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2001 Opinions & Editorials Archive

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2001 Opinions & Editorials Archive

  • The Check's in the Mail

    Finally, tax relief is on the way. Congress has passed, and President George W. Bush has signed into law, the largest tax relief package in a generation. This summer, every taxpaying American will receive a tax refund. If you are one of the 96 million individuals who paid federal income taxes in 2000 and filed a tax return on time, the Treasury Department will soon send you a letter informing you as to how much money you can expect in your tax refund check.
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  • Finding Real Solutions to End School Violence

    School is out for many students in Texas and across the country. And scores of children can breathe a sigh of relief that they survived another year -- literally. Schools should be safe havens for our nation's youth. Instead, over the past two years some schools have become assassination havens where we have witnessed our children becoming casualties.
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  • The V-22 Osprey: The Right Aircraft

    On September 11, 2001, the United States of America went to war. Like World War II, the nation did not seek this war - it was forced on us by an unprovoked attack that took the lives of thousands of American citizens. And like World War II, this war will take all our dedication and determination to win.
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