Minutes of the NIH Intramural Administrative Officer's Meeting

December 6, 2001



Richard Freed, NIAID
Susan Harrelson, NIDDK
Larry Chloupek, NCI
John Slanson, NINDS
Olive P. Childers, OD/OIR
Nadine Fonrose, OD/OIR
Mary Slagle, NEI
Edie Smith, CIT
Mary Affeldt, NIDA
Marsha Henning, NIAMS
Bruce Wiggins, NIEHS
Ana Ferreira, NINR
Rene Smither, NIDCR
Robert Dennis, NIMH
Carroll Hanson, NHLBI
Eve Barrell, NICHD


Meeting of Principal Administrative Officers (Closed Session):


Rich Freed gave a vote of thanks to former IAO Chair, Robert Dennis and presented him with a cake for his forthcoming retirement.


Announcements were then made regarding:

Susan Harrelson, NIDDK as the new Co-Chair for IAO.

Sharon Gordon-Smith, NIAID as the new minutes taker for the IAO meetings.

Olive Childers introduced Nadine Fonrose as a new Administrative Officer within the OIR/OD.



I. DDIR and Scientific Directors Meetings…Olive Childers, OD/OIR Liaison



II. J1 Visa Issue

Dr Chen is still projecting J1 Visa issue for the end of December: no one knows if current J1 holders will be grandfathered in.


III. Executive Officer's Meeting Update…Rich Freed


IV. HHS Restructuring… Susan Harrelson



V. NBRSS Handout and update… Carroll Hanson



VI. Future Meeting Topics… Rich Freed

Rich asked the AO's to brainstorm ideas for next year's meetings and send their ideas to him by email.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 P.M., but AO's were invited to remain to view a training video on effectively conducting meetings.