to hire and employ people for cleanup and recovery efforts. The Texas Workforce Commission applies on behalf of local entities. $200.0 Federal Local governments and non profit organizations such as Councils of Government Competitive Grants Available for federal obligation through 6/30/2010
YouthBuild U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
In YouthBuild programs, low-income young people ages 16-24 work toward their GEDs or high school diplomas, learn job skills and serve their communities by building affordable housing. $50.0 Federal 501(c)(3), nonprofit organizations Competitive Grants Funds available through 6/30/2009