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Geoffrey E. Brink
Glen A. Broderick
Michael D. Casler
Wayne K. Coblentz
John H. Grabber
Mary Beth Hall
Ronald D. Hatfield
William Jokela
Hans-Joachim G. Jung
David R. Mertens
Richard E. Muck
J. Mark Powell
Heathcliffe Riday
James B. Russell
Michael P. Russelle
Michael Sullivan
Peter A. Vadas
Richard P. Walgenbach
Paul J. Weimer

Geoffrey E Brink
U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center
Research Agronomist

Phone: (608) 890-0052
Fax: (608) 890-0076
MADISON, WI, 53706

Redesigning Forage Germplasm and Production Systems for Efficiency, Profit, and Sustainability of Dairy Farms
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 412703

Meadow Fescue: Back to the Future - (Abstract) - (10-Apr-09)
Harvest Interval and Residual Sward Height Effects on Meadow Fescue, Tall Fescue, and Orchardgrass. - (Abstract) - (09-Apr-09)
The Fundamentals of a Managed Grazing Program - (Popular Publication)
Brink, G.E. 2009. The Fundamentals of a Managed Grazing Program. Progressive Hay Grower [online newsletter]. Available: http://www.progressivedairy.com/hg/features/2009/0209/0209_brink.html
Performance characteristics of common temperate grasses - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2009. Performance Characteristics of Common Temperate Grasses [abstract]. Midwest Forage Association Wisconsin Symposium and Annual Meeting.
Effects of native grass restoration management on above- and below ground pasture production and forage quality - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (10-Dec-08)
Meadow Fescue, Tall Fescue, and Orchardgrass Response to Nitrogen Application Rate - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2009. Meadow Fescue, Tall Fescue, and Orchardgrass Response to Nitrogen Application Rate. Forage and Grazinglands. Available: http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/sub/fg/research/2009/rate/.
Double-cropping annual ryegrass and bermudagrass to reduce phosphorus levels in soil with history of poultry litter application - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Read, J.J., Sistani, K.R., Oldham, J.L., Oldham, J.L. 2009. Double-cropping annual ryegrass and bermudagrass to reduce phosphorus levels in soil with history of poultry litter application. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 84:93-104.
Forage Fescues in the Northern USA - (Experiment Station)
Casler, M.D., Albrecht, K.A., Lehmkuhler, J., Brink, G.E. 2008. Forage Fescues in the Northern USA. Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Research Briefs. September, 2008. p. 1-15. Available: http://www.cias.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/fescuefinalweb.pdf
Orchardgrass, Tall Fescue, and Meadow Fescue Response to Nitrogen Rate - (Other)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2008. Orchargrass, Tall Fescue, and Meadow Fescue Response to Nitrogen Rate. Grass Clippings [electronic newsletter]. 3(2). Available: http://www.cias.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/grassclippings808.pdf
Soil nutrient evaluation from swine effluent application to five forage-system practices - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sistani, K.R., Mclaughlin, M.R., Brink, G.E. 2008. Soil nutrient evaluation from swine effluent application to five forage-system practices. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 82:265-271.
Renovation and Management Effects on Pasture Productivity Under Rotational Grazing - (Popular Publication) - (03-Apr-08)
Temperate Perennial Grass Response to Defoliation Height and Interval - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E., Jackson, R.D. 2008. Temperate Perennial Grass Response to Defoliation Height and Interval. In: Proceedings of the American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, October 5-9, 2008, Houston, Texas. 2008 CD-ROM. no. 569
Swine effluent application timing and rate affect nitrogen use efficiency in common bermudagrass - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Read, J.J., Brink, G.E., Adeli, A., McGowen, S.L. 2008. Swine effluent application timing and rate affect nitrogen use efficiency in common bermudagrass. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37:S-180-S-189.
Choosing and Managing Perennial Grasses for Grazing - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2008. Choosing and managing perennial grasses for grazing [abstract]. Proceedings of the Northeast Wisconsin Grazing Symposium, March 11, 2008, Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. p. 3-8.
What am I Leaving in My Alfalfa Field - Yield vs. Quality Trade-Offs - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E. 2008. What am I Leaving in My Alfalfa Field - Yield vs. Quality Trade-Offs. Proceedings of the Annual Minnesota Forage Conference. p. 3-9.
Important Considerations When Choosing Forage Grasses - Research Developments on Quality and Management - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E. 2008. Important Considerations When Choosing Forage Grasses - Research Developments on Quality and Management. Proceedings of the Annual Minnesota Forage Conference. p. 10-16.
Grass Yield and Quality Affect Potential Stocking Rate and Milk Production - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brink, G.E., Hall, M., Mertens, D.R., Casler, M.D. 2008. Grass Yield and Quality Affect Potential Stocking Rate and Milk Production. Forage and Grazinglands. Available: http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/sub/fg/research/2008/milk/.
Effects of long-term swine effluent application to forage based system on selected soil properties - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Adeli, A., Bolster, C.H., Rowe, D.E., McLaughlin, M.R., Brink, G.E. 2008. Effects of long-term swine effluent application on selected soil properties. Soil Science. 173:223-235.
Effect of swine effluent rate and timing on nitrogen utilization and residual soil nitrogen in common bermudagrass - (Abstract)
Read, J.J., Brink, G.E., Adeli, A. 2007. Effect of swine effluent rate and timing on nitrogen utilization and residual soil nitrogen in common bermudagrass [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. Paper 327-6, CD-ROM.
Managing Broiler Litter Application Rate and Grazing to Decrease Watershed Runoff Losses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sistani, K.R., Brink, G.E., Oldham, J.L. 2008. Managing Broiler Litter Application Rate and Grazing to Decrease Watershed Runoff Losses. Journal of Environmental Quality. 37:718-724
Tillage and forage system effects on forage yields and nutrient uptake under broiler litter amended soils. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Whittington, S.F., Wood, C.W., Wood, B.H., Raper, R.L., Reeves, D.W., Brink, G.E. 2008. Tillage and forage system effects on forage yields and nutrient uptake under broiler litter amended soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 38:2535-2556.
Broiler Chicken Litter Application Timing Effect on Coastal Bermudagrass in Southeastern U.S. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sistani, K.R., Adeli, A., Tewolde, H., Brink, G.E. 2007 Broiler chicken litter application timing effect on coastal bermudagrass in southeastern u.s.. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 81:49-57
Renovation and Management Effects on Pasture Productivity Under Rotational Grazing - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E., Jackson, R.D. 2008. Renovation and Management Effects on Pasture Productivity Under Rotational Grazing [abstract]. American Forage and Grassland Council Conference Proceedings. Paper No. 1827. 2007 CDROM.
Seasonal and Maturity Effects on Forage Quality of Alfalfa and Grasses - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2007. Seasonal and Maturity Effects on Forage Quality of Alfalfa and Grasses. In: Proceedings of the Wisconsin Forage Council Teaching and Technology Conference, September 5, 2007, Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin. p. 21-24.
Effects of harvest timing on estimates of rumen degradable protein from alfalfa forages. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Coblentz, W.K., Brink, G.E., Martin, N.P., Undersander, D.J. 2007. Effects of harvest timing on estimates of rumen degradable protein from alfalfa forages. Crop Science. 48:778-788.
Meadow fescue - What is this grass and why are we interested in it? - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2007. Meadow fescue - What is this grass and why are we interested in it? Proceedings of Lancaster Profitable Pastures for SW Wisconsin.
Reduction of high soil test phosphorus by bermudagrass and ryegrass-bermudagrass following the cessation of broiler litter applications - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Read, J.J., Sistani, K.R., Brink, G.E., Oldham, J.L. 2007. Reduction of high soil test phosphorus by bermudagrass and ryegrass-bermudagrass following the cessation of broiler litter applications. Agronomy Journal. 99:1492-1501.
Plant physiology for profitable pastures - (Popular Publication)
Brink, G.E. 2007. Plant physiology for profitable pastures. Forage Focus.
Dairy Heifer Preference for Temperate Perennial Grasses and Relationships with Sward and Plant Characteristics - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2007. Dairy Heifer Preference for Temperate Perennial Grasses and Relationships with Sward and Plant Characteristics [abstract]. In: American Society of Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, November 4-8, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2007 CDROM.
Effects of swine effluent rate and timing on nitrogen utilization and residual soil nitrogen in common bermudagrass - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Read, J.J., Brink, G.E., Adeli, A., Thomas, J.G. 2007. Effects of swine effluent application rate and timing on nitrogen utilization and residual soil nitrogen in common bermudagrass. Proceeedings 17th Annual Mississippi Water Resources Conference. p. 35-41.
Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Broiler Litter Nitrogen Meralization - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sistani, K.R., Adeli, A., McGowen, S.L., Tewolde, H., Brink, G.E. 2008. Laboratory and field evaluation of broiler litter nitrogen meralization. Bioresource Technology. 99:2603-2611
Maturity and Season Effects on Yield and Quality of Temperate Perennial Grasses - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2007. Maturity and Season Effects on Yield and Quality of Temperate Perennial Grasses. Proceedings of American Forage and Grassland Council Conference. p. 85.
Yield, Quality, and Sward Differences in Grasses - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2007. Yield, Quality, and Sward Differences in Grasses. Proceedings of Northern Illinois Profitable Pastures Symposium. p.27-32
Canopy Structure and Forage Quality Differences among Temperate Grasses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D., Hall, M. 2007. Canopy structure and forage quality differences among temperate grasses. Crop Science. 47:2182-2189.
History repeats itself: Good management NOW makes FUTURE management easier - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2007. History repeats itself: Good management NOW makes FUTURE management easier. In: Proceedings of the Lancaster Profitable Pastures for South Western Wisconsin Winter Symposium, February 13, 2007, Lancaster, Wisconsin. p. 1-6.
Effects of Harvest Timing on Estimates of Rumen Degradable Protein from Alfalfa Forages - (Abstract) - (12-Feb-07)
Broiler litter application rate effects on bermudagrass nutrient uptake and phosphorus level of soils differing in application history - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brink, G.E., Sistani, K.R., Oldham, J.L., Kingery, W.E., Johnson, B. 2008. Broiler litter application rate effects on bermudagrass nutrient uptake and phosphorus level of soils differing in application history. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 31:79-94.
Rate of yield and quality change in alfalfa - (Proceedings/Symposium) - (11-Dec-06)
Broiler Litter Application Date on Bermudagrass in Southeastern U.S. - (Abstract)
Sistani, K.R., Adeli, A., Tewolde, H., Brink, G.E. 2006. Broiler Litter Application Date on Bermudagrass in Southeastern U.S.. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts CD.
Harvesting Annual Ryegrass to Remove Excess Soil Nutrients in a Bermudagrass Pasture Fertilized with Broiler Litter - (Abstract)
Read, J.J., Sistani, K.R., Brink, G.E., Oldham, J.L. 2006. Harvesting annual ryegrass to remove excess soil nutrients in a bermudagrass pasture fertilized with broiler litter [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. Paper 65-6, CD-ROM.
The Tradeoff Between Alfalfa Yield and Quality - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2006. The Tradeoff Between Alfalfa Yield and Quality. In: Proceedings of the Forage Industry Extension Advisory Council, November 10, 2006, LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
Evaluating the Potential of Meadow Fescue for Grazing Lands - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2006. Evaluating the Potential of Meadow Fescue for Grazing Lands. Proceedings of the Third National Grazing Lands Conference, December 10-13, 2006, St. Louis, Missouri.
Should Yield or Quality be the 'Rule' at Alfalfa Harvest Time? - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2006. Should Yield or Quality be the 'Rule' at Alfalfa Harvest Time? In: Proceedings fo the 2006 World Dairy Expo, October 3-7, 2006, Madison, Wisconsin.
Optimum Broiler litter application timing on coastal bermudagrass in southeastern U.S. - (Abstract)
Sistani, K.R., Adeli, A., Tewolde, H., Brink, G.E. Optimum Broiler litter application timing on coastal bermudagrass in southeastern U.S.. World Congress of Soil Science. July 9-15, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Abstract, CDROM
A Review of USDFRC Grazing Research - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2006. A review of USDFRC grazing research. In: Proceedings of the Central Wisconsin River Graziers Network, June 29, 2006, Marshfield, Wisconsin.
Grazing-Based Dairy Production in Wisconsin - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2006. Grazing-Based Dairy Production in Wisconsin.In: Proceedings of the Illinois Extension Grazing Group, June 26, 2006, Madison, Wisconsin.
Effects of broiler litter and nitrogen fertilization on uptake of major nutrients by coastal bermudagrass - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Read, J.J., Brink, G.E., Oldham, J.L., Kingery, W.L., Sistani, K.R. 2006. Effects of broiler litter and nitrogen fertilization on uptake of major nutrients by coastal bermudagrass. Agronomy Journal. 98:1065-1072.
Exploiting the Potential Differences in Pasture Grasses - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2006. Exploiting the Potential Differences in Pasture Grasses. In: Proceedings of the Fond du Lac Winter's Grazier's Meeting, March 8, 2006, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
Rate of Yield and Quality Change in Alfalfa - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E., Hall, M.P., Shewmaker, G.E., Martin, N.P., Undersander, D.J., Walgenbach, R.P. 2006. Rate of yield and quality change in alfalfa. Proceedings of Idaho Alfalfa and Forage Conference. p. 5-10.
Alfalfa Yield and Quality Relationships Within Individual Harvests - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E., Hall, M.H., Shewmaker, G.E., Martin, N.P., Undersander, D.J., Walgenbach, R.P. 2006. Alfalfa yield and quality relationships within individual harvests. In: Proceedings of the American Forage and Grassland Conference, March 11-13, 2006, Austin, Texas. 2006 CDROM.
Evaluating Pasture Grasses: Fescues and Other Freaks of Nature - (Proceedings/Symposium) - (10-Feb-06)
Effects of Overseeding Bermudagrass with Annual Ryegrass on Removal of Excess Soil Nutrients from Broiler Litter Applications - (Abstract)
Read, J.J., Sistani, K.R., Brink, G.E., Rowe, D.E., Oldham, J.L. 2005. Effects of overseeding bermudagrass with annual ryegrass on removal of excess soil nutrients from broiler litter applications [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. 2005 CDROM.
Mineralization of Broiler Litter Nitrogen: Laboratory Incubation and Field Validation - (Abstract)
Sistani, K.R., Adeli, A., Tewolde, H., Brink, G.E., Read, J.J., Owens, P. 2005. Mineralization of broiler litter nitrogen: laboratory incubation and field validation. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meeting. Agronomy Abstracts, CD Nov 2005.
Maturity Effects on Mineral Concentration and Uptake in Annual Ryegrass - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brink, G.E., Sistani, K.R., Oldham, J.L., Pederson, G.A. 2006. Maturity effects on mineral concentration and uptake in annual ryegrass. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 29:1143-1155.
Seasonal Morphology and Forage Quality of Temperate Grasses - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2005. Seasonal morphology and forage quality of temperate grasses [abstract][CD-ROM]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 6-10, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT.
Sward Structures and Quality Differences among Temperate Grasses - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.B., Casler, M.D. 2005. Sward structure and quality differences among temperate grasses. In: Proceedings of the American Forage and Grassland Council. June 12-14, 2005, Bloomington, IL. 2005 CDROM.
Bergmudagrass Production and Nutrient Uptake When Substituting Broiler Litter Nitrogen with Mineral Nitrogen - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Read, J.J., Brink, G.E., Kingery, W.L., Oldham, J.L. 2005. Bergmudagrass production and nutrient uptake when substituting broiler litter nitrogen with mineral nitrogen [abstract]. Proceedings Mississippi Water Resources Conference and 2nd Symposium on Safe Management and Utilization of Animal Waste. p. 43.
Grass Sward Structure: An Alternative Method of Measuring Potential Pasture Utilization - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E. 2005. Grass swards structure: An alternative method of measuring potential pasture utilization. In: Proceedings of Northwest Wisconsin Grazing Symposium, March 29, 2005, Stetsonville, Wisconsin. p. 8.
Polyphenol Oxidase Activity, O-Diphenols, Browning, and in Vitro Proteolytic Inhibition in Grasses - (Abstract)
Hatfield, R.D., Marita, J.M., Brink, G.E. 2005. Polyphenol oxidase activity, o-diphenols, browning, and in vitro proteolytic inhibition in grasses [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. Paper No. 241-3.
Determination of Polyphenol Oxidase Activity (Ppo) and Proteolytic Inhibition in Grasses - (Abstract)
Marita, J.M., Hatfield, R.D., Brink, G.E. 2005. Determination of polyphenol oxidase activity (PPO) and proteolytic inhibition in grasses [abstract]. Plant Biology. p. 210.
Sward Structure: All Grasses Are Not Equal - (Abstract) - (25-Feb-05)
USDA ARS Nutrient Management Research Laboratoy 50% Submission - (Abstract)
Marita, J.M., Hatfield, R.D., Brink, G.E. 2005. Polyphenol oxidase activity and in vitro proteolytic inhibition in grasses [abstract]. XIVth International Silage Conference. p. 210.
Preparing Grasses in the Fall for Spring Production - (Abstract) - (10-Feb-05)
Polyphenol Oxidase Activity and in Vitro Proteolytic Inhibition in Grasses - (Abstract)
Marita, J.M., Hatfield, R.D., Brink, G.E. 2005. Polyphenol oxidase activity and in vitro proteolytic inhibition in grasses. In: O'Mara, F.P., Wilkins, L., 't Mannetje, D.K., Lovett, R.A., Rogers, M., Boland, T.J., editors. XX International Grassland Congress: Offered Papers. Paper# 220.
Sward Structure and Quality of Temperate Grasses - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2004. Sward structure and quality of temperate grasses [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Paper No. 6496.
Nutrient Uptake of Swine Effluent-Fertilized Bermudagrass During Primary Spring and Summer Growth - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brink, G.E., Pederson, G.A., Sistani, K.R. 2005. Nutrient uptake of swine effluent-fertilized bermudagrass during primary spring and summer growth. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 28:1337-1346.
Nutrient Uptake of Hybrid and Common Bermudagrass Fertilized with Broiler Litter - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Brink, G.E., Sistani, K.R., Rowe, D.E. 2004. Nutrient uptake of hybrid and common bermudagrass fertilized with broiler litter. Agronomy Journal. 96:1509-1515.
Forage Yield and Plant Reflectance in Annual Ryegrass Fertilized with Poultry Litter - (Abstract)
Read, J.J., Sistani, K.R., Brink, G.E., Rowe, D.E. 2004. Forage yield and plant reflectance in annual ryegrass fertilized with poultry litter [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. 2004 CDROM.
Bermudagrass Cultivar Response to Broiler Litter Fertilization - (Peer Reviewed Journal) - (10-Apr-04)
Phosphorus Removal in Forage Systems - (Proceedings/Symposium)
Brink, G.E., Sistani, K.R. 2004. Phosphorus removal in forage systems. American Forage and Grassland Council Conference Proceedings.
Optimizing Pasture Quality and Allowance - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E. 2004. Optimizing pasture quality and allowance. Proc. Southwest Wisconsin Profitable Pastures Seminar.
The Grass Works Pasture Survey - (Abstract)
Brink, G.E., Casler, M.D. 2004. The grass works pasture survey. Proc. Wisconsin Grazing Conference.
Year-Round Soil Nutrients Dynamics from Broiler Litter Applications to Bermudagrass - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sistani, K.R., Brink, G.E., Adeli, A., Tewolde, H., Rowe, D.E. 2004. Year-round soil nutrients dynamics from broiler litter application to bermudagrass cultivars. Agronomy Journal. 96:525-530.
Seasonal Tillering Patterns in Grazed Orchardgrass - (Abstract)
BRINK, G.E. 2003. SEASONAL TILLERING PATTERNS IN GRAZED ORCHARDGRASS in 2003. [CD-ROM]. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, ARS.
Seasonal and Management Impact on Broiler Cake Nutrient Composition - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sistani, K.R., Adeli, A., Brink, G.E., Tewolde, H., Rowe, D.E. 2004. Seasonal and management impact on broiler cake nutrient composition. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 24:27-37.
Soil Nutrient Dynamic from Broiler Litter Applications to Bermudagrass - (Abstract)
Sistani, K.R., Brink, G.E., Adeli, A., Tewolde, H., Rowe, D.E. 2003. Soil nutrient dynamic from broiler litter application to bermudagrass. Agronomy Abstracts. CD-ROM.
Fertilization and Irrigation of Bermudagrass on High Phosphorus Soils - (Abstract)
Rowe, D.E., Sistani, K.R., Brink, G.E. 2003. Fertilization and irrigation of bermudagrass on high phosphorus soils [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. CD-ROM.
White Clover Morphology Changes with Stress Treatments - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Seker, H., Rowe, D.E., Brink, G.E. 2003. White clover morphology changes with stress treatments. Agronomy Journal. 43:2218-2225.
Suitability of Bacterial Indicators in Identifying Runoff from Poultry Litter Amended Soil - (Abstract)
El Balaa, M.F., Adeli, A., Rowe, D.E., Brink, G.E. 2003. Suitability of bacterial indicators in identifying runoff from poultry litter amended soil [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. CD-ROM.
Development of a Model System to Study Impacts of Manure Management Practices on Microbiological Water Quality - (Abstract)
El Balaa, M.F., Brink, G.E., Adeli, A., Rowe, D.E. 2003. Development of a model system to study impacts of manure management practices on microbiological water quality [abstract]. International Poultry Scientific Forum. p. 14.
Survival of Salmonella Typhimurium in Four Soil Microcosms As Affected by Soil Type and Incubation Temperature - (Abstract)
El Balaa, M.F., Adeli, A., Brink, G.E., Chilukuri, A., Mclaughlin, M.R., Rowe, D.E. 2002. Survival of salmonella typhimurium in four soil microcosms as affected by soil type and incubation temperature [abstract]. Agronomy Abstracts. CD-ROM.

Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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