NIH Intramural Administrative Officers' Meeting

Bldg. 10, Clinical Center, Medical Board Room (10/2C116)

 Thursday, November 2, 2006 - 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.


Next Meeting: December 7, 2006 - 12:30-2:30 p.m. - Bldg 10, Conference Room 2C116


Adams, Linda, OIR/OD

Fitzwater, Linda, NINR

Affeldt, Mary, NIDA

Betson, Ginger, NIDCR

Bullman-Jarvis, Laurie, ORS/ORF

Burton, Jennifer, OHR

Chloupek, Larry, NCI

Donamski, Jeff, NINDS

Fonrose, Nadine, OIR

Harrelson, Susan, NIDDK

Perry, Katy, NIAID

Rolfes, Ellen, NHGRI

Simmonds-Barnes, Denise, NCCAM

Strickland, Marlyn, CIT

Tosten, Tim, NIMH

Wiggins, Bruce, NIEHS

 Minutes: Prepared by Francie Kitzmiller, NIDDK


Closed Session (12:30 - 2:30)

1. HR issues

- email from Ann Nucci to all HR Branch chiefs concerning communications with ICs when preparing personnel packages.

Due to an "all hands" HR meeting, we were unable to have anyone from HR attend our meeting. However, Richie did communicate to Susan ahead of time several issues that he asked her to discuss. If there are any issues you want to discuss with him based on what information is relayed today, please contact him.

There are new procedures for Title 38 employees, new designations. More information is to be sent out soon.

Please refer to the e-mail from Ann Nucci. HR really wants to establish a better communication between HR and their customers. Richie & Ann are very passionate about this and committed to making this work. The e-mail outlines very nicely a lot of roles which were agreed upon with the AO Subcommittee. It will be presented to the EOs as well.

One question is whether there is a standard for the turnaround time for when a certification of eligibles is issued after a vacancy announcement closes. Another question concerned whose responsibility it is to do an "Above the Minimum" memo. Susan will go back to Richie for an answers on these questions.

One issue discussed was the topic of making the Title 42 pay model streamlined and discussing this with Dr. Gottesman. Larry will head the committee and they asked for volunteers. Ellen, Trish Scullion and Lynn Penn were volunteered to be on this committee with Larry.


 2. Miscellaneous Issues - Susan & Tim

a) Succession planning, new co-chair for IAO next year? Nominations?

Two nominations for the next chair/co-chairs. The plan is to have the switch occur for the January 2007 meeting:

Ellen Rolfes, NHGRI

Laurie Bullman, ORF


b) Ideas for times/places/days for next year's meetings?

With the change in chairs, should we change the times/place/days? Tim will send out an e-mail and try to get a consensus.


3. Progress on vision committee/IAO retreat/logistics support of IAO meetings - Laurie Bullman

Laurie is setting up a logistics meeting next week for this group. They are going to look at putting together a contract for logistical support for the monthly meetings, retreat, etc. The idea is to rotate the cost between the various IC's to cover this cost instead of having everyone commit funds each year.


4. Pilot test in NHGRI of implementation of new performance management system - Ellen Rolfes, NHGRI

Handouts were provided for our review and questions consisting of sample reports

Ellen presented her first draft of a possible implementation for the awards for the new performance management system that she is piloting in her IC. She has met with a few of the lab/branch chiefs and it seems to be working rather well. She agreed to share with us the name of the report from VEDS which was used as a draft to import into an EXCEL spreadsheet and have other columns added to do "what if" projection planning. She will provide another update at the next IAO meeting.


5. AO Pipeline - Barbara Merchant, EO, NIDDK

Handout titled: AO Pipeline Committee Update

Barbara presented the accomplishments to date from this committee, including: new recruitment brochures, recruitment web pages, corporate recruiting for entry-level AOs, new Administrative Fellowship program, i.e., "intern, and University outreach initiatives.

Tim will do another presentation on this at the December meeting and possibly even at the next IAO\EO meeting. He will talk more about the Administrative Fellowship program.


6. AO competency model - Laurie Bullman-Jarvis

Handout titled: NIH Administrative Competency Model; Strategic Planning Working Group.

Laurie gave us an update on what this working group has been doing since the EO/AO Retreat in November 2005. She also went through the draft format of the competencies and proposed next steps for this process


Upcoming meetings:

November,14, 2006, Combined EAO/ IAO meeting in building 1, Wilson Hall, 9:30-11:00. Topics of interest include: Corridor Clean up - NIH Fire Marshall, and NBS Organizational Impact, Deborah Fountain/Judy Duff. All AOs encouraged to attend.

November 9, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, Masur Auditorium, DDM Seminar Series, Dr. Robert Kriegel, "Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers: Creating a Change-Ready Organization". All AOs encouraged to attend