NIH Intramural Administrative Officers' Meeting

Bldg. 10, Clinical Center, Medical Board Room (10/2C116)

Thursday, May 5, 2005 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Next Meetings:

June 2, 2005

June 14, 2005

1:00-3:00 pm

9:30a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

Bldg 10, Room 2C116

Bldg 31, Conf Rm. 6C10



Adams, Linda NHGRI

Barrett, Sheila NIBIB

Lewis, Danielle

Betson, Ginger NIDCR

Walton, Tina

Burrell, Eve NICHD

Maraio, Ruth

Ferreira, Ana NINR

Fitzgerald, Pamela NIMH

Fonrose, Nadine OIR/OD

Harrelson, Susan NIDDK

Hennings, Marsha NIAMS

Le, Truc NINDS

Ng, Cathy NCI

Hill, Kristie

Perry, Katy NIAID

Sandler, Brenda NIAAA

Siegel, Donna NCI

Langley, Kelli

Tosten, Tim NIMH

Unger, Gary NHLBI

Broadnex, I.

Wiggins, Bruce NIEHS

Minutes: Prepared by Francie Kitzmiller, NIDDK

Closed Session (1:00 - 2:30)

1) Presentation on EHRP job aids and discussion about HHS Exit Survey - Sarah Hochuli and Tim Newman

Human Resources (HR) has been conducting exit surveys for about a year and a half. They are on-line surveys that are sent to the departing employees. Unfortunately, at this time, they are not capturing the non-FTE fellows and many of the FTE folks. This is a confidential survey which inquiries as to why they are leaving such as a personal event, better job opportunity, dissatisfaction with supervisor, etc.
There is currently a low participation rate, about 15% of all the exiting employees complete this survey. Therefore, the data is not as accurate as HR would like. Again, it is only capturing some of the FTE employees at this time.
HR would like to increase this participation rate. Part of the issue in getting the surveys out is the absence of a forwarding e-mail address on the EHRP action. Their goal today is to make us aware of their efforts and ask that we have this data added to the EHRP action. The e-mail address could be added to the comments field of the EHRP action and this would enable the HR staff to forward the exit survey.
Also, to provide us with assistance as to who might actually be falling off the roles, there is a report in EHRP that can be run. The HE0286 report will provide a listing of the pending positions that have NTE's within the current pay period. This report may help to assist the Admin Office in tracking these appointments before they fall off the roles.

The following is a link to the EHRP website which contains the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting as well as all the EHRP job aids and queries. The Power Point Presentation is located under the What's New section. <>

2) Open Procurement Document Conversion - Linda Adams

Linda provided a hand-out of the Open Procurement Document Conversion which is the conversion of ADB data to the New Business System (NBS). She was informed that the IC Advocates will be taking the lead on this in orchestrating the implementation. This conversion is a huge undertaking for the NBS committee, not to mention for the NIH community as a whole.
NCI is going to be a pilot during June to hopefully work out the bugs. The implementation will apparently be done in phases with the first phase beginning shortly after NCI has completed the pilot. No official date was given for the date as to when that will be. The information provided to Linda was that the Advocates will receive an initial spreadsheet from the NBS which will provide them with the open commitments for their IC from a particular date. How this will actually work, especially after the initial spreadsheet, is still a bit sketchy however they expect it to continue through October. Ordering will continue to be performed so it is unclear as to how this will work but the Advocates should receive more information at their next meeting.
Linda suggested that to reduce the number of open commitments an IC has, they should run a report from datawarehouse soon. This will help to see the issues you might be dealing with and also allow you to clean up those that can be resolved quickly.

3) IAO Grade & Position Description Sub-Committee - Results of NAPA survey - Katy Perry

The NAPA survey revealed a lot of good information for Bob Sauer. The AO participation was very high so he knows now that the AO's care a great deal about the NIH and the mission. Thanks to everyone for putting forth the effort.
The NAPA study showed that a lot of the increase to the AO workload comes from the consolidation of HR. Colleen Barros is working with Bob Sauer on what to do next. Katy Perry and Donna Siegel are the Intramural representatives on this committee which will hopefully serve as a focus group or the beginning of a focus group to provide guidance and recommendations to Colleen.

4) Discussion about the Administrative GS 14/15 Subcommittee -- ALL

There is a subcommittee that is reviewing the GS 14/15 positions for all Administrative positions within NIH This committee is looking into setting up standards for ease of getting the jobs through Bldg. 1 and HR as well as decrease the amount of time in getting them processed.
At this time the process is that a package is submitted to a committee to approve the position and then, once a candidate is selected, then another committee has to approve the person. The AO's are confused as to what duties each committee performs and the actual process.
Susan will contact Colleen on this topic to see if she will present to the IAO. Hopefully she can clarify the committees as to what their functions are and how the process works. Susan will also let Colleen know the representatives from the IAO who are interested in being on this committee.

5) A-76, which functions will be studied next - Susan

Susan provided a handout of the A-76 R000 Categorization Exercise so everyone can see how this function was sub-divided. It is unclear as to which positions will be studied at what times, but that is currently being looked at by a sub-committee. Gary Unger is an intramural representative on that sub-committee. Some IC's are alerting their people and others are not. However, the word is that everyone who is classified as commercial, non-core, will be studied at one point or another. It is basically an informational packet